Order of Lightweavers

Revision as of 18:45, 6 October 2013 by Windrunner (talk | contribs)

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Order of Lightweavers
Shash glyph.svg
[[File:|x100px|{{{surge-}}}|left]] [[File:|x100px|{{{surge+}}}|right]]
Herald [[{{{herald}}}]]
Spren Unknown
Surges [[{{{surge-}}}]] & [[{{{surge+}}}]]
Plate spren Unknown
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere

The Order of the Lightweavers Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content was an order of the Knights Radiant on Roshar.

The Lightweavers were Surgebinders who used the two Surges, and they absorb Stormlight from gems. So far it is not know what powers the Lightweavers had. It is however believed that the order surely has to do with Lightweaving, a magic system shared on both Roshar and Yolen. They perhaps deal with illusions. It is very likely that they also used a Nahel bond.

Known Lightweavers

There are no known Lightweavers at this time.

Ideals of the Knights Radiant

The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, also known as The Immortal Words, are a set of rules by which the Radiant lived. The First Ideal, identical for all orders of the Radiants, is used as their motto. The four later Ideals were said to be different for each order of Radiants.

The First Ideal

Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.

—The First Ideal of the Knights RadiantCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content


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