Luthadel Garrison

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Luthadel Garrison
Type Army
World of Origin Scadrial
Universe Cosmere

The Luthadel Garrison was a standing force of twenty thousand well-armed, well-trained troops. Its primary duty is to maintain order in the city.[1]

Any way you look at it, Kell, that Garrison is going to be a tough stone to break.

Ham discussing the plans of the skaa rebellion.[1]

Their fortifications are close to the Steel Gate.[2][3]


It was a point of annoyance for Yeden's Skaa Rebellion, as they couldn't take the city while the Garrison was active.[1]

One of the focuses of the first meeting of Kelsier's crew and the skaa rebellion was discussing how to neutralize the Garrison.[4] Before the Collapse, Ham was a frequent visitor, and once brought Vin along with him to help her practice pewter Allomancy.[2]

During the New Empire, the Luthadel Garrison served Elend.[5]

Known members


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