
Revision as of 13:16, 5 December 2018 by Reinhartmax (talk | contribs)

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Vessel Unknown
Slivers None
Splinters Aons at center of Seons
Status Splintered
Magics AonDor
Residence Unknown
Universe Cosmere

Devotion is a Shard of Adonalsium.[1] The Vessel of Devotion was Aona, and the Shard resided on Sel. Devotion has been Splintered.


Devotion sought to care after its people. It has been theorized that the Shaod takes individuals to become Elantrians who are especially devoted about something.

Associated magic

Due to the similarity of "Aona" and "AonDor", it seems likely that Devotion is related to AonDor and Elantris.

The Aons at the heart of the Seons are Splinters of Devotion.[2]

This page or section deals with theories or speculation.
Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical.

The Splintered remains of Devotion and Dominion make up the Dor together. Dominion is why ethnicity and the land is a focus for many forms of accessing the Dor, but it is unclear how Devotion affected it. One way is that Elantrians must be devoted to something to be taken by the Shaod, but this does not explain Forgers, ChayShan practitioners, and Dakhor monks.


The only known mention of Aona is in The Letter.

Before the events of Elantris, Aona was killed by Odium, and Devotion was Splintered.


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