
Revision as of 19:35, 23 March 2022 by Taln Fan (talk | contribs)

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Era [[Classical Scadrial]]{{era/Classical Scadrial|}}
World of Origin Scadrial
Universe Cosmere

HaDah is a religion from Classical Scadrial, and has been extinct for a thousand years.[1]

HaDah is a religion in the south which worships an agricultural god. Sazed gives Jed a HaDah funeral after learning from Teur that he was killed by the Deepness.[1]

The HaDah funeral ceremony involves taking a branch and driving it into the bottom of the grave next to the corpse's head, such that once the grave is full, only the tip of the branch breaches the surface.[1]


This page is complete!
This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Taln Fan (talk) 19:35, 23 March 2022 (UTC)