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Type Weapon
Creator Ranette
Owner Waxillium Ladrian
World of Origin Scadrial
Universe Cosmere

Vindication is a specialized revolver on Scadrial designed and built by Ranette. It is used by Waxillium Ladrian.[1]


Vindication is a sleek revolver with a long barrel. It is made of a silvery metal called Invarian steel, and it is highly polished.[1] It does not use aluminum in its construction due to cost.[2] It has a grip styled with wavy lines of ivory and onyx separated by metal bands.[1]

The gun has eight chambers and can be loaded with six ordinary bullets and two larger "hazekiller rounds" designed to fight Allomancers. The gun will normally fire the six standard bullets and skip the two chambers that hold the hazekiller rounds. Pulling a lever on the grip and spinning the hammer locks it onto the additional chambers. Since Invarian steel is stronger and lighter than ordinary steel, it allows for thinner chamber walls, so the revolver remains reasonably sized.[1] It also has an "Allomancer-only" safety; a hidden internal switch that only a Misting or Mistborn can see or access via an ironpull or a steelpush. The safety disables the gun, making it nearly impossible to turn it on its owner.[1] Ranette later used a similar internal latch design on the third version of her grappling hook devices.[3]


Wax visited Ranette's shop in 341 PC seeking a new Sterrion 36, after losing his Ambersair revolver. However, Ranette instead showed Wax the hazekiller rounds and Vindication, which she had likely developed specifically for him. Wax was suitably impressed, and Ranette was unusually proud of her work; she named the gun after the Ascendant Warrior, Vin. Ranette "loaned" Wax the gun and ammunition on the condition that he provided a field report.[1] Wax—who referred to Vindication using female pronouns[4]—usually carried it in his shoulder holster. He continued to carry (and use) other guns, but Vindication immediately became his primary weapon.[1]

Wax used the gun against the Vanishers when interrupting their train heist and it performed admirably; it was highly accurate, even allowing him to shoot a bundle of dynamite falling from the sky. However, Wax dropped Vindication in the resulting explosion.[2] It was recovered by Marasi Colms, who searched the Vanishers hideout for it afterwards.[5]

Wax continued to carry Vindication for the next few years. He successfully used a hazekiller round to injure the Marksman.[6] He nearly shot Bleeder with it at Lady ZoBell's party[7] and later injured her using a Pewterarm round.[8] As the search for Bleeder continued, Wayne picked up a single hazekiller-caliber bullet from Ranette that Wax had asked her to forge in such a manner that it would not shatter.[9] During Wax's final confrontation with Bleeder, he temporarily lost Vindication, but he was able to retrieve it and shoot her in the head with the special bullet. Wax had secretly asked Ranette to forge the bullet with his earring so that it would function as a Hemalurgic spike and give Harmony control over Bleeder.[10]

Wax wore Vindication to his interrupted wedding to Steris Harms.[11] He used it extensively during the Set's attack on his train to New Seran.[12] He carried Vindication throughout his time in New Seran, except when he had to reluctantly check it during Kelesina Shores's party.[13] He used it again during the confrontations with the Set in Dulsing and at the Sovereign's temple.[14][15]


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Big Smooth (talk) 17:56, 9 July 2020 (UTC)