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Species Unmade
Homeworld Roshar

Sja-anat is one of the Unmade on Roshar.

Sja-anat was one of the two Unmade responsible for the corruption, and eventual fall, of Kholinar.

By the time of Oathbringer, Sja-anat demonstrates little loyalty to Odium, and tries to negotiate with Shallan to escape his service.


Sja-Anat has the ability to corrupt spren it comes into contact with. Spren affected by Sja-Anat begin to carry the taint of Odium, though the extent of his influence on the effected spren is unknown. Corrupted spren take on noticably different apperances - though the extent of the changes can vary, from the relatively minor changes seen on a painspren - ellongated fingernails and twisted fingers - to the complete change in from seen in a Truthwatcher's bonded spren - from a sparkle of light to a red snowflake. Both higher and lower spren are affected by SJa-anat's corruption, though whether the nature or extent of the taint varies between them is unclear.

Renarin's spren Glys was affected by the taint, and the taint has resulted in Renarin's visions of the future.

Sja-Anat's ability to corrupt spren includes spren trapped in fabrials, and can be used for specific purposes.

During one of Dalinar's visions[1], Sja-anat was linked to the raising of a Thunderclast. It is unknown if this ability is related to it's ability to corrupt spren, or is unique to Sja-Anat.


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