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Drafty things here.
Draft things here


|image=Worldsinger by Ari Ibarra.jpg
|abilities=[[Lightweaving]] <small>([[Yolen|Yolish]])</small>, {{tag+|Mistborn}}, {{tag+|Awakener}}, {{tag+|Lightweaver}} <small>([[Surgebinder]])</small>, {{tag+|worldhopping}}, [[Dawnshard]] <small>(formerly)</small>, [[#Attributes and Abilities|others]]
|aliases=Wit, Cephandrius, [[#Known Aliases|others]]
|books=[[Mistborn Era 2]]
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]], [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]], [[The Emperor's Soul]], [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]], [[Warbreaker]], [[White Sand]]


|I suspect Jak was hallucinating through this entire section, a result of the trauma to his head. Upon doing this edit, I wished several times to be similarly afflicted.
|And while I am your friend, please understand that our goals do not completely align. You must not trust yourself with me. If I have to watch this world crumble and burn to get what I need, I will do so. With tears, yes, but I would let it happen.
|Hoid to [[Dalinar]]{{book ref|sa2|67}}
|Handerwym's annotations{{book ref|eltania}}
'''Handerwym''' is a [[Terris]]man in post-[[Catacendre]] [[Scadrial]] who is known for following Allomancer [[Jak]] on his advantures and editing his works for the public.{{book ref|eltania}}

== Appearence and Personality ==
'''Hoid''' is one of the oldest and most mysterious characters present within the [[Cosmere]]. Originally from [[Yolen]] he was involved in the events of the [[Shattering]] and, like his peers, was offered a [[Shard]] but rejected the offer. Since then he became a [[worldhopper]] and gained a method that allowed him to foresee where events of great importance were going to take place, using this ability he would frequently arrive during these events and often become involved in them to some degree. He was present for the events of the original [[Desolation]]s, the [[Invasion of Arelon]], the [[Catacendre]], the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]], the final assault on the [[Sorceress]] and the [[True Desolation]]. Despite the seemingly random nature of his actions Hoid in fact is on a quest of his own, with his various actions helping him achieve his ultimate goal. What this goal is however is unknown, though it is a highly controversial one among his peers who are aware of it.{{wob ref|6004}}

In none of Jaks adventures is an illustration, nor a description, of Handerwym given making it unknown as to how he appears. It is known that he was a terris man and that his parents were also terris, beyond this however no other concrete information is available. It can be guessed that his appearance was somewhat distinctive as in one adventure Jak claimed that he recogonised Handerwym solely form his hands waving in the air, from this as well it can be presumed that he was of average or below average height. The only refernce Jak gives as to his metal minds states that he kept them loose around his wrists.{{file ref|House Record broadsheet.jpg|''The House Record'' Broadsheet}}
== Name and Nature ==

He is often separated from Jak in his adventures, leaving him skeptical as to whether the action as described by Jak actually took place. His annotations are often satirical and express doubt as to whether Jak's descriptions are accurate. He is annoyed at Jak for his terrible grammar and spelling and is extremely annoyed when people buy the stories without his editing. He believes that getting Jak to improve his writing is far more difficult than Jak's adventures in the Roughs. He left [[Elendel]] because the lack of intelligence among the Elendel public was driving him crazy. So, he could either leave or kill himself, the latter of which would violate his pacifist oaths.
|I am but a man, Dalinar, so much as I wish it were not true at times.
|Hoid to Dalinar on what he is.{{book ref|sa2|67}}

The true nature of the entity known as 'Hoid' is unclear, he personally still identifies as a human and originally was born one.{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{wob ref|6614}}{{wob ref|2610}} Since then however the nature of Hoid has changed, while many would still identify him as a human others would argue that it is more 'complicated' than that.{{wob ref|6614}} Two reasons for this oddity are known, the first is the fact that Hoid predates the Shattering, and thus the radical changes it caused throughout the cosmere, as a result of this many of the Invested Arts behaving oddly when interacting with him.{{wob ref|3212}} The second is the dramatic change to his [[spiritweb]] that holding a [[dawnshard]] caused in him,{{wob ref|14300}} this change is rare enough that no unified term exists to describe the changes that is caused within him, the transformation is also more extreme than what [[savant]]s and [[Steel Inquisitors]] undergo, though his changes bare similarities with the latter.{{wob ref|2669}}{{wob ref|2615}} While it is difficult to define what Hoid is it is well known what he is not. He is not a [[Herald]]{{wob ref|7190}}, [[Shard]],{{wob ref|6650}} nor a Vessel,{{wob ref|8843}}{{wob ref|10555}} he is not [[Adonalsium]], nor the weapon that killed them.{{wob ref|10826}} He is not a [[Sliver]],{{wob ref|4712}} a [[dragon]],{{wob ref|5096}} a founder of the [[Five Scholars]],{{wob ref|3622}} nor the oldest being in the Cosmere.{{wob ref|3083}} He is also not a group of people pretending to be one man,{{wob ref|2609}}{{wob ref|7250}} nor a mass delusion.{{wob ref|13223}} Whatever Hoid currently is, some consider it to make him one of the most powerful and dangerous non-Shard entities in the cosmere.{{wob ref|7323}}{{wob ref|2940}}{{wob ref|156}}

The other major unknown aspect of Hoid is his true name, 'Hoid' itself is not his birth name but rather one of his oldest and more well known aliases.{{wob ref|5882}} Unlike some of his later aliases the name is not an invention made by Hoid but rather one that people on [[Yolen]] had used in the past,{{wob ref|4338}} this may be connected to Hoid's claim that he took the name from a loved one.{{wob ref|4414}}{{book ref|sa1|57}} How this is connected to his other claim that he took the name from words on a page is unknown, though it is known that he is being literal when stating this.{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{wob ref|8609}}

|I've abandoned my real name. But when next we meet, I'll think of a clever one for you to call me.
|Hoid to Dalinar{{book ref|sa1|54}}

Prior to his usage of 'Hoid' as an alias 'Cephandius' was the most popular identity that Hoid worked under, while not his true name it is only a few decades off.{{wob ref|3985}}{{wob ref|10313}} This is one of his oldest and, at the time, was his longest running identity being the one that the original vessels knew him under.{{wob ref|3985}}{{msh ref|2|1}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|33}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|42}}{{book ref|sa4|112}} Prior to his adoption of this identity however was that of 'Topaz.'{{wob ref|6065}} Those involved in the Shattering also were aware of this term but use it infrequently, it was a nickname based of the Dawnshard that Hoid used to wield, for reasons unknown this Dawnshard was connected in some way to topaz and this granted Hoid the title 'Bearer of the First Gem.'{{wob ref|13128}}{{wob ref|5301}}{{wob ref|14355}} Despite this however Topaz is also not his true name.{{wob ref|10313}} An old colleague of Hoids who was involved in the Shattering, [[Frost]], mentions in a letter that he used to use the name of his old master as an alias, it is unknown if Frost was referring to the name 'Hoid,' 'Cephandius,' 'Topaz' or yet another identity when making this statement.{{epigraph ref|sa2|60}}

Since using these aliases Hoid has gone on to create even more false identities, aliases, nicknames and long term disguises for himself throughout the cosmere. Of these, those that are known are listed below:

=== Known Aliases ===
* Hoid
* Roamer{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}
* Dust{{book ref|sa2|81}}
* The King's/Queen's Wit{{book ref|sa1|54}}{{book ref|sa4|50}}
* Imperial Fool of the [[Rose Empire]]{{ref|name=tes-del}}
* Topaz{{wob ref|8609}}
* Drifter{{msh ref|2|1}}
* Wanderer{{epigraph ref|sa4|20}}
* Lunu'anaki{{book ref|sa2|46}}
* Cephandrius Maxtori{{wob ref|5882}}{{wob ref|3985}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|33}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|42}}{{msh ref|2|1}}{{book ref|sa4|112}}
* Midius{{book ref|sa3|121}}{{epigraph ref|sa4|84}}
* Bearer of the First Gem{{epigraph ref|sa3|42}}

== Appearance & Personality ==
{{image|Wit by Randy Bishop.jpg|side=left|height=300px}}

{{for|/Gallery|more images}}

Hoid is quite adept at disguises thus making it difficult at times to discern what Hoid actually looks like, to further complicate matters he also alters aspects of his personality with each disguise in order to better suit the character he is trying to embody, this can make it difficult to discern his actual personality as well.{{wob ref|5917}} However out of all his disguises the one that is closest to his true self, both in terms of personality and appearance, is that of the Kings Wit.{{wob ref|12566}}

While appearing as the Kings Wit Hoid appears to be a tall individual with a hawkish face, sharp nose and jaw accompanied with delicate eyebrows with bright blue eyes.{{book ref|twok|54}}{{book ref|twok|12}} He has a character tick where he tends to cock his head to one side{{book ref|twok|57}} and his hair is jet black as well.{{cite}} He appears to be in his mid-30s{{wob ref|1705}} and wears a stiff black coat with which he carries a long thing sword at his waist.{{book ref|sa1|12}} This sword is not invested and Hoid himself possess no skills in wielding a sword, instead it is a symbol of his position as the King's Wit and is of personal value to him.{{wob ref|2505}}{{wob ref|896}}

While this closely aligns with his true appearance there are differences, two major ones of which are known, first Hoid's hair is naturally white{{wob ref|15174}} and he dyes it various colours for his disguises.{{book ref|twok|i|1}} In addition to this Hoid is not exceptionally tall like all Rosharans, in fact by Rosharan standards he would be considered short. Hoid instead has made use of an unknown ability that allows him to alter how he is perceived, thus making people on Roshar think he is of average height.{{wob ref|15034}}

In terms of personality Hoid is notable for initially appearing care free, outwardly it appears that very little worries him. Part of this may stem from his remarkable healing abilities making him immune to most weapons, including that of [[Shardblade]]s.{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} He still has however fears and things that worry him, among them is that of the Shard [[Odium]] which he considers to be one of the most evil entities in the Cosmere.{{cite}} Another being that frightens him is [[Nightblood]] to the extent that he would refuse to even hold it, this stems from the fact that he believes it one of the few weapons in the Cosmere capable of killing him, and his great fear of the [[Beyond]].{{wob ref|8588}}{{wob ref|11671}}{{wob ref|14725}} As well as this Hoid's carefree nature also works to disguise the fact that everything he does or says has a purpose or meaning behind it, even if that thing is to drink a bottle of perfume{{wob ref|378}}
or claim that he began as "words on a page."{{wob ref|2828}}{{wob ref|8759}} Hoid is far more delibreate in his actions than his projected personality would seem to be.{{cite}} Endowment Wob.

In terms of his likes and dislikes bacon, instant noodles and milkshakes serve as Hoid's favourite food in the entire Cosmere,{{wob ref|15291}}{{wob ref|6161}}{{wob ref|15329}}{{wob ref|3098}} though it is notable that he can not actually eat bacon due to his Dawnshard.{{cite}} He also is a fan of technologically advanced worlds, this makes Scadrial his favourite world to visit at the moment.{{wob ref|6161}}{{wob ref|1788}} In terms of his opinion of Roshar Hoid frequently makes fun of it as being too depressing and wet for his tastes, though it is home to [[Lightweaving]] which is his favourite form of investiture and also [[Cryptic]]s his favourite type of spren.{{wob ref|13530}}{{wob ref|8135}} His favorite colors are that of black and silver.{{wob ref|8165}}{{wob ref|14774}} The role of Wit is his favorite to use but he does like the alias of Dust as well.{{wob ref|905}}{{wob ref|12108}}

Likes and dislikes.{{wob ref|2002}}

Go into disguises here:

Hoid however is a master of disguises and can make himself appear as unrecognisable,{{wob ref|11586}} to the extent that those trained to spot him can fail at the task.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}

Out of all of his disguises however the one that fits his true self the closest both in terms of appearance and personality is that of Wit. He did this purposefully so he could more comfortably hold the role long term as he believed he would be on Roshar for some time.{{cite}}


There is a particular reason for his hair being white, which will be revealed in the future.{{wob ref|9236}}

|Those who "deserve" my mockery are those who can benefit from it.
|Hoid explaining his choices to Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|12}}

* Natural white hair.{{wob ref|12570}}
* Not born with white hair.{{wob ref|15174}}
* Was not white haired when born but was by time of Dragonsteel.{{wob ref|10631}}
* Dawnshard is related to first gem title.{{wob ref|14355}}
* Has had tattoos.{{wob ref|5909}}
* Sword uninvested but personal value to him.{{wob ref|2505}}
* Sidesword is for show.{{wob ref|11723}}
* Good at looking unrecognisable.{{wob ref|11586}}
* Appears to be in his 30's, can look any age.{{wob ref|1705}}
* Has dressed in drag.{{wob ref|11824}}


Hoid can be unintentionally misleading.{{wob ref|236}}
Hoid has regrets.{{wob ref|8225}}
Malovent.{{wob ref|8478}}
Would be a forum troll.{{wob ref|11573}}
Lost something due to the Shattering.{{wob ref|13276}}
Happiest when getting away with something. Nervous due to Odium in Stormlight.{{wob ref|1745}}
Way of translation translates his words literally. Not used to spheres as currency.{{wob ref|3759}}


Hoid would not describe himself as a good person.{{wob ref|1704}}
Other people think he is helping them, is helping himself.{{wob ref|4959}}
Motives are varied, some think they are good others evil.{{wob ref|4624}}
Neutral Good according to himself, 17th Shard chaotic neutral and others chaotic evil.{{wob ref|3485}}
Would kill for his goals, some agreeable and others not.{{wob ref|2248}}
Emphatic but self centered on the large scale.{{wob ref|15309}}
Hoid things he is a bad guy.{{wob ref|12079}}
Aware of Harmony's manipulations with Wax.{{wob ref|2732}}


Perceptions and beliefs.{{wob ref|13471}}
Thought shattering was necessary.{{wob ref|8718}}
Hoid can still eat.{{wob ref|12659}}
Hurting Kelsier.{{wob ref|14359}}
Can not eat meat.{{wob ref|14343}}
Can't eat bacon, Dawnshard.{{wob ref|15010}}
Soulcast and lab grown meat is okay, based on his perception.{{wob ref|14954}}
Curious if he can hurt a Herald or cognitive shadow, scholars think no.{{wob ref|11674}}


Rules of thumb, not as limited as Shards. Needs to be careful to not draw their attention. Reason for being on Roshar, wants to become a radiant.{{wob ref|13563}}
Hoid is a lightweaver, likes to play with fire.{{wob ref|15140}}
Not good at avoiding what is bad for him.{{wob ref|6212}}


Would call the Nightwatcher names.{{wob ref|174}}
Aware of the Sleepless, knows the cremling in epilogue is one. Insults them with intelligence audience line.{{wob ref|1523}}
RoW Mink Chapter.
Would be a forum troll.{{wob ref|11573}}
Could rip Shallan to shreds.{{wob ref|7163}}


Wit is his favourite role.{{wob ref|905}}


Design.{{wob ref|14497}}
Hoid versus Kelseir.{{wob ref|14786}}
Hoid and Kel.{{wob ref|14785}}
Hoid and Design not the best.{{wob ref|15354}}
Rarely get hugs, more commonly slapped or hit.{{wob ref|6771}}
Aware of the Set, mutual loathing.{{wob ref|12632}}
Would try and kill Amaram and Rashekk.{{wob ref|10862}}
Thinks highly of the Khlons, usually watches those he thinks shall be important. Interested in someone in particular.{{wob ref|12597}}
Could rip Shallan to shreds.{{wob ref|7163}}
Has a similar grudge against Rayse and Bavadin.{{wob ref|10630}}
Long time since he got a hug.{{wob ref|3169}}
There where people he thought he was going to help but failed.{{wob ref|11722}}
Tells people what he thinks they need, not always correct.{{wob ref|2712}}


Didn't have soulcasting, wary of it.{{wob ref|12644}}
Fears many things, as well as Odium.{{wob ref|7876}}
Was hiding from Odium.{{wob ref|12053}}
Sees Odium as evil.{{wob ref|4130}}


Legitimately tricked.{{wob ref|14990}}
Hoid suggested the plan for the Thrill.{{wob ref|14613}}
Odium was confident he could outsmart Hoid.{{wob ref|10314}}
Hoid studies things to sound smart, Khriss knows more.{{wob ref|5320}}{{wob ref|5623}}
Not as clever as he thinks.{{wob ref|6616}}
Could rip Shallan to shreds.{{wob ref|7163}}
Tells people what he thinks they need, not always correct.{{wob ref|2712}}
{{wob ref|5623}}


