Waxillium Ladrian

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Waxillium Ladrian
House Ladrian
Spouse Lessie (first marriage),
Steris Harms (second marriage)
Siblings Telsin
Relatives Vwafendal (grandmother),
Edwarn (uncle)
Ancestors Breeze, Allrianne
Born 299 PC
Abilities Skimmer, Coinshot
Aliases Dawnshot, Asinthew
Profession Lawman, High Lord
Residence Elendel
Homeworld Scadrial

Waxillium Ladrian, or Wax for short, is a Twinborn and High Lord of House Ladrian on Scadrial. He lived as a lawman for twenty years in the Roughs, but returned to Elendel to become High Lord of his House when his uncle allegedly died in a carriage accident. Wax's sister, Telsin, is also presumed dead, killed in the same accident.

His Terris name is Asinthew.[1]

Wax was romantically involved with a female lawkeeper named Lessie out in the Roughs, but she was shot after being held hostage by the infamous criminal Bloody Tan.

Wax's best friend is Wayne, a fellow lawman from the Roughs. Wax helped Wayne turn his life around after Wayne accidentally shot and killed a man while trying to steal from him.

After returning to Elendel, Wax reluctantly decides to court and marry Steris, in a mutual agreement to benefit both their houses. Eventually, he becomes attracted to her and fascinated by her idiosyncrasies, leading them to fall in love and marry for emotional reasons, not financial ones.

Appearance and Personality

Wax has muttonchops and likes wearing a mistcoat. He also prefers Roughs attire to Elendel fashion, seen in his wearing of Dusters and Roughs-style hats.

Wax is distrustful of noble society, disliking their internal politics that he calls "the games." He admires the simplicity of the Roughs, where arguments are solved quickly and easily, compared to in Elendel, where the houses hide their true intentions.



Waxillium is a descendent of Edgard Ladrian and Allrianne Cett. He is of mixed hertiage;Terris on his mothers side and Noble on his fathers side, [2] he is said to have more Terris blood than most.[1]

Early Life

Waxillium was raised under a noble house and lived a life of luxury, something he detested [3]. He and his sister were mostly raised by his uncle.[1]

At the age of 12, his uncle began grooming him to run a family operated bank. Wax became disgusted by the unethical practices of the bank and distanced himself from the role. [4]

Living in the Village

At the age of 15, Wax spent a year living in the village. With the option to stay if he wished. During his last months in the village, he would encounter Forch, a Twinborn Terris boy who committed arson. Wax investigated the crime and brought his evidence to the attention of the constables. But this was ultimately disregarded by his grandmother who insisted that the Terris people manage themselves and their criminals. [3] Wax unintentionally spotted Forch later that night and believed he was going to commit arson again. Investigating further, Wax unknowingly stumbled upon Forch attempting to dissect a living boy he had kidnapped.

Despite being heavily outmatched by another Twinborn. Wax ultimately killed Forch in a steelpushing battle (self defense), rescuing the child from him.

Early years in the Roughs

In his early years in the Roughs, Wax developed an image of himself as a "Gentleman Bounty Hunter"[5], although initially incompetent and unfamiliar with his Twinborn abilities, he would eventually hone them. He pro-actively worked with other law enforcers in the area, eventually working with Jon Deadfinger and finding a 17 year old Wayne, who he would ultimately spare from execution and turn his life around to become a lawman.

During a bounty claim on Granite Joe, he would encounter Lessie. [5] A woman he would fall in love with and eventually marry.

