
Revision as of 21:40, 7 February 2020 by Stargazer (talk | contribs) (New Empire --> Luthadel Assembly)

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Date 1023 FE
Participants Skaa rebellion, Kelsier's crew, Steel Ministry, Elend Venture
Effects End of the Final Empire
City Luthadel
Dominance Central Dominance
World Scadrial
Universe Cosmere

The Collapse was the night when the Final Empire on Scadrial ended.


After Kelsier was killed by the Lord Ruler, the kandra OreSeur used his bones to make the skaa think that Kelsier had returned from the dead. Inspired by his sacrifice and apparent power, the skaa begin to revolt and Kelsier's crew guide them through taking control over key areas of the city.[1]

The Lord Ruler allows the riots to progress, as he is confident in his ability to control them and they will keep the nobility from growing too confident.[2] Vin, however, recognizes how much of a danger he poses and travels to Kredik Shaw to confront him.[1] After being confused by the Eleventh Metal when she sees the Lord Ruler in his sanctum beneath the palace, she is captured by two Steel Inquisitors. With the help of Sazed, Elend Venture, and Marsh, she manages to escape and kill the Lord Ruler.[3][4]


With the Lord Ruler and Inquisitors dead and the armed forces in the city defeated by the skaa, the authority of the Final Empire was broken. The skaa rebels tried to kill everyone associated with the Final Empire, but Elend stopped them with a speech about his dreams of a new government, while also condemning bloodshed and chaos. Breeze assisted in calming the city by Soothing the populace.[5]

Elend leads the notable people of Luthadel in setting up the new government and is crowned king of the Central Dominance.[5] Without the Lord Ruler to hold the Final Empire together, nobles in the other Dominances begin to take control, notably Ashweather Cett in the Western Dominance and Straff Venture in the Northern Dominance.[6]


History of Scadrial
Final Empire Collapse Siege of Luthadel
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