Doesn't pay taxes.{{wob ref|13322}}
Has seen worlds die.{{wob ref|3084}}
Hoid spoke to the Skaze.{{wob ref|6507}}
Might have been offered a Shard.{{wob ref|676}}
Went for wedding but then got distracted, his involvement on planets is based on how invested he is there.{{wob ref|6162}}
Stuck on Roshar.{{wob ref|12735}}
Has built up aggression, surprised he could hurt Kelsier as he usually can't hurt anyone.{{wob ref|1706}}
Not used to Rosharan ecology.{{wob ref|5151}}
Rules of thumb, not as limited as Shards. Needs to be careful to not draw their attention. Reason for being on Roshar, wants to become a radiant.{{wob ref|13563}}
Someone is gathering investiture.{{wob ref|1831}}
Is very hard to kill.{{wob ref|4780}}
Decided to try and play by magic's rules.{{wob ref|10746}}
Dalinar more prone to understand Hoid.{{wob ref|14769}}
Has faced attempted assassinations.{{wob ref|14741}}
Things in his past made him interested in Endowment.{{wob ref|5300}}
Hoid would by the type to submit a painting to the court of Gods.{{wob ref|5848}}
Sadeas had Hoid's flute, he wants it back.{{wob ref|3350}}
Likely to cheat at cards.{{wob ref|418}}
Dissapointed in losing his flute.{{wob ref|7276}}
Not Whimsy.{{wob ref|14494}}
Been gone long enough that they know he will return.{{wob ref|10478}}
Got Lerasium to become an allomancer.{{wob ref|7288}}
Does not want to be linked to a Shard, avoids Hemalurgy.{{wob ref|656}}
Allomancer, used emotional allomancy. Consdiers it cheating. Attracts wrong attention.{{wob ref|14551}}
Owns many hemalurgic spikes.{{wob ref|15271}}
Has gone by Topaz.{{wob ref|6065}}
Hoid is his own best kept secret.{{wob ref|15151}}
Connected to worldsingers.{{wob ref|10556}}
If tempted by a shard would be endowement.{{wob ref|9845}}

Hoid's true personality, while also usually disguised, is more easily seen as he occasionally drops whatever part he is playing. One of his overall most noticeable traits is his sharp wit and intelligence. The characters he plays often have a penchant for jokes and mockery but when he removes the facade his personality often seems mysterious and grave.{{book ref|twok|epilogue}}{{book ref|twok|57}} If he was asked about whether he called himself a good man personality-wise, Hoid would reply with a "No".{{wob ref|1704}} Hoid is not always serious when he should be, due to how much normal human interaction bores him.{{wob ref|14988}}

Hoid cannot directly physically harm people; this is an involuntary trait that is the result of changes to his spirit made during his time as a [[Dawnshard]].{{wob ref|8687}}{{wob ref|14300}} Rock says he cannot hurt man because it is forbidden by other gods.{{book ref|sa2|46}} He also tells a young Shallan, "You needn't fear me. I'm terribly ineffective at hurting people. I blame my upbringing."{{book ref|sa2|45}} Hoid apologizes to Kelsier after beating him in a fight, stating he doesn't have the inclination to do real harm to him.{{msh ref|2|1}} This aversion causes him to be nauseated when thinking about physically harming someone, and is sometimes bad enough to incapacitate him. However, this only extends to physical trauma- Hoid has no issues with mentally hurting someone or through inaction.{{wob ref|2010}} Hoid also has issues with harming himself physically, such as when he has to manipulate another man into punching him when he wants a tooth knocked out, rather than just doing it himself.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}{{wob ref|8498}}

== Attributes and Abilities ==
== Attributes and Abilities ==
{{image|Wit-Fool by taratjah.jpg|side=right|width=300px|Creating illusions}}

Handerwym is a [[Duralumin|Connector]],{{article ref|Elendel Daily}} there is no known case of him using his abilities during his adventures with Jak however Jak does mention that he kept his metalminds on him during their travels.{{file ref|House Record broadsheet.jpg|''The House Record'' Broadsheet}}
Being as well travelled and old as he is Hoid has learned a great deal of skills and gained access to many abilities throughout his life. This makes him a formidble individual, to the extent that some consider him to be among the most powerful entities of the entire Cosmere {{wob ref|156}} {{wob ref|7323}}

=== Skills ===

As an individual who is as old as he is Hoid has learned a great variety of legitimate skills that are not linked to magic or any of its other effects. One notable skill is that of his musical ability... Among the instruments he can play are the piano,{{wob ref|11338}} harmonica,{{book ref|mb7|21}} guitar{{cite}} and flute.

In addition to his music Hoid is notable for his ability with disguises, despite appearing to be in his 30's he is capable of appearing to be any age{{wob ref|1705}} though it is notable that while pretending to be old those he was talking to could quickly work out that he was younger than he was aiming for.{{cite}} In the past he has convincingly even dressed in drag.{{wob ref|11824}}

In addition to this Hoid considers himself to not only be an artist but also an art critic, taking great pride in both roles.{{wob ref|6459}} He is also a skilled player of [[Tarachin]], to the extent that he could defeat Lightsong in a game.{{wob ref|6851}} He also possess great ability at drawing and sketching.{{book ref|sa3|121}}

Despite this however Hoid is not proficient in every skill and in fact is severely lacking in several, it has been noted that his handwriting is among the worst the Cosmere has ever seen{{wob ref|2538}} and if given the opportunity would prove himself to be a terrible pilot.{{wob ref|10929}} As well as this he is quite bad as sword skills with the sidesword he wears whilst in the role of Wit being there purely for show and as a badge of honor.{{wob ref|896}}{{wob ref|11723}}

Hoid has also come to own a wide variety of useful objects...

Owns the mansion itself.{{wob ref|8899}}
Gave Vienna aluminium, bag is lined with it.{{wob ref|10532}}
Lightweaving might help storytelling.{{wob ref|8329}}
Has a homebase.{{wob ref|1261}}
Sword uninvested but personal value to him.{{wob ref|2505}}
Good at looking unrecognisable.{{wob ref|11586}}
Hoid also has an unknown [[seon]].{{book ref|sa4|78}}{{book ref|sa4|115}}
Both magical and mundane means to know his stories.{{wob ref|11580}}
Does not have an Honorblade.{{wob ref|5773}}
Has access to unkeyed metal minds.{{wob ref|1571}}
Has a home base on Shadesmar.{{wob ref|3479}}
Couldn't alloy lerasium.{{wob ref|11939}}
Has lerasium, possess other items as well.{{wob ref|5483}}{{wob ref|4178}} Hoid has no Honorblades.{{wob ref|7282}}
Has access to atium.{{wob ref|465}}
Owns many hemalurgic spikes.{{wob ref|15271}}
Has a metal he shouldn't have. (Probably Lerasium){{wob ref|4803}}
Took the Moon sceptor to work out how to use Selish magic.{{wob ref|12146}}
Moon sceptor part of a much larger puzzle.{{wob ref|12672}}
Wanted the sceptor for more than just putting Shai in prison.{{wob ref|4088}}
rosetta stone Rose Scepter. Hoid got the information he wanted from it. Specific to understanding the magic of Sel.{{wob ref|9626}}
Sceptor was important to Hoid.{{wob ref|2850}}
Rose Sceptor related to the proximity problem on Sel.{{wob ref|3396}}
Sceptor works as rosetta stone.???{{wob ref|868}}

==== Storytelling ====

|The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.
|Hoid on the art of storyteliing.{{book ref|sa1|57}}

Another notable skill that Hoid possess is that of his storytelling ability, the methods he uses are mundane rather than based upon magical in nature,{{wob ref|4493}} it is also a style that he developed by himself independently and did not borrow from other worlds, though it is possible he developed it whilst on Yolen thus making his statement to Siri through.{{wob ref|4636}}{{book ref|wb|32}} He uses a variety of props in order to assist his ability to convey certain ideas to the listener, most notably that of smoke{{book ref|wok|57}} and sand.{{book ref|wb|32}} Other props he has used at various stages is that of dust, dirt, paper, clay, grass, water and flower petals.{{book ref|wb|32}}

Another important piece of equipment that he uses for his story telling is that of his flute, or whatever musical instrument he has on hand with him at the time. During his story told to Kaladin he used the natural acoustics of the charms to assist his ability so that the echo would return as he was explaining the story.{{book ref|wok|57}}

=== Magic ===

In terms of magical ability Hoid is an individual that is significantly powerful with a wide variety of abilities that he is able to access. Some individuals consider Hoid to be among the most deadly non-Shard entities that currently exist within the Cosmere, though other beings would be able to achieve a similar level of threat if they so wished.{{wob ref|2940}}{{wob ref|7323}}{{wob ref|15226}} While not having access to the magic system from every world that he has visited Hoid still has a substantial number of abilities, even if they do not measure in the hundreds, some of which predate the [[Shattering]].{{wob ref|6658}}{{wob ref|2853}}{{wob ref|1044}}{{wob ref|5728}}{{wob ref|9862}} Due to his dislike of allowing the Shards to hold any sway over him Hoid has purposefully sought out magic through more conventional, if more difficult, means and has avoided using abilities such as [[Hemalurgy]] to gain these abilities.{{wob ref|6658}}{{wob ref|656}} This aversion to Hemalurgy also stems from his recent desire to play by magics "rules" in order to access it, as such he tries to obtain them through conventional means.{{wob ref|10746}} As of the [[True Desolation]] Hoid has access to [[allomancy]], [[lightweaving]] and [[awakening]] as well as more forms of Invested Arts.{{wob ref|6863}} Due to the large changes made to the Cosmere following the death of Adonalsium magic can react unusually around Hoid.{{wob ref|3212}}

|He leaned forward and dropped into the small pool with a splash. Then vanished.
|Hoid using a Perpendicularity to enter the Cognitive Realm.{{book ref|elantris|postscript}}

Hoid uses [[perpendicularity|perpendicularities]] in order to travel throughout the Cosmere.{{wob ref|1472}}{{wob ref|9665}}{{wob ref|5543}} Perpendicularities form when a large amount of investiture gathers into one location and causes the borders between realms to weaken, a knowledgeable individual such as Hoid is then able to manipulate this weakening in order to slip from the Physical realm to the Cognitive.{{au ref|drominad}}{{wob ref|1472}}{{wob ref|5543}} The geography of the Cognitive Realm then allows Hoid to travel from one world to another, then once there all he must do is find another perpendicularity in order to physically enter that world, this allows him to visit numerous worlds with each trip taking him a number of days, if not months, to make.{{wob ref|1472}}{{wob ref|4132}}{{wob ref|7666}}{{wob ref|6643}} Hoid is proficient in travelling the cognitive realm in this way,{{wob ref|5981}} even being able to reach perpendicularities that are considered dangerous to enter such as the [[Well of Ascension]]{{msh ref|2|1}} and those on [[Sel]], though the latter stresses his abilities.{{wob ref|9500}} As part of this he is aware of the location of perpendicularities on Scadrial,{{msh ref|2|1}} Sel,{{book ref|Elantris|part=postscript}} Roshar,{{book ref|sa2|46}} and Nalthis,{{book ref|wb|32}}{{wob ref|9501}} as well as more. Previously he had attempted to reach First of the Sun using this method but failed for reasons unknown.{{wob ref|8937}} While historically having to rely on these naturally occuring means Hoid would later develop a means of creating his own perpendicularities due to his bond with Design.{{wob ref|9294}} It is unclear if he will use these abilities however as he is wary of the rest of the [[Surge]].{{wob ref|12644}}

Hoid has access to some manifestation of Investiture that allows him to manipulate the Spiritual attributes of [[Connection]]. The full extent of this ability is unknown, but one known use is to help Hoid speak the various languages of the worlds that he visits, he achieves this by manipulating his connections to make his Spiritual aspect believe that he was raised in that place, thus allowing him to speak as a native would.{{wob ref|3759}}{{wob ref|8185}}{{wob ref|3583}} Although Hoid is naturally gifted at learning multiple languages he still feels the need to use Connection in order to master them and better pass off as a local, which he often feels the need to.{{wob ref|223}} Because of this he often communicates through Connection rather than normally learning the language.{{wob ref|9012}} Hoid is proficient enough in this style that he can speak without an accent{{wob ref|12643}}{{wob ref|223}}{{wob ref|9012}} and even allows him to use puns and idioms that work in the native languages.{{wob ref|3759}} This however is not a perfect system because if Hoid tries to use a particular term or word that does not translate cleanly into his chosen language the magic can "glitch" and translate what he said verbatim even if it would not make sense for a local to say.{{wob ref|3759}}{{wob ref|3583}}{{wob ref|8185}} Part of these slips of the tongue stem from what he is used to, since Hoid is unused to Roshar's culture and ecology{{cite}} he can be caught referring to things as "coins" or mentioning "bunnies" even though no local would know what he meant.{{wob ref|8185}}{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa2|59}} Another trick Hoid is able to achieve with this manipulation of Connection is being able to enter and exit certain [[visions]], as well as bringing along those who he is bonded with, like [[Design]].{{book ref|sa4|80}} While in these visions Hoid seems to have some ability to control them, being capable of summoning whatever objects he needs, however he is only able to maintain this for around twenty minutes before he is detected doing so.{{book ref|sa4|80}}

|I have discovered a place that I must be, though to be honest I'm not exactly sure why I need to be there. This doesn't always work as well as I'd like it to.
|Hoid to Dalinar{{book ref|sa2|67}}

Another ability that Hoid has gained via unknown means is that of access to [[fortune]], using this ability Hoid is given direction on where he is meant to be and what he is meant to do, but not the reason behind either of these things.{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{wob ref|738}}{{book ref|sa3|68}}{{wob ref|10011}} It is this ability that draws him to where important events are taking place however this is not always a fully reliable system as often times he is sent to worlds where he discovers that nothing personally interests him.{{wob ref|4782}}{{wob ref|5821}} The ability is also further limited in how it is unreliable on telling him on what to do once at the correct place, in some situations he has clear instructions to avoid certain actions or events{{wob ref|738}} yet in other cases gives him no information on what he is supposed to do.{{book ref|sa3|68}}{{wob ref|10011}} Another disadvantage to this ability is the fact that he is not usually granted knowledge as to why he is to be where he is, or do what he is supposed to.{{wob ref|2567}}{{wob ref|8542}}{{wob ref|10011}} Hoid has become adept at covering this disadvantage up however, making it unclear if his peers are aware of this aspect of his ability.{{wob ref|8542}} Further complicating matters for Hoid is the often obtuse nature of these directions, such as driving him to the front lines of an active warzone solely so he would have the slim chance of becoming a [[radiant]].{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} Despite this flaw however Hoid often uses this ability and allows it to guide him as to what system he will be next.{{wob ref|8542}} [Kaladin WoK citation.]

|I can know where I'm supposed to be, Shallan, but not always what I'm supposed to do there.
|Hoid explaining his ability to Shallan{{book ref|sa3|68}}

How Hoid has access to this ability is unknown, it functions off the same principle as the feruchemical ability [[Chromium]] however it is not an ability granted by [[Feruchemy]].{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{wob ref|5692}}{{wob ref|2567}} This ability also grants Hoid a measure of knowledge about the future, notably this is the ability that first made him aware of the existence of instant noodles.{{wob ref|2753}} Despite this however the ability is limited in scope.{{wob ref|5462}}


|I cannot risk too much because if he finds me then I become nothing - a soul shredded and broken into pieces that cannot be reassembled.
|Hoid to Dalinar on what Rayse would do if he found him.{{book ref|sa2|67}}

Has lost fingers in the past.{{wob ref|4121}}
Has been beheaded.{{wob ref|13376}}
Can heal from hemalurgy.{{wob ref|6435}}
Is very hard to kill.{{wob ref|4780}}
Hoids manner of healing heals his cognitive self.{{wob ref|5606}}
Would not pickup Nightblood, fearful of even holding it. Has a chance of destroying Hoid.{{wob ref|11671}}
There are only a few things in the cosmere that are capable of hurting him, one of which is likely [[Nightblood]], and he stays far away from all of them.{{wob ref|11671}}
Form of healing predates the others. Can't harm himself.{{wob ref|8498}}

|I'd be surprised if that little knife of yours poses me any real threat, Kholin.
|Hoid to Jasnah on her Shardblade{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}
Hoid has access to some sort of healing factor that is capable of repairing both the body and the [[spiritweb|soul]].{{wob ref|5606}} He is able to regenerate any damaged body parts at will, including his head. He can also heal from being stabbed [[Hemalurgy|hemalurgically]].{{wob ref|6435}} Hoid is able to repress his healing factor in some way, preventing instantaneous healing, an ability that he makes use of in some of his disguises.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This healing factor makes it very difficult to kill Hoid,{{wob ref|4780}} although he is still at least somewhat vulnerable.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} The name of the manifestation of Investiture responsible for Hoid's healing is unknown, but it is ancient,{{wob ref|8498}} likely originating from some Pre-Shattering source. It is uncertain whether or not this healing factor is at all related to Hoid's apparent agelessness, which is known to originate from a remnant of a weapon built to kill Adonalsium.{{wob ref|10439}} Hoid is unafraid of Shardblades for multiple reasons, probably including his healing factor.{{wob ref|13207}}


