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Groups Bridge Four
Homeworld Roshar

Leyten was one of the members of Bridge Four on Roshar that survived the Battle of the Tower.

On the first bridge run after Kaladin's promotion to bridgeleader, Leyten sustained severe injuries which proved to be almost fatal.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content Kaladin, however, used his skills of a surgeon to save Leyten and brought him back to the barracks by tying him to the top of the bridge on bridge four's return to Sadeas's war camp.

Though Leyten had the worst injuries of the three bridgemen Kaladin saved, he later made a recovery and helped compensate for the other bridgemen's absence in chasm duty due to their secret training in spear combat by Kaladin.

As Leyten was formerly a blacksmith's apprentice before being put into Bridge Four, he was vital in the production of the carapace armor suits used by the Bridge Crew.


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