Oathbringer (Shardblade)

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Oathbringer (Shardblade)
Blackthorn by Petar Penev.jpg
Type Shardblade
Owners Sunmaker (former), Tanalan's father (former), Torol Sadeas (former), Meridas Amaram (former), Dalinar Kholin (former & current)
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Oathbringer. Passed from tyrant to tyrant to tyrant.

Oathbringer is the name given to a deadeye Stoneward[2] Shardblade closely associated with Brightlord Dalinar Kholin.[3] Other wielders include Sadees, Tanalan's father, Torol Sadeas, and Meridas Amaram.

Appearance and Character

The blade is six feet long, slightly curved and a handspan wide, making it broader than most of its kind.[4] It has wavelike serrations near the crossguard, and curves like a fisherman's hook near the tip.[3][5] The hilt is long enough to allow the wielder to use both hands, even while wearing gauntlets.[6] While in the possession of Dalinar, Oathbringer has a heliodor set into its pommel,[7] possibly after a previous gemstone was cracked in battle.[8] This is notable as heliodor is the polestone of the Radiant Order of Bondsmiths, of which Dalinar is the first since the Recreance.

Unlike most other dead Shardblades, Oathbringer appears to have some degree of awareness of its surroundings. According to the Stormfather, it remembers the day Dalinar bonded it, as well as the day he discarded it, and his reasons for doing the latter. Because of this, it reacts to his touch far less violently than other dead Blades.[4]


Prior to the Day of Recreance, Oathbringer belonged to a Knight Radiant of the Order of Stonewards.[2]

Oathbringer was the Shardblade of the infamous Alethi king Sadees the Sunmaker.[9] After his death, it was passed down through various owners until eventually ending in the hands of the elder Highprince Tanalan.[9] Dalinar, aged twenty at the time, defeated Tanalan at the Rift; the younger Tanalan, who was only seven years old at the time, briefly attempted to defend his father with Oathbringer before Dalinar took for himself and bonded it.[3][9]

Dalinar wielded Oathbringer for many decades and in a number of battles, including the unification of Alethkar, the second conflict at the Rift, and the War of Reckoning.[8][3] Following the Battle of the Tower, he traded it to Torol Sadeas for all of Sadeas' bridgemen as a way of thanking Kaladin and the rest of Bridge Four for saving the life of him and his men.[10][11]

Sadeas held Oathbringer for a little over two months, until shortly after the Battle of Narak. When Adolin Kholin killed him for threatening his family one time too many, he dropped it, and Adolin tossed it to a balcony below while trying to hide the murder.[12] It was later discovered by Bridge Four on a patrol and given to Dalinar, who kept it for a short while without bonding it before giving it to Ialai, Sadeas' widow. She bestowed the blade on Amaram, who bonded it despite already owning a different Shardblade.[4]

Oathbringer was carried by Amaram until the Battle of Thaylen Field, where he wielded two blades simultaneously before being shot to death with a Grandbow by Lunamor. As the latter refused to take up Amaram's Shards, the blade was once again reclaimed by Dalinar, who did not bond it again as per the Stormfather's wishes. Dalinar chose Oathbringer as the namesake for his book.[13]


  • A drawing of a Shardblade with a hooked tip in Shallan's sketchbook is often mistaken for Oathbringer, but Ben McSweeney has confirmed that it is a different Shardblade. Official, canonically accurate artworks of Oathbringer include the ones in Call to Adventure: Stormlight Archive and the end of part 4 illustration in the Way of Kings Leatherbound.
  • Throughout The Way of Kings, Oathbringer is referred to by name; however, when Dalinar summons it to give to Sadeas, it is simply "The Blade", perhaps implying that his perspective has changed and he no longer cares for fighting.


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