Late years in the Roughs and the return to Elendel

After the reported death of his uncle, Wax is implored to return to Elendel and begin managing the ledgers of his house. Initially ignoring this request, Wax chooses instead to hunt the murderous Bloody Tan, as his last bounty. In a horrifying turn of events, Waxillium mistakenly shoots Lessie in the forehead, when attempting to free her from Bloody Tan's clutches. With nothing left for him in the Roughs, Wax returns to his family house in Elendel.[6]

In his early months in Elendel, Wax earned a reputation for frequently disappearing early from social functions, preferring to steel-push through the mists, patrolling the city. On one such night, Waxillium pauses his patrol to try intervening in a shootout. Believing he hears a woman's whimper which reminds him of Lessie, Wax freezes during the gunfight. Coming to the conclusion that he was no longer capable of being a lawman, and with the effectiveness of the city constabulary forcing him to face the irrelevance of vigilante justice in general, Wax hangs up his guns for good.[7]

Throwing himself into the much more mundane effort of saving his house’s financial future, Waxillium spends half a year working to reverse his late uncle’s squandering of the family funds. Believing there is no other choice, he enters into a marriage agreement with Lord Harms’ daughter, Steris, hoping her father’s money can help bring House Ladrian back from the brink of destitution.

That same day, Wayne, an old partner from his time in the Roughs, re-enters Wax’s life carrying with him an aluminum bullet and a tantalizing mystery surrounding a gang of train robbers known as the Vanishers, which threatens to draw Wax away from his house responsibilities and right back into the life of a lawman.[8]

The Vanishers

Against his better judgement, and under the disapproving eye of his butler, Tillaume, Wax begins to piece together the history of the Vanishers, hoping to discover the reason for their unorthodox targets as well as the secret behind the way they commit their crimes. Realizing the distraction this has created for his house duties, Waxillium endeavors to put away this new obsession and attend the Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner with Steris, marking their public debut as a couple.[9]

After the wedding is interrupted by the arrival of bandits from the Vanishers gang, who proceed to rob the lords and ladies in attendance at gunpoint, Wax initially refuses Wayne’s insistence that he take up a pistol, convincing himself that the Elendel constabulary will be able to handle the disturbance with far less bloodshed. When the gang goes too far, killing a man and taking Steris as a hostage, Wax admits that he cannot stand idly by, and attacks the gang with his backup pistols and the full fury of his steel-pushing.[10]

In the ensuing gunfight, Wax, Wayne, and, surprisingly, Steris’ cousin Marasi work together to subdue the majority of the attackers, while successfully minimizing civilian casualties. When Marasi is suddenly held at gunpoint by one of the gang, in the same fashion as Lessie a year ago, Wax nearly freezes up again. Marasi struggles and stuns the Vanisher holding her, momentarily opening up the shot for Wax and forcing him to make a choice to overcome his fear to pull the trigger and save her. As the robbers retreat, Waxillium is surprised to discover the identity of the Vanishers’ leader, Miles “Hundredlives” Dagouter, another former lawman from the Roughs.[11]

With Steris kidnapped, Wax re-doubles his efforts into his previous investigation. Having obtained one of the Vanishers’ aluminum guns, Wax pours himself into researching its makeup and possible origin as well as working to uncover the mystery of the Vanishers’s ultimate goal.[12] In the middle of his investigation, Wax, Wayne, and Marasi are caught up in an explosion in his study, set off by his butler in a botched attempt to assassinate him.[13]

Eventually discovering the location of the Vanishers’ hideout and confirming Hundredlives’ involvement, Wax begins forming a plan to take down the unbeatable, former lawman.[14] Focusing his attention on puzzling out the Vanishers’ peculiar robbery methods, Wax is taken by surprise when the Vanishers attack his train en route back to Elendel.[15]

Wounded in the attack and shaken by Hundredlives’ claim that the real evil in the world is the corruption of Elendel itself[16], Waxillium escapes to Ranette’s house, where he obtains Hazekiller bullets and a new prototype revolver, Vindication.[17]

Correctly deducing the Vanishers’ next target, Wax sets Wayne and Marasi to work, zeroing in on the protection of Lord Tekiel’s next shipment train, which includes the new, Breaknaught cargo car. Infiltrating the car just before the predicted robbery takes place, Wax allows himself to be taken to the Vanishers’ lair.[18]

Making use of a large amount of dynamite smuggled alongside him in the Breaknaught, Waxillium fights his way through the Vanishers’ hideout, losing Vindication in the fray. Successfully springing a trap made specially to capture Hundredlives, Wax is then forced to flee when the outlaw opts to blow himself up with a personal explosive, rather than be captured.

