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Profession Guard
Groups Bridge Seventeen, Sadeas army (formerly), Kholin army
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Pitt is a bridgeman on Roshar during the War of Reckoning. He later serves under Kaladin as the sergeant of Bridge Seventeen.[1]

Appearance and Personality

He has strong features and short dark hair. Life as a bridgeman broke his spirit, and he recalls hoping that Bridge Four would fail when Kaladin instilled some pride into its members. After his bridge crew is liberated from Sadeas's control, he becomes earnest and hopeful.[1]


Pitt became a bridgeman under unknown circumstances and was assigned to Bridge Seventeen, a notoriously motley crew. Like most bridgemen, he only cared about keeping his head down and surviving, and was not pleased when Kaladin began organizing and training Bridge Four. After Sadeas's bridge crews were freed, Pitt was among the forty men chosen to train with Teft to potentially become sergeants in Kaladin's new chain of command.[2] During Pitt's training, he apologized to Kaladin for his previous attitude as a bridgeman, and Kaladin forgave him. Pitt was eager to take a leadership role in rehabilitating Bridge Seventeen.[1]

Bridge Seventeen, like other bridge crews, was slow to adapt to its new status as a platoon of legitimate soldiers. Kaladin gave a speech to Pitt and his men in the chasms before a training session with Teft, which seemed to inspire them.[3] They continued to make progress, and their members became noticeably more earnest. Pitt and the squad were complimented by Kaladin during one of his inspections, even though they still had a long way to go.[4] Bridge Seventeen was among the first of the bridge crews to be ready for patrol duty,[4] and some of the members were assigned to guard the leaders of House Kholin at the dueling arena.[5]


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Big Smooth (talk) 20:39, 10 August 2020 (UTC)