Jastes Lekal

Revision as of 17:26, 11 August 2013 by Windrunner (talk | contribs)

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Jastes Lekal
Family House Lekal
Birthplace Luthadel
Ethnicity Noble
Homeworld Scadrial

Jastes Lekal was a noble of the Final Empire on Scadrial.

He was a compatriot of Elend Venture and Telden Hasting.

After the Collapse he escaped to the Southern Dominance. The skaa revolts costed the lives of some of his family members. He became mentally unstable and recruited an army of koloss. He besieged Luthadel in an attempt to find the Lord Ruler's cache of atium. He eventually lost control over his koloss and escaped. He was eventually caught and executed by Elend Venture.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content


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