Can suppress his investiture.{{wob ref|3437}}
Went to Terris to try and get the handle on Feurchemy.{{wob ref|8653}}
Can detect if investiture is being used.{{wob ref|10763}}
Someone is gathering investiture.{{wob ref|1831}}
Not the weapon that killed Adonalsium.{{wob ref|10826}}
Tried to uncover Feurchemy.{{wob ref|12754}}
Didn't have soulcasting, wary of it.{{wob ref|12644}}
Not the oldest being in the Cosmere.{{wob ref|3083}}
How he knows stories.{{wob ref|14413}}
Rules of thumb, not as limited as Shards. Needs to be careful to not draw their attention. Reason for being on Roshar, wants to become a radiant.{{wob ref|13563}}
Could possibly notice a Dawnshard.{{wob ref|15294}}
Sword uninvested but personal value to him.{{wob ref|2505}}
Good at looking unrecognisable.{{wob ref|11586}}
Can change how he is perceived.{{wob ref|15034}}
Hoid also has an unknown [[seon]].{{book ref|sa4|78}}{{book ref|sa4|115}}
Both magical and mundane means to know his stories.{{wob ref|11580}}
Hoid told Kaladin things he needs to know. Can't see far into the future.???{{wob ref|5462}}
Might know sand mastery.{{wob ref|5878}}


==== Dawnshard ====

|'Old' is a word you use for worn shoes. I'm something else entirely.
|Hoid to Shallan when she calls him 'old'.{{book ref|sa3|68}}

Hoid in the past had held a Dawnshard which dramatically changed his spiritweb,{{wob ref|14300}} this change has arguably made Hoid no longer a human and is considered a stranger transformation than what savant's and Steel Inquistors have undergone.{{wob ref|6614}}{{wob ref|2669}}{{wob ref|2615}} A part of this shift Hoid gained numerous abilities which still persist to the present day, the most notable of these is that it grants Hoid is famed immortality, preventing him from visibly aging at all.{{wob ref|14300}}{{wob ref|10439}} This has allowed him to become one of the oldest beings in the entire Cosmere, predating even the birth of the original sixteen vessels.{{wob ref|3054}}{{wob ref|11070}} Despite this however Hoid has not lived all the years that he has lived through, this is related to an ability he has to cause time dilation.{{wob ref|37}}{{wob ref|6585}}{{wob ref|4083}}{{wob ref|4031}}

|Lamu'anaki cannot hurt man. Is forbidden by other gods. Everyone knows this.
|Rock discussing Hoid{{book ref|sa2|46}}

Another startling effect of the Dawnshard is it causing his inability to harm others,{{wob ref|14300}} this ability is involuntary and is a side effect of having held the Dawnshard at some stage over his life.{{wob ref|8687}} This ability however is molded by Hoid's own perceptions and beliefs, so long as he thinks an action would cause physical harm to an individual he can not undertake that act, if however he does not think an action would cause such harm he may do so.{{wob ref|13471}}{{wob ref|14954}} It is because of this that Hoid is able to socially or psychologically harm someone as he does not perceive such a thing to be like physically hurting someone.{{wob ref|2010}} While he can still eat this also prevents Hoid from eating meat, including bacon his favorite dish.{{wob ref|14300}}{{wob ref|12659}}{{wob ref|15010}}{{wob ref|14343}} Artificial meat, such as that which is soulcast or grown in a lab, is fine for him to eat however as he does not see it as harming an entity.{{wob ref|14954}} This feature also allowed him to harm [[Kelsier]] as he did not count [[cognitive shadows]] as people at the time,{{wob ref|14359}} since then he has grown curious on if this means he could hurt other cognitive shadows or Heralds, however scholars think not.{{wob ref|11674}}

Dawnshard is related to first gem title.{{wob ref|14355}}
Influence{{wob ref|7616}}

{{image|Hoid by Gar leyva.jpeg|side=left|width=300px}}

==== Light Weaving ====

|I see. You do not yet understand the nature of lies. I had that trouble myself, long ago. The Shards here are very strict. You will have to see the truth, child, before you can expand upon it. Just as a man should know the law before he breaks it.
|Hoid on Lightweaving to Shallan{{book ref|sa2|45}}

Has multiple forms of lightweaving.{{wob ref|12579}}
Rules of thumb, not as limited as Shards. Needs to be careful to not draw their attention. Reason for being on Roshar, wants to become a radiant.{{wob ref|13563}}
Hoid is a lightweaver, likes to play with fire.{{wob ref|15140}}
Lightweaving might help storytelling.{{wob ref|8329}}
Lightweaver before the Shattering, OG lightweaver.{{wob ref|10852}}
Has a long quest to try and get some form of lightweaving permanently.{{wob ref|10755}}
Yolish lightweaving not fully functional.{{wob ref|11587}}
Lightweaving probably favourite type of investiture.{{wob ref|13530}}
Design.{{wob ref|14497}}

Hoid has access to an Invested Art known as [[Lightweaving]] that originates from Yolen prior to the Shattering of Adonalsium.{{wob ref|8909}} Lightweaving allows for the creation of optical and auditory illusions.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} This Lightweaving is much less restrictive than the later [[Illumination|Rosharan variant]],{{book ref|sa2|45}} and does not require a spren or Stormlight to function.{{wob ref|8909}} Hoid sometimes makes use of this ability in his disguises{{wob ref|5775}} although he has several ways of changing how he looks{{wob ref|5024}} including practical effects.{{epigraph ref|sa3|35}} He may also make use of it in some of his storytelling,{{wob ref|8329}} such as the pictures of [[Derethil]] and the ''[[Wandersail]]'' that Kaladin sees in the smoke when Hoid is telling him a story.{{book ref|sa1|57}}

Hoid's Yolish Lightweaving does not always seem to function perfectly on Roshar;{{wob ref|9346}} in fact, he needs help from Shallan to fully craft an illusion.{{book ref|sa3|82}} His power is somehow limited, and he has trouble making some aspects of it work, even after multiple attempts.{{wob ref|9346}} It is uncertain why this occurs and whether or not this issue is unique to Roshar. Hoid's bonding of a Cryptic will provide abilities that supplement his own Lightweaving{{wob ref|8473}} and allows him to overcome his issues crafting illusions, although further impacts or resonances between the two are unknown.{{wob ref|8664}}{{book ref|sa4|80}} Hoid's access to Yolish Lightweaving does allow him to guide another Lightweaver's power, although this is not something he would be able to do with just any Invested Art.{{wob ref|9346}}

==== Surge Binding ====

{{image|Hoid and Design by Elisgardor.jpg|side=right|width=350px|Hoid with [[Design]]}}
|It's either go with me now or wait it out and get captured. I honestly don't even know if you've the mind to listen. But if you do, know this: I will give you truths. And I know some juicy ones.
|Hoid to his [[Cryptic]], Design{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}

Design.{{wob ref|14497}}

Hoid has bonded the [[Cryptic]] [[Design]], which grants him access to Surgebinding.{{wob ref|10746}} While the enhanced reflexes and healing permitted by Stormlight will likely be less useful to Hoid, the [[Nahel bond]] allows him to access the surges of [[Illumination]] and [[Transformation]].{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This allows Hoid to [[Soulcast]], transforming one type of matter to another by persuading its Cognitive aspect as well as Lightweaving, which grants him the ability to create visual and auditory illusions. This Rosharan Lightweaving seems to have a compounding effect with his Yolish Lightweaving, and allows him to circumvent the problems that he has experienced with his own illusions.{{book ref|sa4|80}} Although Hoid's Ideals are unknown, it may eventually grant him a [[Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate]].
<!-- It is unknown if Hoid's Nahel bond will prevent him from worldhopping as implied by Mraize -->
<!-- Out of all of the orders of the [[Knights Radiant]], [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] was his first choice, as Lightweaving matches him very well and he's quite familiar and experienced with it. Having full access to Lightweaving is a fulfillment of a long, long quest for him.{{wob ref|10755}} -->

==== Elantrian ====

|It was constructed of Aons. Which I could now draw.
The mechanics might bore you. The results, though, were spectacular.|Hoid's Narration, ''[[Tress of the Emerald Sea]]''{{book ref|Tress|64}}
Hoid became an [[Elantrian]] through winning a bet he made with [[Riina]], a member of The [[Ire]].{{book ref|Tress|64}} Despite his short time with the power, Hoid showed a notable aptitude for the manipulation of [[Aon]]s, being able to edit a complex [[AonDor]] "curse" placed on [[Charlie]] by Riina, who herself is a highly experienced wielder of AonDor.{{book ref|Tress|64}}{{book ref|Tress|epilogue}} Additionally, Hoid was shown to have spent significant time coveting this specific Invested art.{{book ref|Elantris|Postscript}}{{book ref|Tress|64}}

Tries to get Aondor and fails.{{wob ref|11550}}
Has tried and failed to access the Dor.{{wob ref|12006}}
Can't transport Aondor.{{wob ref|10466}}
Tried to become an elantrian, knew a lot more about the Cosmere by the time of Mistborn era 1.{{wob ref|2678}}
Took the Moon sceptor to work out how to use Selish magic.{{wob ref|12146}}
Moon sceptor part of a much larger puzzle.{{wob ref|12672}}
Wanted the sceptor for more than just putting Shai in prison.{{wob ref|4088}}
rosetta stone Rose Scepter. Hoid got the information he wanted from it. Specific to understanding the magic of Sel.{{wob ref|9626}}
Sceptor was important to Hoid.{{wob ref|2850}}
Rose Sceptor related to the proximity problem on Sel.{{wob ref|3396}}
Sceptor works as rosetta stone.???{{wob ref|868}}

==== Allomancy ====

Got Lerasium to become an allomancer.{{wob ref|7288}}
Used Allomancy in flashback.{{wob ref|5795}}
Found a use for Lerasium, hasn't used it yet.{{wob ref|14842}}
Has a metal he shouldn't have. (Probably Lerasium){{wob ref|4803}}
Has access to atium.{{wob ref|465}}
Is an allomancer.{{wob ref|4877}}
Uses Harmony for Allomancy.{{wob ref|12339}}
Allomancer, used emotional allomancy. Consdiers it cheating. Attracts wrong attention.{{wob ref|14551}}
Was not an allomancer at the time of Elantris.{{wob ref|340}}
Is a mistborn.{{wob ref|12210}}
Couldn't alloy lerasium.{{wob ref|11939}}

Wanted people to act the way he wanted.{{wob ref|6933}}

Hoid has also gained access to Allomancy,{{wob ref|4877}} by burning a bead of lerasium stolen from the Well of Ascension.{{wob ref|1515}}{{wob ref|12210}} This grants him power equivalent to that of the ancient Allomancers.{{epigraph ref|mb3|22}} It is uncertain how practiced he is with these powers, but he does make use of emotional Allomancy{{wob ref|6933}} on at least one occasion.{{book ref|sa2|45}} He also has access to [[atium]].{{wob ref|465}} It is unknown whether or not Hoid has access to Feruchemy.{{wob ref|466}} However, he does have access to some unkeyed metalminds,{{wob ref|1571}} which would not be useful to him without Feruchemical abilities or unsealed metalminds. The particular attributes that are stored in these metalminds are unknown. Hoid does not make use of Hemalurgy, to gain access to the Metallic Arts or any other manifestation of Investiture, as he is concerned about opening himself up to the influence of Shards.{{wob ref|656}} He does, however, own many Hemalurgic spikes.{{wob ref|15271}}

==== Awakening ====

|Perfect pitch makes this all so much easier than it once was....
|Hoid to Kaladin on making music{{book ref|sa2|59}}

Can't lose perfect pitch due to time.{{wob ref|2751}}
Used Breath.{{wob ref|11544}}
Hoid can't awaken stormlight.{{wob ref|12667}}
Did not awaken while playing with Kaladin.{{wob ref|1387}}

As a Yolish man, Hoid was not himself born with any [[BioChromatic Breath]].{{wob ref|3212}} However at some point Hoid has gained access to enough BioChromatic Breath to bring him to at least the Second Heightening.{{book ref|sa2|59}} This means Hoid has at least two hundred Breaths, which grant him the ability to recognize unsupressed Breath auras and judge about how much breath another Awakener has, as well as perfect pitch.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} That is not to say that Hoid may not have reached a higher Heightening, just that the second Heightening is his minimum power level.{{wob ref|4655}} Hoid's level of skill with [[Awakening]] is still unknown, as he has only made use of it on one known occasion, when he Awakened a doll, causing it to walk.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This makes it difficult to ascertain his knowledge of Commands or complex Awakenings. Hoid's level of control over Investiture does allow him to suppress his Breath aura, making it difficult to notice by others. However, there are various methods of detecting Investiture that could circumvent this suppression.{{wob ref|3437}} Hoid's perfect pitch does aid him in tuning instruments and making music.{{book ref|sa2|59}} Additionally, holding Breath has allowed Hoid to somehow outsource some of his memory to said Breath. After [[Odium]]'s destruction of some of these Breaths in order to wipe his short-term memory, his level of Breath was reduced to just under the Second Heightening, resulting in a loss of perfect pitch.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}

== History ==
== History ==

=== Adventures with Jak ===
* Has multiple forms of lightweaving.{{wob ref|12579}}

Handerwym and Jak initially crossed paths during an unknown incident that involved Jak rescuing from drowning in a lake.{{file ref|Elendel Daily broadsheet.png|''The Elendel Daily'' Broadsheet}} Following this event Handerwym continued to travel with Jak, eventually with an agreement being reached where Handerwym would serve as his editor. To his frustration however Jak would often get in arguements with Handerwym about the details of his story and insisit he not change his more outlandish claims, Jak was less attentive with his published book collections however giving Handerwym the chance to offer an uncensored commentary to his stories.{{book ref|eltania}} At some stage he also made the acquitance of [[Elizandra Dramali]].
Wit is his favourite role.{{wob ref|905}}
Aware of Harmony's manipulations with Wax.{{wob ref|2732}}

While travelling with Jak the group eventually ended up at the [[Pits of Eltania]] where they made contact with a group of Koloss living there. Handerwym was treated well by the native Koloss due to his Terris heritage while Elizandra was recogonized for her Koloss heritage and as such treated with respect. For reasons unknown Jak was to be executed and had his weapons confiscated. Before he could be killed Handerwym formed a connection with one of the Koloss and used this to retrieve Jak's firearm, then while he was being sent away to be killed Handerwym approached and under the guise of giving him a hug handed it to him.{{file ref|Elendel Daily broadsheet.png|''The Elendel Daily'' Broadsheet}}
Noodles are not native to Yolen and he knows about them the same way he knows where to go.{{wob ref|2753}}

=== Breakup with Jak ===
Decided to try and play by magic's rules.{{wob ref|10746}}
Hurting Kelsier.{{wob ref|14359}}

In the years following the discovery of the [[Bands of Mourning]] Jak continued to publish his stories and by happenstance discovered a large amount of Survivor artifacts.{{cite}} Whilst expanding his business Jak decided to invest in new forms of media entertainment and in order to fund these ventures took a stake out of Handerwym's ownership in the company. This led to a public falling out between the two with the judge ultimately siding with Handerwym. Jak continued to be published in the ''[[Sentinel of Truth]]'' while Handerwym kept exclusive access to ''[[The Two Seasons]]'' as well as other paper's. [[Nicelle Sauvage]] would continue under Handerwym's banner.{{file ref|The Two Seasons broadsheet.jpg|''The Two Seasons'' Broadsheet}}
=== Origins ===

|Other men . . . other men, as they age, merely grow stranger. I fear that I am one of those. I am the bones of a foreign species left drying on the plain that was once, long ago, a sea. A curiosity, perhaps a reminder, that all has not always been as it is now.
|Hoid on his age{{book ref|sa3|68}}

At an unknown date the individual who would later become known as '''Hoid''' was conceived naturally under wedlock on [[Yolen]].{{wob ref|2610}}{{wob ref|5808}}{{msh ref|2|1}}{{wob ref|8343}} When born he lacked his white hair but for reasons unknown it changed to white prior to the Shattering.{{wob ref|15174}}{{wob ref|10631}} As he grew older Hoid would eventually end up holding one of the [[Dawnshards]], this had a profound effect upon him permanently changing his [[spiritweb]], stopping him from ageing and preventing him from harming others.{{wob ref|14300}}{{wob ref|11070}} This Dawnshard, for reasons unknown, was associated with Topaz, it is for this reason that Hoid received his oldest alias of the same name and his title of 'Bearer of the First Gem'.{{wob ref|13128}}{{wob ref|6065}}{{wob ref|14355}}{{wob ref|5301}} Hoid also gained access to a number of magic systems that predated the [[Shattering]], among them was one that would continue to grant him healing abilities for the rest of his life and also Yolish [[Lightweaving]].{{wob ref|8498}}{{wob ref|10852}}{{wob ref|11587}}{{wob ref|6658}} His ability to Lightweave did used to get him in trouble when he used it.{{wob ref|10852}} During this time he also met and became associated with various [[Sho Del]] and [[Dragon]]s.{{wob ref|8793}}{{wob ref|5096}} During this period Hoid served a 'master' of some form who would later die.{{cite}} Got the name Hoid from them.{{wob ref|5882}}