Escaping into the mists, Waxillium briefly experiences a conversation with Harmony, culminating in the realization that Harmony worked behind the scenes to orchestrate the delivery of Wax’s old, lost weapons to the Vanishers’ hideout, just for this moment.[19]. Newly re-armed, Wax locates and rescues Steris, killing numerous members of the Vanishers gang and destroying their hideout with a tremendous feat of metalborn power.

As the building collapses, several surviving Vanishers, led by the now fully-healed, Miles Hundredlives, hold Marasi at gunpoint.

Refusing to freeze up and lose another woman’s life to the same type of standoff, Wax calls for Wayne to create a speed bubble. Firing at the Vanisher through the speed bubble, Wax compensates for the unavoidable veering of the time-slowed bullet by firing a second time, in an incredibly aimed shot which strikes his first bullet and causes it to ricochet directly into the thug’s head.

Miles and an already injured Wax square off, with Hundredlives beating Wax mercilessly. Waxillium holds on, taking the punishment of Miles’ blows as Marasi secretly holds them in a time bubble. Wax successfully distracts the outlaw, laying all of his hopes on the absent Wayne, who finally returns, having surrounded the three of them with Elendel’s constables.[20]

Meeting Mister Suit

After the surviving Vanishers are taken into custody and interrogated, Waxillium recognizes the description of a man working with Miles whom they call "Mister Suit," leading him to believe they are talking about his [supposed] late uncle, Edwarn Ladrian. Following up on a lead to Suit's current whereabouts, Wax boards a train at Dryport and confirms his suspicions.

Confronting his uncle face to face, Waxillium demands that Edwarn give up the location of the other women the Vanishers had kidnapped. Unthreatened, Edwarn welcomes Wax to attempt to expose his operation, as there is no real proof pointing to the old man's involvement. Wax listens as his uncle chastises him for his purported self-righteousness, just as he did when Wax was a child. When Wax moves to take matters into his own hands, Edwarn calls in his men, who throw Wax off the back of the train.

But not before Wax swipes his uncle's appointment book.[21]


Newly rescued, Steris suggested to Wax that their shared ordeal afforded the two of them an opportunity to speed up their marriage contract and announce their engagement much sooner then previously planned. Initially hesitant, Wax agreed that the couple should move forward with Steris' suggestion, endeavoring to push away any potentially romantic thoughts of Marasi and bury his painful memories of Lessie.

Due to his invaluable contributions toward the resolution of the Vanishers case, Wax was granted a citywide deputized forbearance by the Elendel Senate as well as certain allowances to practice his Roughs-style justice in the city. [22]

Months later, while steel-pushing through the crowded city streets in hot pursuit of bank robber the Marksman (an Allomancer connected with the Set who featured in Edwarn’s appointment book), Wax was stunned and deeply disturbed to recognize the face of an onlooker on the sidewalk below —Bloody Tan, Lessie’s murderer. [23]

Shaken and unable to locate Tan among the crowds, Wax enlisted the help of Wayne and Marasi to continue the chase into the Breakouts. Eventually catching Marks, Wax was prevented from apprehending and bringing the man in for questioning when Marks was suddenly killed by an assassin’s crossbow.[24]

Approached by a number of constables, who arrived late on the scene, Wax learned that Constable-General Claude Aradel would like to quietly enlist his assistance in investigating the recent murder of Elendel Governer Replar Innate’s brother, Winsting, killed among 30 of Elendel’s most notorious criminals. Examining the scene, Wax determined that Winsting was killed by someone familiar to the man, citing the location of the killings, the position of the bodies, and the sheer number of victims —which also dictated that Feruchemically enhanced speed would have been required to perform the grisly feat. Wax steeled himself, knowing he was now on the trail of a Steelrunner.[25]

