
Revision as of 21:50, 10 December 2020 by Theoryspren (talk | contribs)

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This page or section contains spoilers for Rhythm of War!
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Abilities Lightweaver
Bonded With Ornament
Groups Knights Radiant (Lightweavers)
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

I think we all hide pain to an extent.

—Beryl to Shallan[1]

Beryl is a Lightweaver on Roshar bonded to Ornament.[2] She has not yet earned her Blade.[1]

Appearance and Personality

She is a tall darkeyed Alethi woman with luscious black hair and tan skin. Beryl has delicate, supple fingers.[1] Her personality is described as sunny despite her .[1]



She instinctively changes her own appearance and often uses this to enhance her appearance.[1] However, Beryl can not lightweave anything else. She attempted to use drawing to form lightweavings like Shallan, but is no good at it.[3]


She is good at soulcasting and found that by carrying around lavis seeds it is easier to transform things into lavis grain. She has shown Vathah this trick and he agreed it was easier to Soulcast with the seeds.


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