Eventually Hoid met and befriended [[Frost]] who was his elder by a small amount.{{wob ref|945}}{{wob ref|11305}}{{wob ref|2870}} Shortly afterwards Hoid assumed the identity of '''Cephandrius''' and began to meet and become acquainted with the sixteen original vessels under it,{{wob ref|11305}}{{wob ref|12654}}{{wob ref|11070}} this gave him insight into each of their personalities and motives. He became drinking buddies with [[Tanavast]]{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} and upon meeting him considered [[Ati]] to be one of the nicest people he ever met.{{cite}} Notably he met and became good friends with [[Rayse]].{{wob ref|2101}} Events from this time would later make him interested in the [[Endowment]] shard.{{wob ref|5300}}

{{image|Shattering by Connor Chamberlain.jpg|A depiction of the [[Shattering of Adonalsium]]|side=left|width=350px}}

For reasons unknown the idea eventually came up to kill [[Adonalsium]], Hoid was reluctant to this idea even if he kind of considered it somewhat necessary.{{wob ref|8718}} Hoid was present at the time of the Shattering, although he did not directly participate he could be considered somewhat involved in the events that took place there.{{wob ref|10773}}{{wob ref|10868}}{{wob ref|7831}}{{wob ref|6470}}{{wob ref|11858}} Despite the fact that the Dawnshard were the primary tool used to kill Adonalsium Hoid himself did not do the deed.{{wob ref|10439}}{{cite}}{{wob ref|10826}} Like with the rest of the Cosmere the Shattering would have a large impact on himself, notably he lost something dear to him due to the event.{{wob ref|13276}} As well as that magic had changed dramatically throughout the Cosmere, because of this investiture behaves oddly around Hoid since he predates this change.{{cite}}{{wob ref|3212}} He also developed a similar grudge against Rayse and [[Bavadin]] due to events there{{wob ref|10630}} and left with the impression that [[Odium]] was evil.{{wob ref|4130}}

Following the Shattering the original sixteen [[Shards]] were created. Hoid was offered one but refused it.{{wob ref|3337}}{{wob ref|3983}}{{wob ref|4175}}{{book ref|sa4|99}} It is unknown what Shard was offered to him but he was tempted by Endowement at the time.{{wob ref|9845}} Due to his refusal someone else had to take his place and pick the Shard that he had rejected in his stead.{{wob ref|12132}} During this time he had implied that he would not interfere with the other Shards or there activities following the Shattering, however he never stuck to this.{{msh ref|2|1}} In the years following the Shattering Hoid eventually gave up his Dawnshard and left Yolen, going on to explore the wider [[Cosmere]].{{wob ref|14300}}

=== Following The Shattering ===

Following the events of the Shattering Hoid began exploring the Cosmere in earnest, this involved discovering the location and nature of perpendicularities. These would remain the primary method of travel for him for the rest of his travels throughout his life.{{wob ref|9665}} Upon discovering one Hoid can use it to enter [[Shadesmar]], from there he uses the natural geography of the region to his advantage, walking from one world to another. Once he arrives in a new populated system Hoid then simply finds another perpendicularity in order to allow him to enter the worlds physical realm. Because of this his travels from world to world actually takes place over a long period of time, even into months.{{wob ref|1472}}{{wob ref|5543}}

Using this method Hoid went on to explore the many worlds that populate the Cosmere, among them is the world that Frost currently inhabits,{{wob ref|12296}} [[Threnody]],{{wob ref|7135}} a world which he claimed was full of cannibals,{{book ref|sa4|50}} and many more. He had previously tried to access [[First of the Sun]] but failed.{{wob ref|8937}}{{wob ref|7135}} During his ventures he ended up having multiple tattoos at one point or another,{{wob ref|5909}} watched multiple worlds die,{{wob ref|3084}} was decapitated, and lost multiple fingers.{{wob ref|4121}} He also met and formed multiple love interests,{{wob ref|9465}} despite this however it was rare for him to get hugs as many instead responded with violence upon meeting him.{{wob ref|6771}} Throughout his travels he had a habit of arriving at a system before realising that nothing of importance was happening to interest him causing him to leave again very quickly.{{wob ref|5821}}

Some of the sixteen likes Hoid.{{wob ref|8519}}
Not the oldest being in the Cosmere.{{wob ref|3083}}
There where people he thought he was going to help but failed.{{wob ref|11722}}
He also did something in his past that he regretted.{{wob ref|8225}}

=== The Desolations ===

Throughout his travels Hoid continued to hold his grudge against Rayse, his belief that Odium was evil was only further emboldened upon witnessing the Shard Splinter [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]] and [[Ambition]].{{wob ref|4130}}{{wob ref|10630}}{{wob ref|6619}}(epigraphs ref) Due to this Hoid eventually became involved with the Desolations on the side of [[Honor]] and the Radiant's. As part of this each of the ten [[Herald]]s became familiar with Hoid under his alias of 'Midius,' to such an extent that [[Ash|one of the Heralds]] can recognise Hoid based solely upon his sketches of them.{{book ref|sa3|121}} During this time he managed to visit [[Aimia]],{{wob ref|12780}} became aware of the [[Sleepless]] and [[Larkin]]s{{wob ref|12019}}{{wob ref|1523}}, spoke to the [[Nightwatcher]]{{wob ref|12264}} and attempted to form a [[Nahel Bond]] but ultimately failed.{{wob ref|15694}} Despite this however he never grew used to Roshar's ecology.{{wob ref|5151}}

|Rayse is captive. He cannot leave the system he now inhabits. His destructive potential is, therefore, inhibited.
|Frost discussing the end state of the Desolations.{{Epigraph ref|sa2|69}}

His involvement eventually became such that [[Odium]] began to instruct the [[Fused]] on how to find and detect Hoid even when disguised. Despite this however there was an incident in which Hoid managed to attend a dance undetected by [[Vatwha]] and other fused despite him dancing with them, they became familiar to the extent that even centuries later Hoid could recognise Vatwha although she failed to see through his disguise.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} Ultimately Odium would be contained to the Rosharan system due to [[Taln]] maintaining the Oathpact by himself, seemingly satisfied Hoid would then leave the system and not return for quite sometime. His memory however continued to persist there however, primarily through the worship of himself by the [[Unkalaki]] as the deity 'Lunu'anaki.'{{book ref|sa2|46}}

Been a Wit for more than ELhokar and Jasnah, thoughts on the role of Wit.{{wob ref|12270}}{{ref|group=fn|text=As Gavilar is said to have reinstated the role of Wit as per old customs and that Alethkar had never been united or held a monarchy since before the time of the Hierocracy it can be presumed that Hoid was Wit at some stage during the Silver Kingdoms.}}

Gave advice to the Heralds.{{epigraph ref|sa4|84}}

=== After the Last Desolation and Odiums containment ===

Hoid played some sort of role in founding the Worldbringers.{{cite}}{{wob ref|6749}}{{wob ref|10556}} (Kwaam epigraph reference.)

Hoid spent a lot of time gambling on Nalthis, and was fairly renowned. He would arrange things so that he could never lose, and then bet everything on himself. However, someone else managed to arrange it so that he couldn't ''win'', either, resulting in a tie and the loss of his winnings.{{book ref|sa4|99}}

Hoid traveled to [[Taldain]], though for what reasons are unknown. He was there when the [[Taishin]] were deciding whether or not to disband the [[Diem]].{{wob ref|5776}} Hoid later got onto the boat [[Khriss]] took to return to [[Darkside]], where he sang a song to the passengers about the meaning of art.{{book ref|ws3|6}}

Mentioned in Whitesand.{{wob ref|3964}}

Has had instant noodles on Taldain.{{wob ref|8164}}

* Related to the musician in White sand.{{wob ref|12052}}

* In whitesand.{{wob ref|5776}}
* Hoid in Whitesand. Influence.{{wob ref|3809}}

Hoid did not find the Five Scholars {{wob ref|3622}}

Hoid visited [[Obrodai]] at some point prior to the True Desolation. A female avatar was created by [[Autonomy]] and instilled with a great dislike of Hoid in order to prevent him from returning there.{{epigraph ref|sa3|50}}

Diem investigating Hoid.{{wob ref|3087}}
One of the cases that [[Ais]] mentioned.{{wob ref|5877}}
Might know sand mastery.{{wob ref|5878}}

=== The Restoration of Elantris ===

|There is beauty in every disaster, friend, if you are clever enough to find it.
|Hoid to a skaze{{book ref|Elantris|Postscript}}

Hoid had travelled to [[Sel]] on numerous occasions, each time stressing his resources to their limits but he considered the trip worth his effort on all occasions.{{wob ref|9500}} Hoid presumably made frequent use of Dominion's perpendicularity when travelling due to his unfamiliarity with [[Devotion's Perpendicularity]] in [[Arelon]] and his knowledge of the [[Skaze]] who are of Dominion.{{wob ref|4547}} Upon arriving to the system Hoid had spoken to the Skaze and agreed to work alongside them, part of this involved helping him test a theory he had which was that by entering Devotion's Perpendicularity he could transform into an Elantrian and thus access the Dor.{{wob ref|8377}}{{wob ref|2678}}{{wob ref|11550}} In order to facilitate this bet he entered the physical realm and began travelling towards the city of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]. Along the way Hoid began directing a group of homeless beggars as a smuggling ring, disguising himself as a homeless individual in the process, eventually his group was hired out by [[Sarene]] to smuggle weapons into Elantris. Sarene noticed that Hoid was apprehensive and concluded it was due to his remaining fear of being punished by king [[Iadon]], she tried to calm him and brushed off his questions about what the bozes contained before turning to leave. She ordered her Seon [[Ashe]] to inform the city that a shipment was incoming and left as Hoid and his men began climbing the wall to enter the city.{{book ref|Elantris|58}} Following the Resoration of Elantris Hoid finally managed to enter the perpendicularity within the city and approached it with a Skaze tailing him.{{wob ref|4547}}{{wob ref|6507}} Hoid seemed convinced that by entering the pool he would become an Elantrian, eagerly he tested this theory by diving in with bandages and then removed them in order to inspect what transformation had taken place. To his surprise there was none and the Skaze began to mock him for thinking that this plan would actually work. He was not bothered by this however and began sharing a personal ancedote from his past with the Skaze in which he revealed that every disaster has some kind of beauty attached to it. The Skaze showed a sense of humour to Hoid's surprise and then questioned what he thought was the beauty in this disaster, to which Hoid clarified the fact that the Cosmere could still surprise him even after all his time alive and how much he had left to learn. With that Hoid then dived into the pool and re-entered the Cognitive Realm leaving the Skaze behind in the city.{{book ref|Elantris|Postscript}}{{wob ref|11550}}

|He had duped her. He had duped them all, the Grands, the empire itself.
|Shai contemplating how thorough Hoid's trickery was.{{ref|name=tes-del}}

Following this failure Hoid began to learn a great deal more about the Cosmere.{{wob ref|2678}} As part of this Hoid desired to better understand the Selish Invested Arts and years later concluded that the [[Moon Scepter]] could help him achieve this goal. The Scepter functions like a Rosette Stone in order to explain how everything on Sel was interconnected and all functioned, as such Hoid felt that he needed it to progress along his goal.{{wob ref|12146}}{{wob ref|9626}} As well as that it could help him resolve the geographic limitations of Selish magic.{{wob ref|3396}}{{wob ref|10466}} Despite this however the Sceptor was a small part of a much larger puzzle.{{wob ref|12672}}

{{image|TES Full Cast.jpeg|side=right|height=250px|The cast of The Emporer's Soul, Hoid from the second right by [[User: Botanicaxu]].}}

In order to try and steal the Sceptor Hoid carefully moved into the position of the Royal Fool in Emperor [[Ashravan]]'s royal court. Having such a high position in the [[Rose Empire]] he then manipulated events to his own end, partnering up with a local [[Forger]] named [[Shai]], together they hatched a plan which involved Shai impersonating a noble, breaking into the Royal Gallery and then finally stealing the Moon Scepter itself. Hoid felt that he couldn't trust Shai with the Scepter however and instead set up events so she would be arrested and he could escape with it for himself, leaving a duplicate behind. This duplicate was eventually taken by the Rose Empire to be legitimate.{{tes ref|2}} Before leaving with the Scepter Hoid came down and apologised for the betrayal of Shai, going so far as to compliment her intelligence and cunning. He informed her that an opportunity would soon arrive for her to work towards freedom,{{ref|name=tes-del}} an event that may have been the offer to fix Ashravan's soul itself, he did not imprison her for the chance to fix him however but rather felt her imprisonment was truly necessary for his goals.{{wob ref|4088}} With that Hoid then left the Empire and got the information he wanted from the Scepter{{wob ref|9626}} however despite his efforts could never work out how to access the [[Dor]] nor how to overcome its geographic limitations.{{wob ref|12006}}{{wob ref|10466}} He did however manage to create a permanent grudge in Shai against him as she swore to hunt him down upon obtaining her freedom.{{tes ref|epilogue}}

=== The Catacendre ===

|Your worry over [[Renoux|this house]] is meaningless! You should pick a house more central to politics.
|Hoid letting growing frustrated with Kelseir.{{book ref|mb1|19}}

Following his travels on Sel Hoid would later arrive on Scadrial making use of Ruin's Perpendicularity.{{wob ref|340}}{{wob ref|2678}} Once there he took up the guise of a [[Skaa]] informant where he swiftly gained a reputation of being an excellent source of information, this reputation eventually reached the ears of [[Dockson]] who then told [[Kelsier]] about him. Kelseir decided to set up a meeting with him and wanted to insure that nobody had caught on to his plot, as such he asked Hoid to investigate House [[Renoux]]. Hoid began his investigations and whilst doing so infiltrated House [[Elariel]] disguised as a servent, during his tenure there a fire started and [[Shan Elariel]] used her allomancy to calm her workers, this made Hoid realise that she was a [[Soother]]. Following this he then arrived at the agreed location and time for Kelsier, the latter was late to arrive and so Hoid began to smoke tobacco which flaunted his wealth in this role. During their meeting Hoid insisted to be paid upfront and also feigned blindness in order to put Kelsier at ease, he answered his questions and handed over what little information he had on House Renoux, which was very little. He informed Kelsier that the house was buying up weapons and that rumours of a relationship between [[Vin]] and [[Elend]] were spreading, and that House Renoux had some sort of leverage over House [[Venture]]. After being pushed for more Hoid snapped at Kelsier and told him that he had nothing else to add as House Renoux was largely irrelevant to the growing conflict between houses and implied he had more interesting information about House Elariel. In order to keep Hoid's suspicions away Kelsier turned to discuss other houses where Hoid mentioned his information about Shan. Following this Kelsier then purposefully gave Hoid disinformation, which he grew visibly excited by, before leaving. As soon as Kelsier left Hoid dropped the act of being blind.{{book ref|mb1|19}} Following this Hoid then stayed around for a little longer before leaving the system, prior to Kelsier destroying the pits.{{wob ref|1552}}

|You are very bad at doing as you're supposed to.
|Hoid meeting Kelseir again.{{msh ref|2|1}}

{{image|Kelsier vs Hoid.jpg|side=left|width=350px|[[Kelsier]]'s and Hoid's battle.}}