Wax and Steris' Wedding

Wax and Steris have their wedding six months after Wax defeated Bleeder[26]. Just before the wedding Wax is visited by the Kandra (presumably VenDell) who asks Wax for his help but is met with outright rejection. During the wedding ceremony, a water tower near the church has a structural failure and collapses, spilling water into the church that they were having the wedding, thus postponing the wedding.[27] Later the same day Wax is joined by VenDell, Melaan, Wayne, and Marasi, Vendell shows them a few images using an evanoscope and tries to inform them about the nature of investiture, identity, and the myths surrounding the bands of mourning. Vendell then reveals to them that she needs Wax's help in retrieving a spike that belonged to a Kandra named ReLuur. To encourage Wax to help VenDell shows Wax a picture of his sister being held hostage by his uncle, this spurs Wax into going to New Seran.[26] Wax's group immediately made preparations to go to New Seran and Steris joins the group and they board the train. On the train Wax and Steris engage in conversation where Wax finds out about the political situation in New Seran and that he is partially responsible for it.[28] The train that Wax and his group is riding on gets robbed, Wax and the others fight back.

In the ensuing fight, Wax works his way up to the courier cars at the front of the train, taking out most of the robbers on the train. Eventually, Wax reaches the courier cars and encounters a group of robbers that have thrown bottles of a noxious gas into the courier cars and have stolen the money in the cars. Wax heads into the courier car upon hearing that the robbers have a metalborn with them and then realizes that his metal reserves have vanished. He then fights a brute first in the car then on the roof of the train. Steris steps up on to the roof of the train and tries to shoot the brute with a shotgun but the kickback knocks her back off of the train and Wax jumps off to save her.[29] After saving Steris, Wax goes to clean up the remaining thieves and the brute. Wax dispatches the brute by using a sphere device from Ranette, wrapping the cord around the brute's leg and throwing it into some trees, yanking him off the train; the other bandits are frozen in a cadmium bubble until they reached Ironstand station.[30] At Ironstand station Wax gets his wounds treated and then catches a freight train to New Seran With his group.

New Seran

Arriving in the lower terraces of New Seran Wax uses steel pushing to take his group up to the top terrace where the hotel they were was located. After arriving at the hotel Wax prepares to attend the party being hosted by Kelesina Shores. [31][32] Heading to the ballroom where the party is being held wax encounters Hoid disguised as a beggar, and after a short conversation, Hoid gives Wax a coin. Wax then heads to the ballroom but is relieved of his firearms at the entrance of the ballroom. At the party, Wax meets Khriss after having a conversation with lord Grave Entrone. Khriss questions Wax extensively about his feruchamical and allomantic abilities before going off to pursue another topic of questioning. Wax then meets with an informant who tells him about a building project to the north east of New Seran and gives Wax an ominous warning. Wax then returns to Steris but is stopped by Kelesina, Wax deciddes to inform Kelesina about what he knows, visibly concerning her and she excuses herself. Returning to Steris Wax informs her of what happened and Steris creates a diversion so they can go to a more isolated place in the mansion.[33] Acquiring a gun that Steris had snuck into the dance, Wax goes off to investigate Kelesina's activities and overhears her talking to his uncle.[34][35]

Wax drops in on Kelsina talking to his uncle through a telegraph for voices, shortly after a Terris steward disarms him and shoots Kelesina, implicating Wax in the murder. With the help of MeLaan Wax fights off the security of the Mansion and escape the mansion. [36] After escaping Wax decides to leave New Seran and Head towards the building project to the northeast instead of heading home and trying to lessen the ramifications of the murder he was implicated in.

Notable Cases

Attributes and Abilities

Metallic Arts

Waxillium is a Crasher; a Coinshot and Skimmer Twinborn.[7] The combination of these abilities makes Waxillium a particularly dangerous individual since the strength of a Steelpush is largely dependent on the mass of the Allomancer.


