
The Well of Ascension

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<The Well of Ascension>
Mistborn 2.jpg
Mistborn trilogy
Follows Mistborn: The Final Empire
Precedes The Hero of Ages
Released August 21, 2007
Publisher Tor Books
ISBN 978-0-7653-1688-2
Annotations Portal

The Well of Ascension is the second volume of the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. They did the impossible by deposing the godlike being whose brutal rule had lasted a thousand years. Confronted with the rebuilding of an empire, Elend Venture and Vin struggle with the siege of Luthadel from three separate armies, with only one possible hope in the legend of the Well of Ascension.

Plot Summary

Almost a year has passed since the revolution that deposed the Lord Ruler. Elend Venture has transformed the ancient empire's capital city into a democratic kingdom which he presides over. Standing atop the walls of Luthadel alongside Hammond, Elend observes the approaching army of Straff Venture – his father, come to claim Luthadel as his own. Realising he is outnumbered his elected council, who's members include every social class from skaa to nobleman, are expected to capitulate the city to the invading force. Having made a full recovery since her duel with the Lord Ruler, Vin sails across the tops of Luthadel towards her rendezvous with OreSeur – a kandra Contracted to her since Kelsier's death. She is assaulted by Allomancers whom she dispatches with effort and a little help from a being she nicknamed the Watcher. OreSeur is injured in the attack and Vin's prejudice for kandra is shown in her scorn for OreSeur's abilities and ideology.

Main Characters

She struggles with her love of Elend whilst she protects him from enemy Allomancers, fighting with Zane until finally choosing to believe she is the Hero of Ages, she finds the Well of Ascension and lets the powers contained there dissipate, releasing Ruin.
He attempts to rule his new kingdom fairly, by the constitution he created. He is eventually deposed.
Spends his time deciphering Kwaan's inscription, to later discover that Ruin was altering it. Falls in love with Tindwyl


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