Later Hoid returned to Scadrial, intent on getting a bead of [[Lerasium]] so that he could become a [[mistborn]].{{wob ref|7288}} Upon returning to the subastral Hoid discovered that Ruins perpendicularity had been destroyed by Kelsier, thus disrupting interplanetary trade,{{wob ref|1514}} this left the [[Well of Ascension]] as the only way to enter the physical realm. This perpendicularity was harder and more dangerous to access however, leaving Hoid the only individual brave enough to attempt it,{{msh ref|2|1}} before leaving for this trip [[Khriss]] and [[Nazh]] became aware of his intentions with it but made no effort to stop or dissuade him.{{msh ref|3|2}} in order to sail to the perpendicularity Hoid found a [[cognitive shadow]], named [[Spanky]], and used it as a boat and covered his oar with [[investiture]] in order to move around.{{wob ref|1542}} Upon arriving to the Well he expressed surprise at discovering Kelsier was within it, taking the chance Hoid mocked him for his predicament of being trapped in the well considering it poetic that he would be trapped in [[Ati]]'s prison following his destruction of the [[Pits of Hathsin]]. Hoid stayed back, cautious that Kelsier may try to prevent him entering the physical realm, and continued to try and distract Kelsier with more mockery of his physical appearance, Kelsier however noted his hesitance. Seeing that Kelsier wanted to know how to escape the well Hoid offered for them both to play an insult battle, with the prize being a true answer to one question. Hoid offered to go first and then Kelsier decided to threaten to murder him, Hoid tried to play this off before making an attempt for the pool but Kelsier attacked him. The pair fought, during which Hoid was surprised to discover that his usual prohabition against harm did not apply to Kelsier,{{msh ref|2|1}} this was because of his perception that Kelsier was already dead and therefore could not be harmed.{{wob ref|13471}} Due to this Hoid let out a good deal of repressed anger and easily overpowered Kelsier, causing him a great deal of pain. Following this defeat Hoid then apologised to Kelsier for the battle and implied that he had intended him to defeat [[Rashek]] all along, before finally turning away and entering the physical realm. Once there he wasted no time in grabbing the bead of Lerasium and leaving the Well.{{msh ref|2|1}} Hoid made sure to only take one bead since his intution told him that taking two would lead to terrible consequences.{{wob ref|12223}} Later on Hoid would burn the Lerasium and become a mistborn, though he did not do this immediately.{{wob ref|12210}}{{wob ref|14842}}

Following his arrival to the physical realm Hoid turned his attention to uncovering how [[Feruchemy]] worked and if he could possibly obquire it, in order to achieve this he made his way up towards the [[Terris Dominance]].{{msh ref|2|2}}{{wob ref|1552}}{{wob ref|12754}}{{wob ref|8653}} Originally he did not bother much with a disguise for himself.{{msh ref|2|2}} This changed however following the [[Inquisitors]] attack of the [[Synod]] which succeeded in killing of all leadership and every [[keeper]] there, this caused chaos among the Terris. Hoid decided to try and help them, in the process getting distracted and more involved than he probably should have been.{{wob ref|8653}}{{wob ref|5942}}{{wob ref|12754}} In order to assist this goal Hoid abandoned his real identity and took up the alias of an elderly terris man that was helping lead them to safety.{{wob ref|5942}} Under his direction the refugees began to march southwards towards [[Luthadel]] where it was hoped they could get refuge and find [[Tindwyl]] who Hoid reckoned was now rightful ruler of the Terris. The group avoided the canals and stuck to the country, making use of [[Suringshath]] in order to sort supplies. Along the way they crossed paths with Vin and her party seeking out the Well, Elend Venture found Hoid and began discussing with him what happened with the Terris, during their conversations Hoid broached the topic of '''King Venture''' with him but Elend informed him that the King would be of no use to them and that Luthadel had just recently been attacked itself. Hoid managed to confirm however that Tindwyl still lived and as such decided to stick to their course.{{book ref|mb2|56}} Tindwyl ultimately died during the [[battle of Luthadel]] and so never took charge.{{cite}} Following the battle Hoid eventually managed to make his way back to the Well after Vin herself had arrived there, by then however [[Ruin]] had been released and the perpendicularity there gone leaving no way for him to exit the planet.{{wob ref|1552}}{{msh ref|3|2}}

Having no way to escape the system Hoid was stuck there, unable to leave. He once again took up the identity of an informant, this time that of a beggar than a well off one, and moved to [[Fadrex City]]. He became well known enough that [[Cett]] knew him, two years later he recommended his services to Vin and he had not changed routine since. Hoid hummed to himself to make it clear he was the informant that Vin was to speak to, however she hesitated.{{book ref|mb3|27}} While waiting Kelsier arrived in the cognitive realm and noticed Hoid, fearing him after their last confrontation Hoid began yelling a warning out to Vin to dissuade her from speaking to him.{{msh ref|6|1}} Although she could not hear what he was saying Vin could get the general sentiment and for reasons she did not understand felt a growing sense of unease around Hoid, as a result she decided to not speak to him.{{wob ref|1552}}{{wob ref|3803}}{{book ref|mb3|27}}{{wob ref|5760}} Kelsier was surprised by this and learned that he could influence others from the cognitive realm.{{msh ref|6|1}} It is unknown if Hoid noticed this, however he had no useful information to offer Vin anyway.{{wob ref|5122}} This time period would serve to be Hoid when he felt the most trapped and dejected.{{cite}} Eventually following the ascenion of [[Harmony]] a new perpendicularity formed on the system and Hoid could leave the system again, this time with the Lerasium.

{{image|First Glimpse of the God King by Howard Lyon.jpg|side=right|height=250px|The First Glimpse of the God King in his royal court, Hoid is on the far right.}}

=== The Pahn Kahl Rebellion ===

Following the events on Scadrial Hoid took to travelling to [[Nalthis]] where he took up the role of a master storyteller, this time using his name of 'Hoid.' As part of this disguise he managed to infiltrate the [[Court of Gods]] when [[Lightsong]] hired him to answer his and [[Siri]]'s questions about Nalthian history. Siri questioned him about the God Kings and so Hoid decided to explain the history of [[Hallandren]] starting with the story of [[Vo]] before leading into the [[Manywar]] and the founding of Returned rule afterwards. After answering more questions from the pair about the history of the God Kings till then Siri dismissed Hoid thanking him for the effort.{{book ref|wb|32}} Hoid then managed to gather enough Breaths whilst on the world in order to achieve perfect pitch,{{book ref|sa2|59}} and met [[Vivenna]] and [[Vasher]] at different points under his alias of [[Dust]].{{book ref|sa4|15}}{{cite}} He eventually managed to leave the system and escape past the Nalthain customs so that he could smuggle his breath off world.{{cite}}

=== The True Desolation ===

==== Return to the System ====

|I've come to your land to chase an old acquaintance, but I end up spending most of my time hiding from him instead.
|Hoid to [[Kaladin]].{{book ref|sa1|57}}

Not used to Rosharan ecology.{{wob ref|5151}}

Rules of thumb, not as limited as Shards. Needs to be careful to not draw their attention. Reason for being on Roshar, wants to become a radiant.{{wob ref|13563}}

Used Allomancy in flashback.{{wob ref|5795}}
Uses Harmony for Allomancy.{{wob ref|12339}}
Allomancer, used emotional allomancy. Consdiers it cheating. Attracts wrong attention.{{wob ref|14551}}

Hoid is a member of the [[Worldsingers]] with the rank of Master Worldsinger. [[Sigzil]] was once his apprentice.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
Wanted people to act the way he wanted.{{wob ref|6933}}

Been a Wit for more than ELhokar and Jasnah, thoughts on the role of Wit.{{wob ref|12270}}

Sees Odium as evil.{{wob ref|4130}}

[[Cord]] mentions that in the time when her grandmother served as watcher of the [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity|pool]], Hoid warned the [[Unkalaki]] about the [[Sleepless|Gods Who Sleep Not]].{{book ref|sa3.5|15}}

|For I have never been dedicated to a more important purpose, and the very pillars of the sky will shake with the results of our war here.
|Hoid in his letter to [[Frost]].{{Epigraph ref|sa1|28}}

Hoid returned to the Rosharan system at some stage when [[Rock]] was a youth, upon arriving to the system he asked Rock to tell him the year as per the Rosharan calendar and then immediately began to insult him which Rock took in good humour.{{book ref|sa2|46}} [[Rock]] also describes an encounter with him in the [[Horneater Oceans]].{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{wob ref|7156}} He later whilst exploring the region bumped into [[Lift]] and decided to prank her by faking his death.{{cite}} The white-haired man who [[Lift]] says jumped into the mouth of a [[greatshell]] is implied to be Hoid.{{book ref|sa2.5|12}}{{book ref|sa1|57}}

Hoid's original goal when arriving to the system was to continue opposing Rayse however he got distracted and fearful of a direct confrontation the more time he spent on the system, as such he spent most of his time trying to avoid him.

He then went on to discuss matters with Shallan's father, he noticed Shallan and gave her some advice.{{book ref|sa2|69}} (check ref.) As part of this he guided Shallans power in creating a large illusion.{{wob ref|9346}} In Shallan's flashback to three and a half years ago, she meets Hoid disguised as a messenger, and he talks to her.{{book ref|sa2|45}} Here, Hoid is seen ingesting metals and Soothing{{wob ref|6933}}

Met Sigzil and took him up as an apprentice. Despite this they never moved on to another world.{{wob ref|4076}} Eventually he took notice of the Kholins and sought out becoming their Wit, he developed a high opinion of the family and believed that they would become important to the history of Roshar and the upcoming Desolation.{{wob ref|12597}}

==== War of Reckoning ====

|Best Wit we've had in ages!
|Adolin discussing his fondness of Wit.{{book ref|sa1|12}}

Has been Elhokar's Wit for only a few months prior to the Greatshell hunt.{{book ref|sa1|12}}

During his time as Wit under Elhokar's regin multiple people attempted to assisinate him, many in fact manage to deal what should have been a killing blow.{{wob ref|14741}} As part of his appointment he received a sword as a badge of honor despite possessing no swordsmanship skills whatsoever.{{wob ref|896}} Developed a habit to disappear for long enough that the others simply had begun to assume he would always return after going missing.{{wob ref|10478}}

Hoid told Kaladin things he needs to know. Can't see far into the future.???{{wob ref|5462}}

Thought Sigzil dead, only learned recently when talking to Kaladin. Thought Sigzil did not want to be rescued again.{{book ref|sa1|57}}

Did not awaken while playing with Kaladin.{{wob ref|1387}}

17th never caught him, kept checking wrong countries.{{wob ref|14949}}

Lift met Hoid in between her meeting the Nightwatcher and her firs interlude.{{wob ref|5016}}

Sidesword is for show.{{wob ref|11723}}
Sword uninvested but personal value to him.{{wob ref|2505}}

{{image|Wit by ShiroXIX.png|side=right|width=200px|Insulting the [[lighteyes]]}}
In a departure from his previous appearances, Hoid plays a more conspicuous role in the events on [[Roshar]], since his goal is to become a Radiant.{{wob ref|13563}} Most often seen under the guise of Wit, [[Elhokar Kholin]]'s court jester, he influences [[Dalinar]], going so far as to ask Dalinar if he has ever heard the term "Adonalsium".{{book ref|twok|54}} He also tells [[Kaladin]] the story of [[Derethil]] and the ''[[Wandersail]]''.{{book ref|sa1|57}} During the course of the story, Hoid uses a special, ancient flute called a [[Trailman's flute]]. It is also likely that he uses [[Lightweaving]] to cause the smoke from the fire to take the form of various elements from his story. [[Ishikk]] was hired by three men from the [[Seventeenth Shard]] to search for Hoid in the [[Purelake]]. Hoid was in [[Kholinar]] when [[Taln]] arrived to herald the coming of the [[Desolation]].{{book ref|twok|epilogue}}

Presumed Dalinar was in secret societies, tried to test this theory.{{wob ref|7682}}

==== The Everstorm ====

Hoid told Kaladin things he needs to know. Can't see far into the future.???{{wob ref|5462}}

Following the arrival of Taln Hoid followed along with the driver transporting him to Elhokar, he then insulted the man before running off to the Unclaimed Hills.{{cite}} He was by this stage aware that the honorblade had been switched by somebody for a shardblade.{{wob ref|8850}}

{{image|You by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=left|width=250px|[[Shallan]] hugging Wit}}

Hoid is also seen acting as the carriage driver for [[Adolin]] when he is visiting [[Shallan]] at [[Shattered Plains|Sebarial's warcamp]]. He speaks to [[Kaladin]] about his flute and mentions that he wants an interesting story from him. When [[Shallan]] recognizes him she happily hugs him for his advice from three and a half years prior when he encouraged her at her worst and told her to keep seeking the light.{{book ref|sa2|55}}

Hoid, acting as Wit, visits [[Kaladin]] while he is in prison. He tells Kaladin the story of a man named Fleet who raced a highstorm across one end of [[Roshar]] to the other. Fleet wins, but dies of exhaustion at the end, and his spirit goes on to race the wind forever.

Later, at the dawn of the everstorm, he met with [[Jasnah Kholin]] in the [[Unclaimed Hills]]{{wob ref|6291}} as she exits the Cognitive Realm, offering to travel with her.{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} He left Jasnah midway through the trip in order to make way to lend aid to [[Kholinar]].{{wob ref|5858}} During their conversation he handed her detailed sketches of each Herald for her to consult.{{book ref|sa3|121}}

Aware of the Sleepless, knows the cremling in epilogue is one. Insults them with intelligence audience line.{{wob ref|1523}}

==== Fall of Kholinar ====

{{image|Wit-Fool by taratjah.jpg|side=right|height=300px|Hoid, in his Wit persona}}

Following his conversation with Jasnah Hoid changed course and headed straight to Kholinar before the city began to be beseiged. He spent the majority of his time there trying to decypher what his purpose in the city was meant to be and assissting its defence in whatever way he could, as part of this he granted Vienna aluminium sheets and explained that the enemy forces could not observe anything she or her allies did once it surrounded them.{{cite}}{{wob ref|10532}}

Fused looking for cryptic.{{wob ref|10817}}

Elhokar's cryptic.{{wob ref|8806}}

He then went on and got a place to stay at a local Inn.

|It's either go with me now or wait it out and get captured. I honestly don't even know if you've the mind to listen. But if you do, know this: I will give you truths. And I know some juicy ones.
|Hoid to his [[Cryptic]], Design{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}

Hoid appears as Wit in the middle of the novel, discussing the nature of power with Shallan. Prior to that, while telling the story of Mishim in Alethkar, Hoid sees something next to his pack, which startles him. After the story, Shallan looks into Hoid's pack and sees a small, sealed black jar. The side of the jar pointing at Shallan was white. This might be a jar of sand from [[Taldain]]'s Dayside, with the sand turning white showing Hoid a Surgebinder is near. This may be important, but not much is known about it. During Hoid's conversation with Shallan, he says that he knew of a group like the Cult of Moments, describing them as equally foolish and dangerous. It is unclear at the moment which group he may be referring to.

He later helps her get into the Cult of Moments, finding Shallan at her darkest moment, when she discovers the food she has been giving to the poor is just making things worse.

[[Shalash]], upon seeing sketches of [[Talenel]] and herself, wonders aloud why Midius (a name taken by Hoid in an as-yet-unpublished text) is giving away drawings of them.{{book ref|sa3|121}}

In the epilogue, Hoid is shown in [[Kholinar]] insulting a [[Thaylen]] man in an attempt to elicit a reaction. Upon realizing that the man can't understand Alethi, Hoid decides repeating it all in Thaylen would be boring, so he cuts in front of the man. The man hits Hoid, knocking loose a tooth which Hoid discards upon leaving the area. Hoid uses [[Awakening]] to lure a child away from the corpse of her mother, leaving the child in the care of a family in the city. He then heads to the palace where he finds a [[Cryptic]], presumably the spren [[Elhokar]] was about to bond before he died.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}

==== Radiant ====

Stuck on Roshar.{{wob ref|12735}}

During an unknown point before the expedition in [[Emul]] and Singer occupation of Urithiru, he and [[Jasnah]] began a romantic relationship.{{book ref|sa4|17}}{{wob ref|14288}}{{book ref|sa4|99}}

==== War for Emul ====

Design.{{wob ref|14497}}
Odium can be noticed on Wit's breath.{{wob ref|14516}}
Stuck on Roshar.{{wob ref|12735}}

He and Jasnah both went to the expedition in Emul.{{book ref|sa4|17}} During their expedition, [[Ruthar]] angered them both greatly, and Jasnah sent him to insult the highprince. After doing so, Ruthar challenged him to combat, but he choose Jasnah as his champion. She easily stabbed him through the throat, but had Renarin heal him.{{book ref|sa4|50}}

When Kaladin was stuck in a vison by Odium, he appeared to him in order to tell him the story of the Dog and the Dragon, in order to try and cheer him up and point him in the right direction.{{book ref|sa4|80}}

He and Jasnah worked together in order to write up a contract for the contest of champions with Odium.{{book ref|sa4|99}}

After Taravangian took up Odium, Hoid was visited by the new Shard while he was telling stories. Taravangian's demeanor revealed what happened to Hoid, who began to leave, before Odium found that he stored his short term memories in his Breaths. He destroyed these, erasing part of his memory, in order to redo the interaction.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}

The destruction of his Breaths led him to falling below the Second Heightening, and losing his Perfect Pitch.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}

==== To be Organised ====

Has buolt up aggression, surprised he could hurt Kelsier as he usually can't hurt anyone.{{wob ref|1706}}

Legitimately tricked.{{wob ref|14990}}

Long time since he got a hug.{{wob ref|3169}}
A reason for Kaladin to have been given the flute.{{wob ref|8759}}
Was hiding from Odium.{{wob ref|12053}}

Happiest when getting away with something. Nervous due to Odium in Stormlight.{{wob ref|1745}}

* Lightweaver before the Shattering, OG lightweaver.{{wob ref|10852}}
* Has a long quest to try and get some form of lightweaving permanently.{{wob ref|10755}}
* Yolish lightweaving not fully functional.{{wob ref|11587}}
* Lightweaving probably favourite type of investiture.{{wob ref|13530}}

Has gone by Topaz.{{wob ref|6065}}

Odium was confident he could outsmart Hoid.{{wob ref|10314}}
Shallan hugging him.{{wob ref|12564}}

He has been to Aimia at some point.{{wob ref|12780}}

{{image|Hoid and Frost by Jenny Slife.jpg|side=right|height=250px|With Frost}}
In the epigraphs in Part 2 of The Way of Kings, there is the text of a [[letters|letter]] written by Hoid to [[Frost]]. It offers valuable insights into his personality and goals. The author of the Letter is being hunted by the Seventeenth Shard and has set a false trail for them to follow, which lines up well with the interlude in which three men are searching for Hoid. The author comes across as not at all worried about them, and in fact seems mildly amused. Brandon has also said that we "may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse," with the Letter being the only real example of this.{{wob ref|4130}}

The Letters in [[Oathbringer]]'s epigraphs are all from Shards{{wob ref|8401}} and all of them are directed to Hoid, as is the letter from the epigraphs of Part 2 of [[Rhythm of War]].

