User:Leafygeans/editing area

Leafygeans/editing area
Clubs with Pipe by Ydunn Lopez.jpeg
Siblings Margel
Relatives Spook
Died 1024 FE
Abilities Smoker
Aliases Clubs
Groups Kelsier's crew, Venture army
Residence Luthadel
Ethnicity Skaa
Homeworld Scadrial
Universe Cosmere

The Lord Ruler is going to get me sooner or later. At least this way I get to spit in his face as I go. Overthrowing the Final Empire? It’s got style.

—Clubs to Dockson[1]

Cladent[2] is a skaa Misting from the Final Empire on Scadrial.[3] He is a member of Kelsier's thieving crew and goes by the nickname Clubs.

Appearance and Personality

Clubs is generally a surly individual who often displays a grim and pessimistic demeanor. He has a gnarled face that's often compared to a piece of knotted wood. Upon first meeting others, he can come across hostile and untrusting. Although he appears to be older than Breeze, he is still physically fit. In spite of this, he walks with a limping gait. The source of which is a long twisting scar that runs up his calf and thigh, which he received during a skirmish while in the employ of The Lord Ruler[4][5] He generally regards those around him with disapproval, but viewed as loyal and trustworthy by Kelsier. He fiercely distrusts Soothers and Rioters due to their ability to manipulate peoples emotions. Even though he is immune to their alomancy, he stills see's both mistings as manipulative. However, he later comes to enjoy being around Breeze, to the point of drinking with him every night.[6]

To those that know him very well, Clubs is a man of rare understanding and humor.[7] When he smiles, it has a decidedly twisted look on his face. [1]

Attributes and Abilities


Being a Misting, Clubs is only capable of burning one of the Allomantic metals. He Snapped during his time in the The Lord Ruler's army. In his last fight, he wounded and then discharged.[8] After snapping, Clubs discovered he was capable of burning copper. As a Smoker, Clubs is able to create a coppercloud around him that blocks the bronze sense of Seekers and Mistborn. This ability extends beyond himself, and allows others to use allomancy near him, without being discovered. Burning copper will also make him immune to any emotional allomancy.

History & Relationships

Prior to joining Kelsier's crew Clubs worked as a master carpenter and was a Skaa merchant in Luthadel. His woodworking shop, which also operated base of operations and hideout for Kelsier's crew was known as a prominent Skaa Craftsman's shop.[2] Before this, Cladent worked as a soldier in the Lord Ruler’s army with some command. During his time fighting in the southeast, he Snapped, becoming a Smoker.[9][8] After being injured and discharged, Clubs joined the underground. Once he opened up his shop, he employed several apprentice carpenters, some of whom were also Smokers.[10] At some point in the past he 'adopted' his nephew Spook after his parents discovered he was a Misting and abandoned him.[11]

Once Kelsier's crew used Club's shop as a secret base of operations in Luthadel, he was tasked with maintaining a coppercloud around his shop to protect those inside from prying Seekers. After the Lord Ruler was defeated, Elend appointed Clubs as the general of his armies.[12]

Clubs was not known to be a religious man, and so he disliked Captain Demoux preaching the Church of the Survivor to his troops.[13] Although Clubs came to befriend Breeze. The two often spent time in the evenings conversing and drinking at Keep Venture.

Before the Battle of Luthadel, Sazed tried to teach him about the religion of Dadradah, which focuses on art and craftsmanship. Sazed remarked that the care that Clubs devoted to his carpentry showed his true passion to be art, not warfare. As a token of the Dadradah faith, he also gives Clubs a small wooden disk carved with the image of a brush.[14]

He died during the Battle of Luthadel, killed by a koloss while saving Breeze.[15] Later on, Sazed found the wooden disk that he gave Clubs tied to the man's corpse.[16]



  • Clubs was originally going to be the team's Seeker, with Marsh being the team's Smoker. They were swapped before Brandon starting writing The Final Empire.[17][18]


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