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== Appearance and Personality ==
== Appearance and Personality ==
Like other inkspren, Blended's entire body is ebony black, with an iridescent sheen in the right light. Her clothing, a knee-length with a blouse and shawl similar to attire worn by a Thaylen tradeswoman, is part of her essence. Blended has a round face and a small nose, outlined more clearly by faint variations in her color. She wears her hair pinned up in something similar to but not quite a braid.{{book ref|sa4|78}}
Like other inkspren, Blended's entire body is ebony black, with an iridescent sheen in the right light, similar to oil on water. Her clothing, a knee-length with a blouse and shawl similar to attire worn by a Thaylen tradeswoman, is part of her essence. Blended has a round face and a small nose, outlined more clearly by faint variations in her color. She wears her hair pinned up in something similar to but not quite a braid.{{book ref|sa4|78}}

Similar to other inkspren, she speaks in a direct and clipped manner. This is demonstrated by her simple, yet blunt statement that if a human tried to bond her, she would attack and attempt to kill them.{{book ref|sa4|78}}
Aidolin finds her name or peculiar.

Throughout her interactions with Aidolin, he notes that Blended has a habit of not looking at others when she has something difficult to say.{{book ref|sa4|78}}
Like all Inkspren so far, she speaks in a direct, yet also peculiar way. This is demonstrated by her simply, yet blunt statement that if a human tried to bond her, she would attack them.

Although she is the Inkspren representative to Lasting Integrity, and considered to be of the more diplomatic among her fellow Inkspren, it is clear there is no love lost between her and Honorspren, as she calls them "a stuck-up bunch of prim, overly polished buttons."
Aidonlin notes that Blended often receives glares and looks of distrust from honorspren. Although she is the inkspren representative to [[Lasting Integrity]], and considered to be of the more diplomatic among her fellow inkspren, it is clear there is no love lost between her and honorspren. In fact Blended referes to honorspren as "a stuck-up bunch of prim, overly polished buttons."{{book ref|sa4|78}}{{book ref|sa4|82}}

She has a habit of not looking at others when she has something difficult to say.
78 all

She is not liked by Honorspren 82

She can feel the Highstorm like a drumming in the back of her head 87
She can feel the Highstorm like a drumming in the back of her head 87

Revision as of 22:12, 13 January 2021

Blended is an inkspren on Roshar.[1]

She is the inkspren representative at Lasting Integrity and trains Adolin Kholin on honorspren law before his trial,[1] though she later also testifies against him.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Like other inkspren, Blended's entire body is ebony black, with an iridescent sheen in the right light, similar to oil on water. Her clothing, a knee-length with a blouse and shawl similar to attire worn by a Thaylen tradeswoman, is part of her essence. Blended has a round face and a small nose, outlined more clearly by faint variations in her color. She wears her hair pinned up in something similar to but not quite a braid.[1]

Similar to other inkspren, she speaks in a direct and clipped manner. This is demonstrated by her simple, yet blunt statement that if a human tried to bond her, she would attack and attempt to kill them.[1]

Throughout her interactions with Aidolin, he notes that Blended has a habit of not looking at others when she has something difficult to say.[1]

Aidonlin notes that Blended often receives glares and looks of distrust from honorspren. Although she is the inkspren representative to Lasting Integrity, and considered to be of the more diplomatic among her fellow inkspren, it is clear there is no love lost between her and honorspren. In fact Blended referes to honorspren as "a stuck-up bunch of prim, overly polished buttons."[1][3]

She can feel the Highstorm like a drumming in the back of her head 87

She feels that the Nahel bond with humans is not natural 87

She decides to leave Lasting Integrity and return to her people after the trial 97


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