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Type Criminals
World of Origin Scadrial

The Set is a secret organization in Elendel on Scadrial[1] with mysterious goals that include controlling Allomancy, and overthrowing the Elendel Government.[2] Some members of the Set are known to worship Trell.


The Vanishers

Waxillium Ladrian's Uncle, Edwarn Ladrian, is a member of the Set. He faked his death[3] to enter the Set and operated under the alias Mister Suit. He provided funding for Miles Dagouter and the Vanishers.[4] The Vanishers were instructed to kidnap female descendants of the Lord Mistborn in order to breed more Mistings for some unknown purpose.[5] The Vanishers did this through a series of elaborate, and seemingly supernatural, train robberies. Wax discovered that his uncle lived after the capture of Miles Dagouter. During Wax's encounter with his uncle, Wax stole Edwarn's pocketbook which contained appointments and notes.[4]

The Bands of Mourning

Wax was provided with information from the kandra that the Set was operating in the city of New Seran, and that his sister Telsin was observed there.[6] While Wax and company travelled to New Seran they were attacked in a Set train robbery.[7] Professor Irich was present.[8] When they arrived in New Seran Wax and Steris attended a ball at the home of a local noble Lady Kelesina Shores. Wax learned about Set activities near Dulsing. When he confronted Lady Shores she was communicating with Suit through a strange metal box. Lady Shores was killed by a servant and discovered to be wearing gold metalmind that was not keyed to an individual. The goldmind had a large amount of health stored in it and Wayne was able to tap it.[9]

The party then travelled to Dusling, where a Set compound had been built around the entire town. They infiltrated the compound and discovered what appeared to be a large boat in the center. Wax was able to rescue Telsin. Marasi and MeLaan discovered and rescued a Southern Scadrian named Allik who had been held captive in the offices of Professor Irich. They escaped the compound in the Wilg airship.

From there they attempted to get to the Sovereign's temple to secure the Bands of Mourning before a Set expedition could. They arrived at the Temple first, the Set arrived shortly after. Suit used threats and was able to accompany Wax into the Temple. Wax and company were then betrayed by Telsin who was revealed to hold the Set rank of Sequence, a higher rank than Suit. Suit and Sequence were also revealed to have Hemalurgic Spikes, granting themselves three Allomantic abilities each.

The search for the Bands appeared to be lost. The Set was interested in the Bands of Mourning, but their primary objective was to secure the Hunter airship, and its bombs, that were abandoned at the temple.[2] Upon first entering the Temple Wayne took the spear tip from a statue of the Sovereign. He had put the spear tip in Marasi's bag. She discovered that it was in fact the Bands of Mourning. She was able to rescue Wax, who then used the Bands to confront Suit on the departing airship. He apprehended Suit and recovered the airship. The crew were imprisoned and the airship was returned to the surviving Southern Scadrians.

Accelerated Timeline

The Set had been planning for events a century or more away.

— Mister Suit[10]

The Set had evidently planned for its goals to be reached a century in the future. With the discovery of Southern Scadrial, and it's technology, the timeline was accelerated. While held in an Elendel jail, Suit was visited by a kandra with red eyes. He told Suit that the Set had decided that allowing civilization to continue was too dangerous and that they decided to "remove life on this sphere instead." The kandra then activated an explosive device, killing Suit.[11]

Known Members

Few members of the Set are known. Inside the Set, members are referred to by a code name that tells their rank in an unknown rank structure. Though the Set have many accomplices, there appear to be a smaller group of ranked leaders. The members that control the Set are known as the "Series."

There is a military wing of the Set known as the "Hidden Guard" whose members wear red uniforms.

Goals of The Set

This page or section deals with theories or speculation.
Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical.

During The Bands of Mourning it is revealed that the Set is planning to destroy or overthrow Elendel. They are planning for a war and eventual transfer of power to them.[12][11]

It has been speculated that The Set is trying to utilize Hemalurgy in order to create a Mistborn. This would explain why they are kidnapping people suspected to be Allomancers. Waxillium believes The Set is attempting to breed Allomancers.


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