Letter written after taking Lersasium.{{wob ref|5195}}

=== The Set ===

Need name change

|Oh, my lord, I know it, I do. I own the place, technically. Now, regarding those coins for old Hoid, my good lord...
|Hoid to Wax{{book ref|mb6|11}}

Kind of right about him owning Seran.{{wob ref|8392}}

AoL after Stormlight.{{wob ref|809}}

Has physically interacted with Harmony.{{wob ref|11682}}

Hoid and Sazed have held a full conversation.{{wob ref|231}}
Aware of the Set, mutual loathing.{{wob ref|12632}}

Man at wedding in AoL.{{wob ref|4698}}

Happiest when getting away with something. Nervous due to Odium in Stormlight.{{wob ref|1745}}

Up to something in Bands.{{wob ref|243}}
Wants information about Kelsier to get out, dislikes him greatly.{{wob ref|1727}}

Sazed aware of Hoid.{{wob ref|3439}}
Wayne likes Hoid.{{wob ref|4376}}
Went to friends marriage.{{wob ref|3546}}
Aware of Harmony's manipulations with Wax.{{wob ref|2732}}

Drinking perfume for a reason in Wax and Wayne.{{wob ref|378}}
Owns the mansion itself.{{wob ref|8899}}

Went for wedding but then got distracted, his involvement on planets is based on how invested he is there.{{wob ref|6162}}
Eavesdropping in the carriage.{{wob ref|5317}}

At some point following his actions on Roshar, Hoid returned to Scadrial to attend the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|wedding]] of Lord [[Joshin Yomen]] and Lady [[Mi'chelle Ostlin]],{{wob ref|918}}{{wob ref|4698}} two friends of his that he had made at some unknown point in the past.{{wob ref|3546}} Rather than coming to Scadrial in response to some important event, Hoid initially came merely to congratulate his friends.{{wob ref|3546}} He came dressed all in black, appearing as a scruffy looking beggar and spoke to the couple soon after they arrived at the dinner.{{book ref|mb4|4}} It is unknown if he was present for the subsequent Vanisher attack. Hoid may have left the planet briefly afterwards, but something on Scadrial had caught his attention and he was back several months later{{wob ref|6162}}. Hoid became employed as [[Waxillium Ladrian]]'s new carriage driver.{{book ref|mb5|7}} By that point he had become friendly with Wayne, who liked him but did not know anything about Hoid's true identity.{{wob ref|4376}} When Wax headed to the precinct station to question [[Rian]], Hoid drove the carriage and Wayne rode up front with him.{{book ref|mb5|7}} During the carriage ride, Hoid eavesdropped on Wax's conversation with [[Harmony]] about Bleeder's plans to disrupt the [[Elendel Basin]].{{wob ref|5317}}

Hoid's actions after this point are unclear. Hoid somehow obtained a coin-like [[Feruchemy#Unsealed_Metalminds|unsealed metalmind]] containing a memory of [[Kelsier]] aiding the [[Southern Peoples of Scadrial|southern Scadrians]] in surviving the aftereffects of the Catacendre.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}} He also spent some time in [[New Seran]] and following [[Nazh]]'s theft of [[Nicki Savage]]'s map of New Seran, Hoid asked her if she wanted to hear a story, an offer that she declined.{{article ref|The New Ascendancy}}{{wob ref|1702}} He has also somehow come to the conclusion that he is the true owner of [[Kelesina Shores]]' mansion there,{{wob ref|8899}} for somewhat legitimate but unknown reasons.{{wob ref|8392}} He was apparently a regular intruder on the mansion grounds, to the irritation of the guards.{{book ref|mb6|11}} During this time, Hoid took the appearance of a beggar with long, unkempt fingernails and a ragged shirt. Hoid appeared blind with milky white eyes.

When Waxillium Ladrian walked up the path to Kelesina's mansion to attend a [[Kelesina Shores' party|party]] with [[Steris Harms]], Hoid climbed out of the bushes, startling Wax.{{book ref|mb6|11}} Wanting to reveal Kelsier's resurrection and identity as the Sovereign,{{wob ref|1727}} Hoid looked for an opportunity to pass on the unsealed metalmind. He asked Wax for a few clips.{{book ref|mb6|11}} Steris noticed Hoid's cologne and asked him if he was wearing cologne. Hoid was startled by her observation and claimed that he had been drinking perfume, as it had quite a kick. Steris told him that that was unhealthy and Wax advised Hoid that he should leave the private grounds. Hoid agreed but claimed that it was his property and again asked for coins. Wax gave him a banknote and told him again to leave the grounds. Hoid claimed it was far too much and that he wished to give Waxillium change. As Wax walked away, Hoid threw the coin at Wax's head, who caught it in midair. A groundsman then noticed Hoid and tried to chase him off. Hoid laughed and escaped back into the bushes again.

Hoid loathes the [[Set]], and the members who know of him loath him in return.{{wob ref|12632}}

|Carriage for you, sir?
|Hoid to Wax in the middle of the ocean{{Book ref|mb7|72}}
Hoid later became involved in the sting operation that Marasi ran in [[Bilming]]. He had a silent interaction with [[Wan ShaiLu|Moonlight]] from different trucks. Moonlight commented that she couldn't tell whether she was watching Hoid or if Hoid was watching her, but then resolved that they were both just keeping an eye on the same third parties.{{book ref|mb7|20}} After Wax arrived in Bilming, and gave chase to [[Dumad]] he casually appeared in a sleek black car to give Wax a ride.{{book ref|mb7|25}} He also showed up to rescue Wax from the ocean in a small boat after the explosion of the [[Pewternaut]] A16.{{book ref|mb7|72}}

=== Bet with the Sorceress on Lumar ===

==== Arrival to Lumar ====

Hoid would later go on to visit the planet of [[Lumar]],{{book ref|tress|4}} a relative backwater in the cosmere.{{book ref|tress|42}} At some point he informed his friend, the [[kandra]] [[Ulaam]], of his intentions to visit the planet via letter.{{book ref|tress|22}} Still hoping to gain access to AonDor, he met with [[Riina]], who was living on the planet in the guise the Sorceress of the Midnight Sea.{{book ref|tress|22}} While visiting her island, Hoid agreed to a bet with her. Riina would be allowed to place him under a curse, and in exchange, if he could successfully break it, he would be granted admission to the Elantrians and the ability to use AonDor. The curse placed on him stripped him of his sense of humor, sense of style, sense of decorum, sense of purpose, and sense of self.{{book ref|tress|15}} In order to break the curse, he would need to return to the central room of the Sorceress' ship on her island. As a part of the curse, he was also forbidden from telling anyone any information about his curse, how he had been given it, or how it could be broken. Riina finished her casting by sending Hoid far away from the Midnight Sea. During his time here, he likely came into possession of some Midnight spores.{{book ref|tress|28}}

==== Hoid the Cabin boy ====

|I once ate an entire watermelon in one sitting. And it gave me diarrhea.
|Hoid to [[Tress]] while under the effects of [[Riina]]'s curse{{book ref|tress|24}}
While under the effects of this curse, Hoid's behavior bore little resemblance to his normal personality. He dressed quite oddly, trying at times to wear every shade of orange he could find,{{book ref|tress|31}} or his red-sequined briefs.{{book ref|tress|57}} He spent time doing things like inventing the card game Kings, in which you hold your cards backwards and can see everyone's hand but your own, an invention that lost him many of his possessions. Bad jokes and nonsensical ideas filled basically all his time, and he was only very rarely able to think clearly enough to communicate anything meaningful or work to accomplish his goals. He was left with some dim awareness of his situation though, a cruel decision on the part of Riina who wanted him aware enough to be horrified by his situation. Any attempt to share information about his curse would only start him stuttering and send him back to his normal befuddled state.{{book ref|tress|24}}

Hoid spent a long time at sea, wandering without apparent progress at breaking his curse. Ulaam eventually arrived on the planet and found Hoid, but was uninterested in working too hard to free him from his curse, preferring to simply stick close and wait for the problem to resolve itself.{{book ref|tress|24}} The two of them spent at least a year traveling together in this way.{{book ref|tress|42}} Eventually Hoid would become the cabin boy of the ''[[Whistlebow]]''.{{book ref|tress|13}} He came into contact with [[Charlie]], son of the duke of [[Diggen's Point]] and returned there to give [[Tress]] a ceramic cup and Charlie's first letter to her.{{book ref|tress|4}}
Later, he was traded for by [[Fort]] for a large sum on the orders of Captain [[Crow]] who was interested in Hoid once she had heard that he had been cursed by the Sorceress.{{book ref|tress|23}} Hoid settled onto a routine onto the ''[[Crow's Song]]'', working as a cabin boy there as well,{{book ref|tress|15}} and kept fed despite his near-uselessness by Fort.{{book ref|tress|37}} Ulaam continued as his companion, and the two were suffered by the crew despite their oddities, due in part to Ulaam's skill with medicine.{{book ref|tress|18}} During his time on the Crow's Song, Hoid gave midnight spores to [[Weev]], the ship's [[sprouter]], believing them to be licorice.{{book ref|tress|28}}

Another of his shipmates, Tress, became interested in Hoid's past after Ulaam explained to her that Hoid had been cursed,{{book ref|tress|22}} and approached him on the deck of the ship to try to obtain information about the Sorcess despite his curse.{{book ref|tress|24}} Hoid was unable to say much of note, but he dimly realized she was trying to help him and was able to offer some cryptic clues, asking Tress to bring him to her planet so he could save her,{{book ref|tress|24}} meaning the map of Lumar present on the Sorceress's ship.{{book ref|tress|62}} He also told her to look for a grouping of six stars,{{book ref|tress|24}} a carving under her bed, which would lead her to Weev's secret supply of midnight aether.{{book ref|tress|24}} After Tress recovered the midnight aether, Ulaam confronted Hoid, asking if he had given the aether to her. Ulaam and Tress continued to press Hoid for information and he was able to tell them to look for a person that is not a person and could talk when they should not, which they realized referred to Charlie in his guise of Huck the rat.{{book ref|tress|28}}

As the Crow's Song continued its journey into the Crimson Sea, Hoid continued to stymie Tress's attempts to wheedle more information out of him, unable to point at words on a sheet of paper that might be relevant to his curse. However, Tress realized that he she could glean information from his silences though, as he stopped speaking when the subject turned to the matter of his curse. This allowed him to indicate to her where Riina's island might be found on a map.{{book ref|tress|42}} As they traveled closer to the [[Midnight Sea]], Huck convinced the addled Hoid to dump much of the ship's food and water overboard, in an unsuccessful attempt to force the crew to return the to [[Emerald Sea]].{{book ref|tress|56}}

==== Assault on the Sorceress' Island ====

{{image|BattleOfWits.jpg|side=right|width=350px|Hoid's duel with the Sorceress.}}

Later when the Crow's Song reached the Sorceress's island, the ship's crew carried Hoid into the Sorceress's ship to save Tress and Huck,{{book ref|tress|63}} who had realized that bringing Hoid to the center of the Sorceress's power would break the curse, and hopefully allow him to defeat her.{{book ref|tress|62}} When Hoid entered the tower, the terms of the bet were fulfilled and he was restored to his sense and transformed into an Elantrian. Hoid arrived just in time to use AonDor to throw up a shield and prevent Riina from cursing Tress. In the brief confrontation that followed, Riina judged that she was not confident enough that she could defeat Hoid to risk a direct confrontation with him, instead choosing to flee the planet and let Hoid, Tress, and Charlie go free. While Hoid was unable to directly remove the curse on Charlie, he was able to tweak the parameters so that Charlie could break the curse himself once he returned to Diggen's Point with Tress.{{book ref|tress|64}} Hoid may have lingered with them for some time giving Charlie some pointers on storytelling and music.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}}

Hoid would later share his adventure with Tress and Charlie as a story to an unknown audience, potentially made up of people from the planet [[First of the Sun]].{{book ref|tress|24}}{{book ref|tress|60}}

== Relationships ==
== Relationships ==

=== Jak ===
Neutral Good according to himself, 17th Shard chaotic neutral and others chaotic evil.{{wob ref|3485}}
Rarely get hugs, more commonly slapped or hit.{{wob ref|6771}}
Other people think he is helping them, is helping himself.{{wob ref|4959}}
Motives are varied, some think they are good others evil.{{wob ref|4624}}
Most people in Silverlight know about Hoid.{{wob ref|12291}}

Jak agreed to not publish the details of how his invested art worked.{{file ref|Elendel Daily broadsheet.png|''The Elendel Daily'' Broadsheet}}
Aware of the Sleepless, knows the cremling in epilogue is one. Insults them with intelligence audience line.{{wob ref|1523}}
Some people pay Hoid to do things for them.{{wob ref|10480}}
Not well liked.{{wob ref|14265}}

Jak referred to himself as Handerwym's master.{{file ref|Elendel Daily broadsheet.png|''The Elendel Daily'' Broadsheet}}
Has faced attempted assassinations.{{wob ref|14741}}
Legitimately tricked.{{wob ref|14990}}

Wayne likes Hoid.{{wob ref|4376}}
Went to friends marriage.{{wob ref|3546}}
Long time since he got a hug.{{wob ref|3169}}

Would tell Hoid what she knows.{{wob ref|180}}
Has a relationship with multiple [[Sho Del]].{{wob ref|8793}}
A reason for Kaladin to have been given the flute.{{wob ref|8759}}
Would not pickup Nightblood, fearful of even holding it. Has a chance of destroying Hoid.{{wob ref|11671}}
There where people he thought he was going to help but failed.{{wob ref|11722}}

Would try and kill Amaram and Rashekk.{{wob ref|10862}}
Has had several love interests.{{wob ref|9465}}
Shallan hugging him.{{wob ref|12564}}

|I mean it's Wit. You're not supposed to like him.
|Adolin talking about Hoid's favourite personna.{{book ref|sa2|55}}

Due to his extreme age and status as a worldhopper Hoid has managed to meet many people from all different backgrounds throughout the Cosmere. Due to his habit in meddling among important affairs{{wob ref|4782}} many of these individuals are of great importance to wider events on either their home world or the Cosmere as a whole. Despite this however Hoid does not possess many friends, rather he simply has people whom he manages to annoy slightly less than others.{{wob ref|2870}} Despite this however Hoid does have many individuals that he counts as his friends, for example he was invited to a wedding{{wob ref|4698}} and had a best friend named ... for a while. Part of the reason for Hoid's isolation may be due to his personality, he is notable for not having much of a filter and tells people exactly what he thinks they need to hear, including insults at their expense.{{wob ref|2712}} He has throughout his life made a long list of enemies.{{wob ref|3446}}

* Knows dragons, is not one.{{wob ref|5096}}
* Some of the sixteen likes Hoid.{{wob ref|8519}}

Man at wedding in AoL.{{wob ref|4698}}

Has had romantic interests in the past.{{wob ref|1753}}

Was not romantically involved with [[Senna]].{{wob ref|12347}}

Hoid has had a romantic interest in the past.{{wob ref|1753}} In fact, there were several.{{wob ref|9465}}

Hoid loathes the [[Set]], and the members who know of him loath him in return.{{wob ref|12632}}

