
From The Coppermind
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The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works. Information about books that have not yet been released, like Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine!

Profession Ardent in the Devotary of the Mind
Residence Jokasha Monastery
Ethnicity Shin
Homeworld Roshar
This page or section contains spoilers for Oathbringer!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.

Urv is a Siln ardent st Jokasha Monastery.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Urv is tall and gangly. As a Shin, he likely has the lighter skin and round eyes of that ethnicity. Ellista describes him as obnoxiously loud, but he has shown the ability to remain quiet when he chooses. He enjoys Alethi epics and seems to flirt with Ellista.[1]


He read An Accountability of Virtue and its sequel. He was one of the ardents working on translating Bendthel's collection of the Dawnchant, but made less progress than Ellista. He got stuck working on the Covad Fragment as he did not realize it wasn't true Dawnchant but a phonetic transcription of another language. He lends Ellista the sequel to An Accountability of Virtue in exchange for her help translating a section of Dawnchant for one of his patrons.[1]


This page is probably complete!
This page contains most of the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
It has yet to be reviewed.