
Revision as of 12:29, 8 November 2019 by Rasarr (talk | contribs)

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Abilities Fused, Cognitive Shadow
Groups Fused
Species Singer
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Though you are the children of traitors, your war here is to be commended. You faced our hereditary enemies and gave no quarter, even when doomed.

— Hariel to Venli[1]

Hariel is a Fused who possessed Demid.[1]

Appearance and Personality

He has a large, statuesque, physique, and has a powerful stance, and broad chest. He is far taller than Venli when she is in Envoyform, and after possessing Demid his body pulses with a deep purple color that fades soon after, and Hariel appears pleased by him having it.[1]

According to Ulim, Hariel has one of the worst tempers of all the Fused. However Ulim concedes that since Hariel seems to be able to think clearly, unlike many of the other Fused, he may be one of the sane ones.[1]

Hariel dislikes Ulim because of his human-like ways.


When Venli requests that Demid be revived, Hariel informs her that Demid has already passed into the beyond, and cannot be brought back.[1] Hariel then informs Venli that Odium has a purpose for her, and takes her to Alethkar.[1]


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