He and Vasher are not friends. Has offended many people.{{wob ref|3446}}

=== The Shards ===
As one of the original seventeen individuals who were present for the [[Shattering]] Hoid is aware and acquainted to each of the Shard's original vessels.{{wob ref|7831}}{{wob ref|6470}} He was acquainted with [[Tanavast]] before the Shattering{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} and [[Koravellium]]. While he never got along with the latter he still respects her for her opposition to Odium.{{book ref|sa2|55}} If he is to meet the [[Nightwatcher]] he would be prone to insulting her.{{wob ref|174}} Hoid was also acquainted with [[Ati]] and considered him one of the best people he ever met.{{cite}} Whilst Hoid and [[Edgli]] mutually dislike each other they have more polite conversations than he does with Bavadin and Raye.{{epigraph ref|sa3|33}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|41}} Valor still likes Hoid but figures that it has been too long since their last conversation.{{cite}} At least one Shard still considers him a good friend.{{cite}}

Would call the Nightwatcher names.{{wob ref|174}}
Things in his past made him interested in Endowment.{{wob ref|5300}}

Predates the other Vessels by a bit.{{wob ref|11070}}
rosetta stone Rose Scepter. Hoid got the information he wanted from it. Specific to understanding the magic of Sel.{{wob ref|9626}}
* Has spoken to the Nightwatcher.{{wob ref|12264}}

==== Rayse ====

|If Rayse, learned that Wit was in the city, he'd order his forces to level it - and would consider that a cheap price for the slimmest chance of ending him.
|Hoid discussing Rayse's relationship with him.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}

Once Hoid was friends with [[Rayse]]{{wob ref|2101}} but still was comfortable describing him as one of the most spiteful and hateful people that he had ever met throughout his long life.{{cite}} Since Rayse has become the holder of [[Odium]] Hoid slowly grew more concerned, he now is terrified of the Shard and considers it one of the greatest threats to the Cosmere as a whole.{{wob ref|7876}}{{cite}} He considers the fact that Rayse is the holder as the bigger threat rather than the Shard itself{{cite}}, partly as he considers Odium under his control to be pure evil.{{wob ref|4130}} Hoid fears Rayse's ability to harm him and takes precautions to avoid his detection, his primary goal is to limit his influence on the wider Cosmere even if he must sacrifice Roshar in the process.{{cite}} Despite this however he is not above taunint Rayse for his failures.{{epigraph ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}

Odium and Hoid where once friends.{{wob ref|2101}} Has a similar grudge against Rayse and Bavadin.{{wob ref|10630}}
Happiest when getting away with something. Nervous due to Odium in Stormlight.{{wob ref|1745}}
Was hiding from Odium.{{wob ref|12053}}
Odium was confident he could outsmart Hoid.{{wob ref|10314}}
Sees Odium as evil.{{wob ref|4130}}

==== Sazed ====

|Regardless, please make yourself known to me when you travel my lands. It is distressing that you think you need to move in the shadows.
|Sazed talking to Hoid.{{Epigraph ref|sa4|42}}

[[Sazed]] has a benevolent feeling towards Hoid.{{epigraph ref|sa3|53}} However, the latter has nevertheless hidden from the Shard whenever he visits [[Scadrial]],{{epigraph ref|sa3|56}} a decision of which Sazed disapproves,{{epigraph ref|sa3|57}} but by which he is also fascinated.{{epigraph ref|sa4|21}} He wishes to work with Hoid to keep Odium contained, as he is highly disturbed by the wound upon the Spiritual Realm where Ambition was Splintered. They disagree on whether it is the Vessel or the power that is more dangerous, with Sazed believing that the Investiture will make any Vessel of Odium the same as their predecessor, but they agree that it would be the combination of a Vessel's craftiness and the power's Intent that would be most fearsome--coincidentally, a very good description of Taravangian.

Sazed aware of Hoid.{{wob ref|3439}}
Has physically interacted with Harmony.{{wob ref|11682}}
Aware of Harmony's manipulations with Wax.{{wob ref|2732}}
Hoid and Sazed have held a full conversation.{{wob ref|231}}

==== Bavadin ====
Hoid has a long-standing grudge against [[Bavadin]] for unknown reasons.{{epigraph ref|sa1|23}}{{wob ref|10630}} Her dislike of Hoid is strong enough that she felt the need to begin intilling a great dislike of him in her avatars, such as the one on [[Obrodai]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|50}}

however, he and Bavadin herself had a relationship at some point.{{epigraph ref|sa3|42}}

Aware of the Set, mutual loathing.{{wob ref|12632}}

Has a similar grudge against Rayse and Bavadin.{{wob ref|10630}}

=== World Hoppers ===

As well travelled and Cosmere aware as he is Hoid has developed a relationship with many prominent world hoppers throughout his travels. One such individual is [[Khriss]] whom he thinks well of,{{wob ref|1707}} she thinks likewise and would be willing to share any information she knows with him, so long as she thinks his cause is morally good of course.{{wob ref|180}} This is quite useful considering she knows far more about the Cosmere than Hoid does since she studies for scholarship rather than pretending to sound smart from time to time.{{wob ref|5320}}{{wob ref|5623}} As well as Kriss Hoid has crossed paths with [[Nazh]] in the past, Nazh personally feels fine with Hoid but would prefer that he was more direct in regards to his communication.{{wob ref|13016}}

Hoid thinks well of Khriss.{{wob ref|1707}}

He also had the opprotunity to talk with [[Vasher]] during the latter's travels,{{wob ref|957}} their relationship is more adversial with both strongly disliking the other.{{wob ref|3446}} During their interactions Vasher picked up on the fact that something unusual is happening with Hoid.{{wob ref|6163}} As a counterpart to Vasher however [[Nightblood]] would attempt to be quite friendly to Hoid,{{wob ref|8293}} Hoid on the otherhand would not respond likewise as he fears Nightblood with his life, like most rational people in the Cosmere.{{wob ref|8588}}

Met and knows Vasher.{{wob ref|11584}}

{{wob ref|5623}}

==== Frost ====

|You've always been able to bring out the most extreme in me, old friend. And I do still name you a friend, for all that you weary me.
|Frost writing to Hoid.{{Epigraph ref|sa2|63}}

[[Frost]] forms one of Hoid's oldest friends, the pair had met before the meeting of the original vessels at the Shattering by a number of years.{{wob ref|11305}}{{wob ref|2870}} Although Frost is Hoids elder by a couple of decades the large difference in each of their lives makes the effect on their relationship negligible.{{wob ref|945}} Unfortunately the pair drifted over time following the Shattering, utilising a Cosmere wide postal delivery service in order to keep touch from time to time, these correspondences mostly serve confirm they are opposed to each others goals and thoughts on the Cosmere. Frost is a leader of the [[Seventeenth Shard]] a group which considers Hoid's actions to be dangerous to the Cosmere at large,{{wob ref|7910}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|66}}{{wob ref|4214}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|60}} This is because the organisations holds that any interference with the wider Cosmere shall leads to devestation and as such the best policy is simply to watch events as they play out, Hoid's meddling directly contradicts this goal however.{{cite}} Due to this Frost ordered some of his best members to visit [[Roshar]] and retrive Hoid from the system, this ulitimaely failed however.{{wob ref|7910}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}}{{wob ref|9819}} Hoid is largely unimpressed with his organisation{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}}

17th Shard does not think Hoid should be doing what he is doing.{{wob ref|9819}}
Hoid is not a member of the seventeenth Shard.{{wob ref|1735}}
Amused by the 17th Shard.{{wob ref|12809}}
17th never caught him, kept checking wrong countries.{{wob ref|14949}}

==== Kelsier ====

{{image|Drifter.png|side=right|width=350px|[[Kelsier]] and Hoid's meeting at the [[Well of Ascension]]}}

[[Kelsier]] and Hoid mutually detest one another.{{wob ref|4058}} Hoid considers him extremely dangerous, though he doesn't think much of his organization.{{book ref|sa4|64}}{{wob ref|12011}} However, this doesn't stop him from taking action against the Cognitive Shadow, such as when he gives [[Wax]] a [[coppermind]] containing knowledge that Kelsier would have preferred to have stayed hidden.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}} Hoid however has a very different opinion of the Ghostbloods than he does of their leader, viewing them as generally not a threat.{{book ref|sa4|64}}{{wob ref|12011}}

Hoid and Kelsier do not get along.{{wob ref|4058}}
Relationship to ghostbloods.{{wob ref|3306}}
Hoid versus Kelseir.{{wob ref|14786}}
Hoid and Kel.{{wob ref|14785}}
Wants information about Kelsier to get out, dislikes him greatly.{{wob ref|1727}}
Kelsier disrupted inter planetary trade.{{wob ref|1514}}
Has built up aggression, surprised he could hurt Kelsier as he usually can't hurt anyone.{{wob ref|1706}}
Hoid is unimpressed with the [[Ghostbloods]].{{wob ref|12011}}

==== Wan ShaiLu ====
Wanted the sceptor for more than just putting Shai in prison.{{wob ref|4088}}
Sceptor was important to Hoid.{{wob ref|2850}}
Influence{{wob ref|7616}}
Rose Sceptor related to the proximity problem on Sel.{{wob ref|3396}}
Sceptor works as rosetta stone.???{{wob ref|868}}

It is unclear how he feels about Wan ShaiLu, despite him betraying her without hesitation in order to get his hands on the Moon Scepter.

Wan ShaiLu, on the other hand, despises him for his betrayal.{{tes ref|2}} After escaping from the Rose Empire, she began to hunt after him to enact her revenge, an act that she eventually succeeded at.{{book ref|mb7|20}}{{wob ref|9631}} Their current relationship is unclear, but she does wonder to herself if she was keeping watch over him, or he over her, but she knows that they are in reality just keeping watch over the same third parties.{{book ref|mb7|20}}

=== Roshar ===
In his position as King's, and later, Queen's Wit, Hoid has had opportunities to interact with many notable Rosharans, and has taken full advantage of such chances.

==== Kaladin ====

Hoid feels paternally to [[Kaladin]]. In such situations as when Kaladin is terrified at the discovery of his Radiant powers,{{book ref|sa1|57}} languishing in prison,{{book ref|sa2|59}} or trapped in a vision concocted by Odium and [[Moash]] in order to try and break him,{{book ref|sa4|80}} Hoid is always there with a story to bring him back from the brink, and at one point gave Kaladin his [[Trailman's flute]]. Kaladin lost it however and Hoid is disappointed and angry at him for doing so.{{wob ref|7276}}{{wob ref|2859}}

Mad about Kaladin losing his flute.{{wob ref|2859}}

==== Shallan ====
Hoid feels similarly to [[Shallan]] as he does to Kaladin. Visiting her in times of need, such as when her father is growing more and more abusive or when she's sitting in a dark building in [[Kholinar]], racked with guilt about [[Grund]]'s death, he guides her to a path of self-forgiveness.{{cite}} While he could destroy her in an insult match if he so desired Hoid instead plays along at a similar skill level as Shallan.{{wob ref|7163}}

* Could rip Shallan to shreds.{{wob ref|7163}}
* Was guiding Shallan's power.{{wob ref|9346}}

==== Sigzil ====

Hoid's relationship with [[Sigzil]] seems similar to that of Jasnah and Shallan. When in Azir, Hoid found Sigzil to be in some sort of trouble, and, after rescuing him, took the young [[Azish]] man under his wing and began teaching him as a [[Worldsinger]] between his visits to the system.{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{wob ref|7845}} The two traveled [[Roshar]] together, at one point ending up in [[Babatharnam]], where Hoid had to pay for Sigzil to be freed three separate times, though Sigzil suspected that they mainly arrested him because Hoid had a lot of money.{{book ref|sa2|46}} Hoid graduated him as a full Worldsinger in {{rosharan date|1173|9}}.{{book ref|sa1|57}}

Sigzil is Hoid's apprentice, spent time with him during Hoid's visits.{{wob ref|7845}}

==== The Kholins ====

|Most days, Elhokar has trouble saving face, let alone cities.
|Hoid about Elhokar{{book ref|sa3|68}}

Hoid had presumed Dalinar was in a secret society and attempted to test out this theory during a party. He was mistaken in this regard.{{wob ref|7682}}

Dalinar more prone to understand Hoid.{{wob ref|14769}}
Hoid suggested the plan for the Thrill.{{wob ref|14613}}
Thinks highly of the Khlons, usually watches those he thinks shall be important. Interested in someone in particular.{{wob ref|12597}}

Thinks highly of the Khlons, usually watches those he thinks shall be important. Interested in someone in particular.{{wob ref|12597}}

Been gone long enough that they know he will return.{{wob ref|10478}}

{{image|Jasnah and Wit by Jessica Liu.jpg|side=right|width=250px|With [[Jasnah]]}}

Hoid is romantically involved with [[Jasnah]].{{book ref|sa4|17}}{{book ref|sa4|99}} He also has immense respect for her, both due to her sheer intelligence and the fact that, when all else fails, she is, above all, paranoid. Jasnah notes that he seems to think such things as kissing her safehand would spark passion in her, though it is her view that mental stimulation is far superior.

==== Design ====
Hoid has a fondly exasperated view towards [[Design]]. Though, as a pair who share a [[Nahel bond]], they are extremely close, he is consistently frustrated by her habit of spoiling stories that he's telling, as he sees it.{{book ref|sa4|80}}{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}

Design.{{wob ref|14497}}

Hoid and Design not the best.{{wob ref|15354}}

=== Lumar ===

==== Tress ====

He holds enough respect for Tress and her adventure that he sees her as very mature and talented for her age,{{book ref|tress|epilogue}} and he remembered her adventure and told it and told the tale years to decades after they parted.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}}{{wob ref|15442}} Though he still felt that she didn't have the right to give him commands, but ultimately obliged due to her being his captain.{{book ref|tress|64}} He has kept tabs on her and the rest of the crew of the Crow's Song for several years after his curse was broken.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}}

Tress knew Hoid as a cabin boy on Diggen's Point, and a member of the Crow's Song. Though, for much of their relationship, she held little respect for him due to the effects of the curse Riina put on him.{{book ref|tress|22}}{{book ref|tress|23}} She eventually came to see him as a means to an end for finding Charlie.{{book ref|tress|22}} Her opinion on him greatly changed after he saved her from Riina after his curse was broken, though she still viewed him as a member of her crew and thus under her command.{{book ref|tress|64}}

== Culture ==

As one of the longest living beings to reside in the Cosmere, rivalling that of dragons, Hoid has become the centre of numerous mythologies, folktales and important events throughout history. His influence can be noticed on many worlds if one knows what to look for, due to his activities many organisations throughout the Cosmere became aware of the existence of Hoid, an example of one such group is the [[Diem]] who took it upon themselves to begin investigating him and his true nature.{{wob ref|3087}} Other organisations which are more aware of his goals and personality actively trained some of their membership on how to spot him in order to prevent him from interfering with their plans.{{cite}}(fused and set. (maybe???)) Other organisations have the average member be aware of him as an individual and his associated 'Lore' but be unable to recognise him if they happened to cross paths, an example of organisations such as this is that of the [[Ghostbloods]]{{cite}}{{wob ref|12011}} and citizens of [[Silverlight]].{{wob ref|12291}} His influence on local culture also is relevant as in some worlds he is considered to be involved in numerous unsolved crimes.{{wob ref|5877}}

His cultural impact in terms of folktales and religion can also not be overstated, numerous folktales throughout the Cosmere are focused upon Hoid, with some even depicting his darker side on the rare occasion it comes to the surface.{{wob ref|12050}} The [[Horneater]] culture in particular has a great deal of myths and legends that either reference, or are directly about, Hoid and his travels.{{wob ref|1740}} His reputation is such that he is worshipped as a deity under the title of Lunu'anaki, the god of travel and mischief who cannot hurt man.{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{wob ref|6650}} Hoid personally counts that he became involved in at least seven other pantheons, each time considering it a disaster,{{book ref|sa3|68}} during one such incident one god began to worship Hoid himself by accident.{{book ref|sa3|68}}{{wob ref|10726}}

In addition to all of this Hoid was also a founding member of numerous organisations throughout the Cosmere, one example of such an organisation being the [[Worldsingers]].{{wob ref|15843}} This organisation had a similar origin to that of the [[Worldbringers]]{{wob ref|6749}} leading some to also guess that Hoid had a role to play in forming them as well, especially as the names are similar sounding and this is not a coincidence.{{wob ref|3656}}{{wob ref|1253}}

== Quotes ==
{{for|/Quotes|a list of quotes}}

|I began life as a thought, a concept, words on a page. That was another thing I stole. Myself. Another time I was named for a rock.
|Hoid in reference to himself{{book ref|sa1|57}}

|I learned it many, many years ago from a man who didn't know who he was. It was a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died.
|Hoid describing where he learnt his storytelling{{book ref|wb|32}}

|I like him.
|Elhokar discussing his fondness of Wit.{{book ref|sa1|15}}

|This isn't playing fair. Not fair at all.
|Hoid ???{{book ref|sa4|80}}

== Appearances ==

As influential and prone to meddling in affairs as Hoid is he has made an appearance in almost every work set in the Cosmere. He has thus far appeared or been referenced in every Cosmere novel and almost every novella and short story. His appearances can be harder to spot in some entries than others as he does not always go by the name Hoid, nor is even named in many cases.

