Miles Dagouter

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Miles Dagouter
Abilities Augur, Bloodmaker
Aliases Hundredlives
Groups Vanishers
Homeworld Scadrial

You are fools! One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you. And you will be ruled by them. Worship. Worship Trell and wait ...

—Miles Dagouter's last words[1]

Miles Dagouter, known by his nickname Hundredlives, was a lawman in the Roughs of Scadrial. He was a lawman of True Madil.[2] He was originally a follower of Survivorism but converted to Trellism. [3]

He was a double gold Twinborn, meaning he could use gold both as an Allomantic fuel and as a Feruchemical metalmind. This allowed him to Compound his metals, increasing the potency tenfold,[2] making him effectively invulnerable to attack.

He was employed by Mister Suit to lead the Vanishers.

He was captured by Wax, Wayne and Marasi. He was then executed for his crimes.


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