Waxillium is an extremely skilled Coinshot.[7] Perhaps the biggest mark of his mastery is his ability to regulate the strength of his Steelpushes. Generally, Allomancers find it too hard to maintain a fine control over their Steelpushes, so instead most opt to regulate the length of the time of them. Levitating without bobbing up and down, for example, requires extreme discipline that few Allomancers can achieve; most use short bursts of Steelpushes, fall down, then Push again.[37] Waxillium is able to apply enough pressure on a small metal rod to make it stick to the side of a table without moving the table itself with ease.[10]

Wax also uses his ability to form a defensive bubble around himself that doesn't affect his own metal items but Pushes bullets coming at him off course slightly; to enhance the velocity of his bullets, Pushing them after being shot to force them through an opponents cover;[38] and to travel in the air, in combination with his Skimmer ability to regulate his mass.[7] Wax doesn't appear to use the most obvious ability of a Coinshot very often, as he had to be reminded that he could launch a bullet without a gun,[20] although he always uses steel for his third vest button as an extra metal reserve or to use as a weapon in emergencies.[13]

Wax's instinctive ability to create a steel bubble is thought to be a result of him being an Allomantic savant.Template:Annotation ref

Waxillium prefers Stagin's whiskey in his Allomantic vials. Steris prefers to use cod-liver oil in the vials that she prepares for Wax.

Whiskey is bad for you, Lord Waxillium. A wife must look out for her husband’s health.

— Steris[29]


As a Skimmer, using iron metalminds, Wax can store his weight at the cost of being lighter than normal, and tap the storage to become heavier. Wax constantly stores his weight to make him about three-quarters of his normal weight, making him lighter on his feet. He also uses this ability to navigate vertically in combination with steelpushing and a shotgun. Wax doesn't tap into his weight very often, preferring to store it to be lighter, as a result, the sheer amount of weight he can tap in to allows him to quite easily fall straight through a floor with no effort. He uses this power to his advantage many times.


Waxillium has an earring with a slight Hemalurgic charge. It is unknown what type of charge it is. The earring is a feature of Pathism, adherents to the religion often wear metal earrings while praying. This enables Harmony to communicate directly with him.[9] It was given to him by the kandra MeLaan.[39]

Other Skills

Wax is a talented marksman, preferring to use two guns at once. He has been shown to shoot a bullet that was put off course by the speed bubble of a Slider, scoring a lethal shot as a result.[20] However, due to a traumatic misfire that resulted in the death of a loved one, Wax tends to act nervously when faced with hostage situations.

Wax also practices basic metallurgy as a hobby, and he is shown to be a talented investigator.


Preceded by
Head of House Ladrian
Succeeded by
  1. a b c Shadows of Self chapter 5#
  2. Shadows of Self chapter 6#
  3. a b The Bands of Mourning chapter 0#
  4. Shadows of Self chapter 8#
  5. a b Shadows of Self chapter 0#
  6. The Alloy of Law prologue#
  7. a b c d The Alloy of Law chapter 1#
  8. The Alloy of Law chapter 2#
  9. a b The Alloy of Law chapter 3#
  10. a b The Alloy of Law chapter 5#
  11. The Alloy of Law chapter 6#
  12. The Alloy of Law chapter 7#
  13. a b The Alloy of Law chapter 9#
  14. The Alloy of Law chapter 10#
  15. The Alloy of Law chapter 12#
  16. The Alloy of Law chapter 13#
  17. The Alloy of Law chapter 14#
  18. The Alloy of Law chapter 16#
  19. The Alloy of Law chapter 18#
  20. a b c The Alloy of Law chapter 19#
  21. The Alloy of Law epilogue#
  22. The Alloy of Law chapter 20#
  23. Shadows of Self chapter 2#
  24. Shadows of Self chapter 3#
  25. Shadows of Self chapter 4#
  26. a b The Bands of Mourning chapter 3#
  27. The Bands of Mourning chapter 1#
  28. The Bands of Mourning chapter 5#
  29. a b The Bands of Mourning chapter 7#
  30. The Bands of Mourning chapter 8#
  31. The Bands of Mourning chapter 10#
  32. The Bands of Mourning chapter 11#
  33. The Bands of Mourning chapter 13#
  34. The Bands of Mourning chapter 14#
  35. The Bands of Mourning chapter 15#
  36. The Bands of Mourning chapter 16#
  37. The Well of Ascension chapter 17#
  38. The Alloy of Law prologue#
  39. Who gave Wax the earring?
    Theoryland - Nov 19th, 2011#
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