
Revision as of 15:32, 27 December 2017 by Fbstj (talk | contribs) (migrate date)

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Died 1172[citation needed]
Profession Kaladin's squad
Homeworld Roshar

Take it. It's yours. Stormfather, Kaladin. You're a Shardbearer!

—Coreb urging Kaladin to take the Shardblade[1]

Coreb is a darkeyed soldier in Kaladin's squad in Highmarshal Meridas Amaram's army on Roshar.[1]


Coreb joined Kaladin's squad in Amaram's army.[2] He became the highest ranked of the men under Kaladin's command, as well as the best fighter among them. In 1172, Coreb fought in the battle where a full Shardbearer, Helaran Davar, made an attempt to kill Amaram.[1] Coreb joined Kaladin in his charge on the Shardbearer. Coreb, Hab, Alabet, and Reesh were the only men of Kaladin's squad to survive the fight with the Helaran. Coreb witnessed Kaladin's defeat of the Shardbearer. When Helaran died, Coreb was stunned, urging Kaladin to take the Shardblade for himself. However, Kaladin was disgusted by the Blade. Kaladin left the battlefield, telling Coreb that he did not want the Blade and that it was Coreb's Blade now.

Later that day, Coreb was summoned to Amaram's warcenter, along with Kaladin and the other survivors of the squad.[2] Kaladin repeated his desire to give the Shards to Coreb. Amaram instead ordered his men to kill the surviving four men of Kaladin's squad. Coreb was the last to fall. Although he initially did not scream, backing away from the soldiers, in his final moments, he fell to his knees and begged for his life. One of Amaram's soldiers cut off Coreb's head, killing him.

Although Coreb was killed, Kaladin remembered Coreb fondly, and the memory of Coreb's death helped to fuel Kaladin's hatred of Amaram.[3]


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Windrunner (talk) 01:51, 21 December 2016 (MST)