Coppermind:Editor's Corner

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The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works. Information about books that have not yet been released, like Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine!

Welcome to the Editor's Corner for the Coppermind! The goal with this page is to give some useful statistics on the state of the wiki, and also give new goals and objectives for editors.

Coppermind Stats

Article Statistics
Total Articles
Exemplary Articles
Good Articles
Good to Exemplary Ratio
Division by zero.
Complete Articles
Stub to Complete Ratio
Division by zero.
Notable Articles
Missing Articles
[[Special: WantedPages|Template:REDLINKS]]
Attention Needed
Citations Needed
To Be Moved
Disputed Content
To Be Deleted

Series Statistics
Stormlight Archive Mistborn Elantris Warbreaker The Emperor's Soul Alcatraz Rithmatist Reckoners
# 1,672 935 212 126 48 105 103 196
% Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",".% 19.18% 4.35% 2.58% 0.98% 2.15% 0% 4.02%

Category Statistics
Characters Cosmere Culture Events and Eras Flora and Fauna Magic Places Other
# 2,422 3,470 334 88 0 198 0 456
% Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",".% Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",".% 6.85% 1.81% 0% 4.06% 0% 9.35%

Candidates for Completion

Obviously, a constant goal is to increase quality on the wiki. And while another goal is to have as many articles as possible, many articles are very small stubs which are almost useless. In fact, there are 217 stubs! That's a lot! When you browse through the wiki and see a stub, it's good that the article exists, but it's hard to tell if it's a minor topic or a major one. You may learn facts, but is that a complete article on the subject?

That's where completion comes in.

Here are some stubs that could be close(ish) to Completion. Basically, "completion" means to look for all instances of the subject in the book (ebooks and using word search is really helpful for this), annotations, and other sources, and putting all that information in the article. Think of it as an opposite of a stub. A stub is something that needs expansion. A complete article has literally all known knowledge on the subject, and therefore cannot be expanded. So when you read a complete article, even if it's short, you at least know it's done!

Place articles are typically easy to expand; character articles are some of the harder ones, because you should include things like dialogue from the character (if it exists) to make it a truly complete article.

Stormlight Archive

Minor Nations, Cities, and Locations on Present Day Roshar



Emperor's Soul