To date he has appeared or been referenced in every Cosmere work with the exception of [[Sixth of the Dusk]] and [[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]].{{wob ref|7135}}{{wob ref|10543}}{{wob ref|2819}}{{wob ref|4811}}{{wob ref|6665}}{{wob ref|9636}}

* List some appearences.{{wob ref|7679}}

* Kelsiers Informant in MFE (Named.)
* Was Terrisman in WoA
* Was beggar in HoA
* Was storyteller in Nalthis (Named.)
* Wit in Stormlight (Named.)
* Fool in ES (Named???)
* In MSH
* In AOL at wedding{{wob ref|918}}
* In SoS as cabbie (Named.)
* In BoM as homelessman
* In TLM as cabbie. (Named.)
* Era 2 Broadsheets.{{wob ref|1702}}
* In Elantris as arms dealer and man at the end. (Named.)
* Mentioned in Whitesand???{{wob ref|3964}}{{wob ref|3809}}{{wob ref|12052}}{{wob ref|5775}}{{wob ref|5776}}{{wob ref|58}}

== Development ==

* Was a DnD character.{{wob ref|9017}}
* Influences. {{wob ref|2823}}
* Influences.{{wob ref|4490}}
* Hoid originally conceived as court magician.{{wob ref|2868}}
* One of Brandon's oldest characters.{{wob ref|5246}}
* Influences.{{wob ref|7142}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|9726}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|5744}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|9438}}
* Influence, was once the most powerful person in the Cosmere.{{wob ref|10621}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|11188}}
* Influences.{{wob ref|12313}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|1802}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|8438}}
* Influences {{wob ref|13992}}
* Influence {{wob ref|5261}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|3230}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|9117}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|4885}}
* Hoid origins influence.{{wob ref|4564}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|2022}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|1327}}
* Infleunce{{wob ref|6185}}
* Influence{{wob ref|4653}}
* Influence{{wob ref|9721}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|5232}}
* Influence{{wob ref|4349}}
* Influence.{{wob ref|6672}}
* Influences {{wob ref|5252}}
* Influenced by Robin Hobb.{{wob ref|3774}}
* Not Brandon{{wob ref|14465}}
* Hoid in Whitesand. Influence.{{wob ref|3809}}
Novel.{{wob ref|14220}}
Book, did not take Shard.{{wob ref|14520}}
Reason for name Hoid.{{wob ref|14491}}
Hoid book.{{wob ref|14646}}
Influence.{{wob ref|15048}}
Hoid is annoying to write.{{wob ref|14665}}
Only thought of the relationship with Jasnah after Oathbringer.{{wob ref|14853}}
Influence.{{wob ref|14698}}
Hoid's book.{{wob ref|15092}}
Not aware he is fictional.{{wob ref|6136}}
Unaware of fourth wall.{{wob ref|11511}}
Brandon is not Hoid.{{wob ref|4902}}
Influence.{{wob ref|3220}}
Thoughts about Hoid.{{wob ref|11547}}
Dragonsteel characters no longer canon.{{wob ref|8142}}
Very different from Hoid.{{wob ref|11120}}
Influence{{wob ref|13078}}
Hoid is one of Brandon's favourite characters.{{wob ref|13169}}
Inspiration.{{wob ref|13832}}
Favourite chapter.{{wob ref|13650}}
Early Hoid???{{wob ref|13575}}
Original novel.{{wob ref|15092}}
Proto-Hoid. (META){{wob ref|13895}}
Topaz came from father. META.{{wob ref|13741}}
Influence {{wob ref|16027}}

* Hoid is Brandon's favourite character, one of the first characters made up.{{wob ref|1285}}
* Not breaking the fourth wall.{{wob ref|12525}}
* Actually doing things in the background, part of a wider story.{{wob ref|6004}}

Hoid would make fun of Brandon.{{wob ref|4317}}
Dust is Brandon's favourite alias.{{wob ref|1396}}
Had a little brother in the original.{{wob ref|1497}}
Hoid would like earth.{{wob ref|325}}

=== WoA Retcon ===

Hoid had presumed that the Well of Ascenion was located in the northern mountains like Vin but was mistaken in this regard. He spent most of his time trying to locate the Well up North.{{wob ref|5981}} [Contradicts his arrival to the system???] Hoid overheard Vin speak about the Well and raced back to the city and spent him time skulking around there for the moment, he eventually managed to get into the Well.{{wob ref|5981}}

Vin got to the well first and so Hoid intended to leave Scadrial but got sidetracked.{{wob ref|1220}}

Hoid has no interest in holding the power within the well in the form that it was in.{{wob ref|4096}}

Hoid got distracted during the events of the Well of Ascension.{{wob ref|5942}}

* Coninuity change for Mistborn.{{wob ref|1552}}

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==

Handerwym is not Hoid and is a native of Scadrial.{[wob ref|10629}}
* As of 2015 the Shard that Hoid rejected had not been revealed.{{wob ref|676}} This means that the shard could not have been [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]], [[Preservation]], [[Ruin]], [[Odium]], [[Cultivation]], [[Honor]], or [[Endowment]] as all of those had been revealed by that stage.
* If he could hear it Hoid would like metal music.{{wob ref|3332}}

Doesn't pay taxes.{{wob ref|13322}}

Novel.{{wob ref|14220}}
Book, did not take Shard.{{wob ref|14520}}
Picture book.{{wob ref|14190}}
Reason for name Hoid.{{wob ref|14491}}
Would avoid Hoid.{{wob ref|14129}}
Would not help Hoid.{{wob ref|15118}}
Hoid book.{{wob ref|14646}}
Hoid is annoying to write.{{wob ref|14665}}
Only thought of the relationship with Jasnah after Oathbringer.{{wob ref|14853}}
Hoid's book.{{wob ref|15092}}
Not aware he is fictional.{{wob ref|6136}}
Reaper King is a magic card.{{wob ref|6829}}
Would be five colour as a magic card but may be white.{{wob ref|2522}}
Unaware of fourth wall.{{wob ref|11511}}
Brandon is not Hoid.{{wob ref|4902}}
Influence.{{wob ref|3220}}
Visited the place mentioned in the traveller.{{wob ref|12296}}
Thoughts about Hoid.{{wob ref|11547}}
Dragonsteel characters no longer canon.{{wob ref|8142}}
Can find someone worthy of Thor's hammer.{{wob ref|12790}}

* He is a founder of the Worldsingers.{{wob ref|15843}}
* The character of Hoid existed before the concept of Adonalsium was developed. He first appeared in a short story Brandon wrote long ago, going by the name Kamp.{{wob ref|7600}} He was on a planet trying to figure out how the magical system of the area worked.{{wob ref|1191}}
* Brandon has stated that Cephandrius is only a few decades off from his real name.{{wob ref|5882}}
* Brandon has stated that Hoid is one of his favorite characters, alongside [[Dalinar]], by the virtue of being one of the oldest.{{wob ref|5246}}
* Brandon may eventually write a parallel novel to the Mistborn series that chronicles what Hoid was up to behind the scenes.{{wob ref|1220}}
* His favorite type of spren is a [[Cryptic]].{{wob ref|8135}}
* He is the happiest when "getting away with something". When asked in what published book that was, Brandon responded with ''[[The Bands of Mourning]]''.{{wob ref|1745}}
* Prior to the events of ''Words of Radiance'', Hoid had not been hugged in "a long time."{{wob ref|3169}}
* He has dressed in drag before, "multiple times."{{wob ref|11824}}
* Hoid's quest may be "To make that which once was."{{wob ref|9218}}
* In 2018, Brandon did a reading of an uncanonical scene he had written several years prior, called "The Traveler." In it, two men, likely Hoid and Frost, have a conversation shortly after the deaths of [[Leras]] and [[Ati]]. A recording and a transcription of the reading can be found [[wob:9518|here]].
* Hoid does not pay taxes.{{wob ref|13322}}
* Hoid was at least acquainted with [[Tanavast]] before the Shattering.{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}
* Hoid fears The Beyond.{{wob ref|14725}}
* Hoid's favorite color is black.{{wob ref|14774}}
* Though he once (extremely accurately) said to Shallan that he began life as words on a page, this was not in fact a break of the fourth wall.{{wob ref|3334}}
* Hoid, under the name Topaz, was Brandon's first [[wikipedia:Dungeons & Dragons|Dungeons & Dragons]] character.{{wob ref|15048}}
* Brandon does not believe he would aid Hoid's cause if he was in the cosmere.{{wob ref|15118}}
* Hoid likes milkshakes.{{wob ref|15329}}
* Hoid has spoken with the [[Nightwatcher]].{{wob ref|12264}}
* For several books, Hoid's best friend was somebody named [[Bat'Chor]]. This may no longer be the case as of Mistborn Era 2.{{wob ref|15731}}

Hoid was involved in the events taking place before any of the cosmere's published books begin, and is the second oldest character seen so far.{{wob ref|945}}

He was originally human, but has changed enough that when asked, [[Brandon]] only says "It's complicated."{{wob ref|6614}}

Brandon has confirmed that all of these appearances are the same individual,{{wob ref|4414}} but that he [[worldhopping|worldhops]] between planets.

Hoid's motives are unknown, and most of his actions occur behind the scenes. He is searching for something unknown.{{wob ref|7842}}

Hoid is not a [[Shard]], nor is he a [[Herald]], but something else entirely.{{wob ref|8843}}

He is very skilled with disguises, and the overtness of his involvement varies from book to book. In some, he is named outright and makes references to other events and places in the cosmere, while in others he is seen only deep in disguise, almost unrecognizable.

Hoid is neither the author of the [[Ars Arcanum|Ars Arcana]], nor of the back-of-book blurbs for ''[[The Stormlight Archive]]''.{{wob ref|1500}}{{wob ref|887}} He occasionally will show up somewhere, stand around for a while, realize there isn't a novel-worthy plot going on, and leave.{{wob ref|5821}}

Blue Planeswalker.{{wob ref|14267}}

== Arcanum References ==

* Doing things in the background.{{wob ref|3700}}
* Got his nickname/pseudonym from words on a page.{{wob ref|3334}}
* Hair white for a reason.{{wob ref|9236}}
* Elhokar's spren.{{wob ref|9345}}
* Hints at quest.{{wob ref|9218}}
* Speak fears at mirror not a real thing.{{wob ref|9584}}
* About his sermons.{{wob ref|12260}}
* Did not make up the Girl who Looked Up.{{wob ref|10525}}
* Doesn't use postal service.{{wob ref|12626}}{{wob ref|12907}}
* Odium removed breaths.{{wob ref|14524}}
* Avoided Herald Mental Health issues.{{wob ref|14135}}
* Involved in events of Stormlight a lot.{{wob ref|14252}}
* Dawnshard.{{wob ref|14315}}
* Wit is annoyed in SA5.{{wob ref|15053}}
* Stole memories.{{wob ref|15013}}
* Hoid has stable immortality.{{wob ref|15290}}
* Odium more invasive and destructive.{{wob ref|14892}}
* Old backstory is retconned{{wob ref|14645}}
* Takes a while to travel between worlds.{{wob ref|14738}}

Has a metal he shouldn't have. (Probably Lerasium){{wob ref|4803}}
Has access to atium.{{wob ref|465}}
Is an allomancer.{{wob ref|4877}}

Limits of his prohibition against harm.{{wob ref|2010}}

Has been beheaded.{{wob ref|13376}}

* Very old, predates the Shattering{{wob ref|3054}}
* Long life not tied to any particular shard.{{wob ref|5910}}

Under the name of 'Wit,' no Hoid.

* Wit opinions as to what Shallan did at end of Oathrbinger.{{wob ref|8699}}
* Basic information about his backstory.{{wob ref|10497}}
* Dragonsteel trilogy, book told as him telling it.{{wob ref|13829}}
* Uses Roshar derived flakes for Allomancy.{{wob ref|201}}
* Current apilogue used to be prologue.{{wob ref|10103}}
* Turns to modern comedians and Oscar Wilde for Wit's jokes.{{wob ref|11183}}
* Would get along with Wayne and Mat.{{wob ref|5157}}
* Shallan and Wit mentor relationship.{{wob ref|10459}}
* Wrote the letter.{{wob ref|10536}}
* Bound to Roshar, managed to get off world.{{wob ref|14907}}
* Mraize passed on Wit's message.{{wob ref|14883}}
* Not Ado.{{wob ref|10769}}
* Children's book.{{wob ref|14048}}
* Wit storybook.{{wob ref|14574}}
* Wit storybook.{{wob ref|14268}}
* Puns are translated.{{wob ref|11829}}
* Not a Herald.{{wob ref|8316}}

SP 1:
* Narrated by Hoid.{{wob ref|15423}}
* Telling story with interruption.{{wob ref|15441}}
* Retelling story within decades.{{wob ref|15442}}
* Trivia on why story told by Hoid.{{wob ref|15452}}

[Still need to do 22 and this year.]
[Tag, no mention need to do]
[SP 2 + 3 + 4 need to do]

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
<references />

{{Mistborn|Era 2}}
<references group=fn />
{{bws ref|date=2014-03-31|name=tes-del|the-emperors-soul-deleted-prologue-imperial-fool|Deleted prologue from ''The Emperor's Soul''}}


Latest revision as of 16:57, 30 September 2023

Draft things here

Abilities Connector
Profession Explorer
Ethnicity Terris
Homeworld Scadrial
Universe Cosmere
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for The Lost Metal!
Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.

I suspect Jak was hallucinating through this entire section, a result of the trauma to his head. Upon doing this edit, I wished several times to be similarly afflicted.

—Handerwym's annotations[1]

Handerwym is a Terrisman in post-Catacendre Scadrial who is known for following Allomancer Jak on his advantures and editing his works for the public.[1]

Appearence and PersonalityEdit

In none of Jaks adventures is an illustration, nor a description, of Handerwym given making it unknown as to how he appears. It is known that he was a terris man and that his parents were also terris, beyond this however no other concrete information is available. It can be guessed that his appearance was somewhat distinctive as in one adventure Jak claimed that he recogonised Handerwym solely form his hands waving in the air, from this as well it can be presumed that he was of average or below average height. The only refernce Jak gives as to his metal minds states that he kept them loose around his wrists.[2]

He is often separated from Jak in his adventures, leaving him skeptical as to whether the action as described by Jak actually took place. His annotations are often satirical and express doubt as to whether Jak's descriptions are accurate. He is annoyed at Jak for his terrible grammar and spelling and is extremely annoyed when people buy the stories without his editing. He believes that getting Jak to improve his writing is far more difficult than Jak's adventures in the Roughs. He left Elendel because the lack of intelligence among the Elendel public was driving him crazy. So, he could either leave or kill himself, the latter of which would violate his pacifist oaths.

Attributes and AbilitiesEdit

Handerwym is a Connector,[3] there is no known case of him using his abilities during his adventures with Jak however Jak does mention that he kept his metalminds on him during their travels.[2]


Adventures with JakEdit

Handerwym and Jak initially crossed paths during an unknown incident that involved Jak rescuing from drowning in a lake.[4] Following this event Handerwym continued to travel with Jak, eventually with an agreement being reached where Handerwym would serve as his editor. To his frustration however Jak would often get in arguements with Handerwym about the details of his story and insisit he not change his more outlandish claims, Jak was less attentive with his published book collections however giving Handerwym the chance to offer an uncensored commentary to his stories.[1] At some stage he also made the acquitance of Elizandra Dramali.

While travelling with Jak the group eventually ended up at the Pits of Eltania where they made contact with a group of Koloss living there. Handerwym was treated well by the native Koloss due to his Terris heritage while Elizandra was recogonized for her Koloss heritage and as such treated with respect. For reasons unknown Jak was to be executed and had his weapons confiscated. Before he could be killed Handerwym formed a connection with one of the Koloss and used this to retrieve Jak's firearm, then while he was being sent away to be killed Handerwym approached and under the guise of giving him a hug handed it to him.[4]

Breakup with JakEdit

In the years following the discovery of the Bands of Mourning Jak continued to publish his stories and by happenstance discovered a large amount of Survivor artifacts.[citation needed] Whilst expanding his business Jak decided to invest in new forms of media entertainment and in order to fund these ventures took a stake out of Handerwym's ownership in the company. This led to a public falling out between the two with the judge ultimately siding with Handerwym. Jak continued to be published in the Sentinel of Truth while Handerwym kept exclusive access to The Two Seasons as well as other paper's. Nicelle Sauvage would continue under Handerwym's banner.[5]



Jak agreed to not publish the details of how his invested art worked.[4]

Jak referred to himself as Handerwym's master.[4]


Handerwym is not Hoid and is a native of Scadrial.{[wob ref|10629}}


This article is still missing information. Please help The Coppermind by expanding it.