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World of Origin Roshar

Rockbuds are plants with rock-like shells native to Roshar. The term refers to all plants that have shells as well as to the "True" or "Common" Rockbud.[1] The shell protects the more sensitive organism within from highstorms. After storms, tendrils reach out of the bud to lap up the water on the ground.

Domestic Cultivation

The vines of domestic rockbuds have slower reactions than that of wild buds. [2] the Listeners are known to accelerate growth of rockbuds using stormlight from gemstones. Temperate climates will stunt the growth of rockbuds, in warmer areas buds can grow to the size of a mans head however in the colder frostlands they grow no bigger than a fist.Template:Bookref 13)


Rockbuds provide a variety of uses. They contain watergourds which can be used for medicinal purposes, provide food for both chull and human consumption, and dried rockbud pulp is used in paper making.


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