Edgard Ladrian

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Edgard Ladrian
House Ladrian
Spouse Allrianne Cett
Descendants Edwarn, Waxillium, Telsin, Hinston
Abilities Soother
Aliases Breeze, Counselor of Gods
Groups Kelsier's crew, Venture army
Residence Luthadel
Ethnicity Noble
Homeworld Scadrial
Universe Cosmere

My dear friend, the entire point of life is to find ways to get other people to do your work for you. Don't you know anything about basic economics?

—Breeze to Hammond.[1]

Edgard Ladrian, better known as Breeze, is a member of Kelsier's crew on Scadrial.[2]

Appearance and Personality

He is commonly described as "portly", though he has lost weight at various points.[3] He wears extremely colorful clothes, and has black hair and a mustache.[expand] Breeze is often lazy, and delights in getting people to do things he doesn’t want to do, such as fetching him drinks.[3]

Attributes and Abilities

He is a Soother, who subtly Soothes everyone he comes across. This leads him to be mistrusted by many people. They are reluctant to do anything for him, as they are worried he might be Soothing them.[3] He is believed by Kelsier and many of his crew to be one of the most skilled Soothers on Scadrial. He helps to teach Vin some of the more in-depth aspects of Soothing. He has a refined and intricate control over his Soothing, and is skilled at Soothing people without them noticing. He does this to Vin on a few occasions.[4] He could influence several hundred people at once.


Breeze's age is never explicitly stated, but can be estimated. He claims "[[[Allrianne]]] is half [his] age"[5] and that he has spent 30 years in the underground[6]. This implies a birth date between 980 (assuming he joined the underground at the age of 14) and 988 (a literal double of Allrianne's age). As a full blooded nobleman[7][8][9] it is fairly safe to assume he did not join the underground before the age of 10, and that 30 years in the underground can mean no less than 26 years if he is rounding by decades rather than the more usual 5 years, which puts the very latest date at 988 again.

Breeze was invited by Dockson to attend Kelsier's meeting in Camon's old lair. He and Ham arrived around the same time and met Vin. She got angry when she realized he was Soothing her. When Kelsier explained his plan, Breeze joined his crew.[3]

In the crew, Breeze was often used by Kelsier to interact with nobles, and he had several aliases among the different noble families.[1] During the overthrow of the Final Empire, he operated with a team of Soothers and Rioters to recruit skaa for their army.[4] During one of the meetings he taught Vin how to use zinc and brass. After the rebellion when Elend became king, Breeze helped him write his speeches, as he was very skilled with persuasion even without using his Soothing. At some point he left to spy on Cett. He began a relationship with Allrianne Cett while he was in the service of Lord Cett. When Cett attempted to invade Luthadel, he reunited with the crew. He tried to hide his relationship with Allrianne because of the huge age difference between them, but everyone found out when she arrived begging for protection.[10] It was later discovered that she was a Rioter, and had been Rioting Breeze's emotions.[5] Breeze often Soothed members of the crew to make them more confident, although he did not want anybody to know about this because he would lose his reputation for being uncaring.[11]


House Ladrian

It was believed that he is a half-skaa, but is truly a nobleman in hiding by the name of Edgard Ladrian.[7][8][9] After the Final Ascension, he becomes known as the Counselor of Gods,[12] and founds House Ladrian. He is the ancestor of Waxillium Ladrian. One of his hands was given to a Kandra, and is still in use after the Catacendre.[13]


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