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Ivory Jasnah.png
Type Spren
Abilities Nahel bond, Elsecaller magic, Splinters
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for Oathbringer!
Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.

You think by facts. You change not on simple whims. You are as you are.

The inkspren are a race of sapient spren that dwell primarily in the Cognitive Realm of Roshar.

They tend to be attracted to people who are logical and willing to think through their decisions as opposed to acting on instinct.[2] They form Nahel Bonds, giving people the powers of the Order of Elsecallers.[3]

Appearance and Culture

Inkspren appear as black human-shaped figures dressed all in black. They have been described as being coated in what seems to be oil, and as having a mother-of-pearl or prismatic quality to their look.[4]

They dislike humans for their irrational and changing nature, considering them unstable. Their society as a whole is hostile to the idea of reforming the Knights Radiant, believing that death is the only option for a bonded spren. It's implied they'd be willing to kill a bonded human to "rescue" their kinsmen from such a fate, even if the bonded inkspren entered the bond willingly.[1]


Unlike some other types of spren, inkspren cannot make themselves invisible to humans; they are, however, capable of drastically changing their size. Their upper limit is unknown, but they can become as small as a speck of dust, letting them move about unseen.[5] They are also capable of blending into shadows.[4][6]

Inkspren are one of the spren types capable of forming Nahel Bonds with humans. The bond makes a person a Surgebinder, and grants the powers of Transformation and Transportation.[7]



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