
< User:Lyht
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  • Time involved? Talks alot about Shallan's Memories (with a capital M). "The less she was in the now, and more she was in the then, the better the sketch would be". Wok, pg 120.


  • Aimian
    • Non human
    • A form of immortality
    • Ability to change body (in different ways)
    • Siah Aimians
      • Blue nails and deep blue eyes
      • Pale white skin, almost blue.
      • Change body aspects
      • Shadow casts the wrong direction
    • Dysain Aimian (Sleepless)
      • Hive mind, made of cremilng like creatures, called Hordlings
      • Can be together, and look and act like a person, or be separate
  • Alethi
    • Tall and noble
    • Black hair
    • Tan skin
  • Natan
    • Blueish Skin
    • Stark, wool-like white hair
    • Wide noses
    • Aimian heritage
  • Babath
    • blue veins promanant below the skin
  • Unkalaki
    • Tall or Large
    • Strong teeth that can eat shells
    • Pale skin, goes redish when amused (wor 446)
    • Red hair
  • Iriali
    • Metalic golden hair
    • Mostly have yellow eyes
    • Golden skin, less so. Only see in light.
  • Shin
    • Round faces
    • Large eyes (lacking Epicanthic folds, unlike most of Roshar)
  • Selay
    • Includes Purelakers
    • Long limbs
    • Leathery skin
    • Dark hair
  • Makabakam
    • Very dark skin and hair, almost black
    • Nations
  • Reshi
    • Black hair
    • Round features
    • Tan skin, dark but not as dark as Makabaki.
  • Thaylen
    • Long grey eyebrows
  • Herdazian
    • crystalline, slate-colored fingernails
    • Tan skin
  • Liaforan (possibly part of makabakam)
    • Dark brown skin
    • Dark brown eyes


  • Thaylen Passions
  • Nu Ralik of the Purelake
  • Vorinism
  • Stone Shamanism
  • Tashi and Nun Raylisi Of Tashikk
    • I thought Nun Raylisi was Odium because of the similarity to the name Rayse
    • Darkness said people would not like it if Tashi came.
    • Now I am thinking Tashi is one of the Heralds. Because it says in edgedancer "Tashi and the nine binding the world"

Groups (Secret or otherwise)

Knights Radiant


  • Even though they are an order of Knights Radiant, they get their own group listing because they were they only order that did not disband at the Recreance. They have been secretly continued to operate and recruit.
  • Helaran Davar was an acolyte


  • Q: What are Oldbloods? A: Oldbloods are the...years ago Alethkar was ruled by a different group of people. A different, like, dynasty. It's been overturned and it's been a long enough time that they're not really a threat. But to acknowledge they're an Oldblood, they wear the tatoo that means, "We used to rule this place." And so, it's just a lineage of people in a dynasty that used to be the kings of Alethkar. link

Sons of Honor

The Diagram



  • Believe in the Knights Radiant, and try to trigger their return through putting people's lives in danger
  • Teft and his parents were members, but he caused their death.
  • There might be others in Yulay? Sigzil speaks of some people there with similar goals?


  • Shallan's mother was a member
  • Did she try to kill Shallan? I can't remember
  • Or are they they same as the people who try to trigger Radiant's by committing suicide, Envisagers?

The Ring

The Sleepless

  • Dysian Amians.
  • We've seen several.
  • They are watching the world, hoping for redemption, according to WoK back cover: [1]
  • They know about major people, and what they can do (even their Order), according to WoK back cover, and WoR back cover [2]


(FYI: All are hidden in the first book: (Or not. [3])


  • He is somewhere in WoKs, maybe. Brandon hinted so with a note in someone's book that said "Where is Jezrien?"
  • There is a drunk in the Prologue that says "Have you seen me?", but he had long black hair and grey beard. Jezrien has a short beard, and he looks thirty.
  • Named Ahu. (Oathbringer, Pg827) black, scraggly beard. Skin dark for an alethi.
  • Verified. Oathbringer p1239.


