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Profession Soldier
Ethnicity Darksider
Homeworld Taldain
Universe Cosmere

Flennid is an Elisian nobleman officer who traveled with Duchess Khrissalla's expedition to Dayside, along with Captain Deral and his unnamed lieutenant, Private Torth and another unnamed soldier.[1][2] His fate is unknown.

Appearance and Personality

Flennid is a sullen pessimist. He wears tricorne hat of the Elisian military and the maroon jacket of an Elisian officer; with gold stripes on the collar, trim, sleeves, and epaulettes. His pants are khaki and paired with brown calf-length boots.[1][3]


On deck of the ship after passing through the Terminal Storm, Professor Cynder notices Flennid checking his firearm openly. When Baon admonishes him that he was ordered to keep his pistol hidden, Flennid replied that it would not matter because Daysiders would not recognize what pistols were. He eventually complied, though his resentment was plain. When they arrive in the Kerztian port of Dosha-Har'Ken, Flennid and Torth disembark, leaving the third soldier on the ship to assist in offloading their luggage while Private Torth guards the offloaded supplies. Flennid then accompanies Khriss in searching out a merchant to procure other necessities. He was with them when they encountered the A'kar giving a speech in the market square.[1]

Don't let Flennid hear you. He's ready to fight them for no reason at all.

—Khriss, about Flennid, near Esh'Ker'Losh[3]

While travelling the Kerla, near Esh'Ker'Losh, Flennid aggressively stares at the armed Kerztians watching them pass by and warns Private Torth to watch for trouble from the warriors they pass. Duchess Khrissalla notes how he seems eager to fight.[3]

Upon arriving at the Diem's tents near Mount KraeDa, Flennid and Torth ride ahead because of the possibility of finding water—instead they discovered the massacre of the sand masters. When Torth showed Daazk one of the sashes, Daazk panicked and fled, shouting the Kerztian word for sand masters—Ry'Kensha. Flennid, not understanding the situation, thought he was yelling to summon an ambush and shot him in the back as he rode away. Baon confronts him about killing their guide, relieves him of his firearm, and orders them to recover Daazk's body to bring back to the tents. While Khriss and Baon are in the tent inventorying supplies, Flennid and Torth stole the tonk that carried the party's water and food, then fled back in the direction of the port.[4]


  • In White Sand prose version it is explicitly stated that all Elisian officers are noblemen (usually third sons or lower) and part of Flennid's attitude is due to resentment at being made to follow a mercenary named to Captain for the expedition. The Graphic Novel is consistent with this, but it is not explicitly stated.


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