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Species Chicken
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Jeksonofnone is a bright green bird on Roshar that is able to mimic human speech.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Jeksonofnone is about two fists tall with sleek green plumage. He stays on a perch in his cage using his clawed feet. He exhibits a noticeable personality as he studies people.[1]

Attributes and Abilities

Like all birds, he is referred to as a "chicken" by Rosharans outside of Shinovar.[2] The Shin name for his species is not known, but it lives throughout the region. Because his species is relatively intelligent and can be trained, it is not typically eaten as meat.[1]


Jeksonofnone was under the care of a Thaylen man when Shallan saw him at the Middlefest Fair. Shallan had never seen a similar "chicken", and was shocked when his owner had him speak his name on command, accusing him of being a voidbringer.


  • The name "Jeksonofnone" mimics the naming conventions used by humans in Shinovar. The name is likely a nod to "Jeksonsonvallano", the original name of Szeth in The Way of Kings Prime.[3] Brandon liked the name Jek but had to change it to Szeth after modifying Shin linguistics.[4]
  • Jeksonofnone's appearance is described similarly to some species of Aviar, but he is not an Aviar.[5]


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It has yet to be reviewed.