  • Shows up at the beginning of both WoK and WoR, as the person with a strange scar on his cheek.
  • Shows up in WoR as "Darkness", killing surgebinders.
  • Shows up at the end of WoR, names himself, and give Nightblood to Szeth
  • Some questions about if he holds his own blade or not. His eyes didn't seem to change, he seems to be surge-binding. It means he would have had to have gone back for it at the beginning of WoK.
  • He did. He also holds a shardblade from a spren he bonded. Explained to Szeth in Oathbringer.


  • Liss the assassin?




  • Seems to be "getting worse" (said by a herald, probably Kalak, in Prologue of WoR)
  • Most likely is Baxil's mistress in WoK
  • she is going around smashing works of art based on her. (WoB: Shalash is the Mistress Orem Signing 2014)
    • Her statue was missing in Prologue of WoK, and WoB say Baxil's mistress destroyed it
    • A painting was ruined in Lift's interlude in WoR


  • Dova in Karbaranth, tells Taravangian the desolation is coming. (Oathbringer p1238)


  • Most likely Nale's companion in Prologue of WoK and WoR.


  • Someone claiming to be him shows up at the end of WoK.
  • Someone who talks like him may be held captive in WoR (we are led to believe they are the same person)
  • He has his own interlude, while he is held captive



Splinters, Cognitive entities, most likely from odium. Like spren, they are at different levels of awareness, and power. The most powerful are described as demons and have names. There are 9 total. (Oathbringer, pg358)

They could represent Odiums purposes, (which I guess we wont know until we know how many purposes he has. link)

Ahu gave the following examples. "The Black Fisher? The Spawning Mother, the Faceless?" (Oathbringer, p872)


  • Male
  • The Heart of the Revel
  • Leads people to indulge in excess
  • Mindless


  • Female
  • Can provide voidlight, and facilitate forms of power to Parshendi


  • Female
  • The dustmother


Source: (Possible) "Eligos" or "Eligor", a Great Duke of hell, in Ancient Jewish theology. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet. He also attracts the favor of lords, knights and other important persons.

  • Blightwind
  • Consumes souls.
  • Can directly attack and kill people


Source: "Resheph" was a Canaanite deity of plague and war. Has power over plague, to cause it or prevent it. Related to Nergal.


Source: (Possible) "Dagon" was a Syrian, philistine, Mesopotamian god of the harvest, but for a long time was mistakenly believed to be a fish god.

  • He is the Black Fisher.
  • He harvests and consumes sorrow?
  • Could he be many? Referred to as "they"? (Oathbringer p1081)


Source: "Nergal" was a Mesopotamian war god, the god of plague and pestilence, represents inflicted death. Watched over the underworld. In Christianity, was a spy for Hell.

  • responsible for the Thrill, this effect is regional to his location, primarily in Alethkar and Jah Kaved. (WoR Pg910)
  • Same effect on all, regardless of which side
  • Mindless


Source: "Moloch" was known for providing victory in war, in return for child sacrifices. Moloch has been used figuratively in English literature from John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667) to Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" (1955), to refer to a person or thing demanding or requiring a very costly sacrifice. link

  • Responsible for the death-rattles, this effect is regional to Moelach's location.
  • at the end of wor, He is drawn to something in the west
  • Mindless


Maybe "Surgat"? How about "Anat", a violent war-goddess

  • Taker of secrets
  • seems to corrupt spren and make them act strange. Can make spren spy for her?
  • possibly responsible for thunderclast? One showed up when they were dealing with this unmade in a vision of the past in WoR
  • Creator, Corruptor

God Spren


  • I believe he is a spren that absorbed/became Honor's cognitive shadow. [4] This makes him more than a spren.


Unknown sibling

  • Sleeping
  • Possibly the "Lifebrother", mentioned by Taravangian, WoK pg 976.