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This page or section contains spoilers for Rhythm of War!
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Power Steal Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, grant kandra partial sapience, possibly others
Metal type God Metal (Trell)
Properties Hide people from Harmony
Universe Cosmere

Trellium is the God Metal used by Paalm to hide from Harmony's sight and evade capture. The metal is from a Shard of Adonalsium currently known in the cosmere but which particular Shard is unknown.[1][2] The metal is not known to Harmony. The name is in reference to the force currently known only as Trell on Scadrial, and the metal is associated with that "god", theorized to be a Shard.[3]

Trellium is a silvery metal with a red cast to it, and dark red spots similar to rust.[4][5]

Allomantic Use

When burned by an Allomancer, trellium has unknown properties.[6]

Feruchemical Use

When used by a Feruchemist, trellium has unknown properties.[6]

Hemalurgic Use

Trellium can steal Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities and grant them to kandra.[5] Presumably its Hemalurgic ability is similar to that of Atium, allowing the transfer of any ability with somewhat variable success depending on the binding point.

Using it as a Hemalurgic spike can keep the user hidden from Harmony.[7][8] This has a limited effect, however, and any more than a single spike will make the user visible to Harmony. It is an inherent property of the metal, and not a Hemalurgic attribute that hides the user.[7]

Hemalurgic Constructs

Hemalurgic chimeras are created when a living human is implanted with a trellium spike.[4] Due to their single spike, they are not susceptible to Harmony's control.


This page or section deals with theories or speculation.
Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical.

It is possible that this is the metal referred to by Miles Hundredlives in his last words as "the final metal."

Trellium is the God Metal, or an alloy of the God Metal, of a Shard that was known when it first appeared.[1][2] It cannot be of Ruin or Preservation, as Harmony does not recognize the metal;[5] it also cannot be of Ambition, Invention, Mercy, Valor, or Whimsy, as they were unknown when it first appeared;[1] and it has been confirmed to not be of Endowment.[9] It is almost certainly not the God Metal (or an alloy thereof) of Devotion, Dominion, or Honor as they are all Splintered,[10] which leaves Autonomy, Cultivation, and Odium as the remaining possibilities. Cultivation has exhibited few signs of interest in affairs beyond Roshar and it seems unlikely that she was responsible for the metal.

Though Odium's Intent seems to drive him towards conflict with the other Shards,[10][11] it is unlikely that he is responsible for trellium. Odium's God Metal, raysium, is bright gold,[12] which does not match the appearance of trellium;[5] though this does not rule out the possibility that trellium is an alloy of raysium. Additionally, he might be reluctant to commit the Investiture required to create trellium, especially while he is waging the True Desolation on Roshar—Rayse has always planned to avoid Investing in a planet,[13] though it is unclear whether Odium's new Vessel, Taravangian, has similar feelings. Furthermore, Harmony distinctly mentions Odium in his second letter to Hoid but shares that he is worried that a Shard or Shards he cannot identify are encroaching on Scadrial,[14] suggesting that Trell is not Odium or any of the other Shards Harmony is aware of.

By process of elimination, this suggests that trellium is of Autonomy. Notably, Autonomy is known among cosmere scholars as a Shard that often intervenes on other planets[15] and has avatars on First of the Sun and Obrodai;[16][17] Trell may be an avatar of Autonomy manifesting on Scadrial.


  • In the Alloy of Law: Masks of the Past adventure game supplement, trellium allows kandra to use the Allomantic or Feruchemical abilities of another Hemalurgic spike they are spiked with. They also cannot be controlled by Harmony or brass Allomancy but they also lose their blessing.
  • Brandon Sanderson has stated that "trellium" is an acceptable name for Paalm's metal.[18]


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