Senne Khald

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Senne Khald
Groups Worldsingers
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Senne Khald is a Worldsinger on Roshar.[1] As part of her apprenticeship, she was assigned by Hoid to write a treatise on the Radiant Orders, which she releases in the thirty-first year of the Sixth Epoch.


She finds formality and efficiency to be obnoxious, and thus she often finds herself irritated by Windrunners.[1]

She deeply appreciates the Edgedancers for how they bring beauty into the world, and how they assist the poor, sick, and destitute.[2]


At some point in the Sixth Epoch, she became an apprentice Worldsinger to Hoid.[1]

In the thirty-first year of the Sixth Epoch, she was assigned a task to document the Radiant Orders after studying the Lightweavers.[3] She began on Vevisach with a treatise on the Order of Windrunners.[1] On Palahesah, she worked on a treatise about the Skybreakers,[4] and on Palahachan she wrote another on the Dustbringers.[5]

On Palahevev she wrote of the Edgedancers,[2] and on Palahashes she wrote about the Truthwatchers.[6] On Palahabach, she wrote about the Lightweavers,[3] and on Palakakah, she wrote about the Elsecallers.[7] On Palahishan, she wrote about the Willshapers.[8]

On Shashesev, she wrote about the Stonewards.[9]


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