Halam Khal

From The Coppermind
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Halam Khal
Parents General Khal, Teshav
Profession Captain in Kholin army
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
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Captain Halam Khal is a captain and shardbearer in the Kholin army.[1]


Nothing is known of Captain Khal's early life, except that he was born to General Khal and Teshav.[1] He was a member of the war party lead by Dalinar Kholin out onto the Shattered Plains to fight the Parshendi. He fought in the Battle of Narak. His father lent him his own Shardplate and Shardblade when Captain Khal fought with the less skilled armies on Highprince Roion's front.

Despite Captain Khal's best efforts, Roion's troops were routed by the Parshendi.[2] Trapped and nearly overwhelmed, Captain Khal was rescued when Brightlady Navani's artifabrians put their moisture-attracting fabrials into action, allowing archers to give Khal and his men cover as they retreated. Captain Khal returned from the front on foot, bearing Teleb's Blade, which he had recovered from the other man's corpse.[3] He was sent to another part of the battlefield immediately upon his return,[4] and his ultimate fate in the battle remains unknown.


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Chaos2651 (talk) 14:11, 3 September 2016 (MST)