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Power Steal Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, grant kandra partial sapience, possibly others
Metal type God Metal (Autonomy)
Properties Repels Investiture
Universe Cosmere
This page or section contains spoilers for The Lost Metal!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for The Lost Metal!
Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.

Trellium, also known as bavadinium, is the God Metal of Autonomy.[1] It may be the "final metal" that Miles Dagouter referred to in his last words.[2]


Trellium is a silvery metal with a red cast to it, and dark red spots similar to rust.[3][4]

Like other God Metal's it displays many unusual properties, trellium is notable for repelling other forms of Investiture.[5] This causes it to try and roll away when placed next to Harmonium, Hemalurgic spikes or an Allomancer burning metals.

Chemical Properties

The hardness of the metal is just above a nine, as it is scratched by diamond, but barely marks corundum. It is also very brittle.[6]

It has an extraordinarily high melting point, above 3,000 degrees.

When heated, it lets off a full spectrum of light, with the red portion of the spectrum going off the spectrometric scale.[6]

Reaction to Ettmetal

When ettmetal has electric currents passing through it, the metal softens and can be split in half.[5] If, during this process, trellium is inserted between the two pieces a violent reaction occurs as the matter of both metals are converted into pure energy.[7] The blast is powerful enough that not even Autonomy or Harmony are aware as to how strong an explosion of it can be.[8] This reaction produces small amounts of lerasium and atium.[9][1]

Allomantic Use

When burned by an Allomancer, trellium has unknown properties.[10]

Feruchemical Use

When used by a Feruchemist, trellium has unknown properties.[10]

Hemalurgic Use

Trellium can steal Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities and grant them to kandra.[4] Presumably its Hemalurgic ability is similar to that of atium, allowing the transfer of any ability with somewhat variable success depending on the binding point.

Using it as a Hemalurgic spike can keep the user hidden from Harmony.[11][12] This has a limited effect, however, and any more than a single spike will make the user visible to the Shard. It is an inherent property of the metal, and not a Hemalurgic attribute, that hides the user.[11] Wax used the metal in order to create a Connection with Trell, and by extension Telsin, allowing them to communicate and feel each other's presence.[13]

Hemalurgic Constructs

Hemalurgic chimeras are created when a living human is implanted with a trellium spike in a specific manner.[3]


  • In the Alloy of Law: Masks of the Past adventure game supplement, trellium allows kandra to use the Allomantic or Feruchemical abilities of another Hemalurgic spike they are spiked with. They also cannot be controlled by Harmony or brass Allomancy but they also lose their blessing.


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