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Abilities Bloodmaker, Slider
Residence The Roughs
Homeworld Scadrial

Wayne is a Twinborn on Scadrial. He is both a Slider and a Bloodmaker.

He is a friend and colleague of Waxillium Ladrian. He lived in the Roughs and worked with Wax to keep law and order. He traveled to Elendel to help investigate the Vanishers and attempted to convince Wax to return to the Roughs as a lawman.

Wayne has an easy going personality and is often seen manipulating his accent and style of speech depending on who he is with. He and Wax often exchange witty banter when together.

You're right nice, but you ain't got enough punch for me. I like women what could take my face clean off with a roundhouse.



Wayne spent most of his childhood out in the Roughs in the town Far Dorest.[disputed] His father was a feruchemist, and Wayne was aware of his abilities by the time he was 16, but never had access to any bendalloy or gold. Wayne had a natural talent for grabbing things without meaning to, and with encouragement from some friends he starting pick pocketing, and eventually robbed a man at gunpoint. He ended up killing the man, and was easily caught by the local lawman Old Deadfinger. At the trial he found out that the man he killed had been a bookkeeper and charity worker and father of three. Wax saved Wayne from being hanged, though the details are unknown, and ever since the two have worked together almost like a sheriff and deputy, becoming famous enough to be taught about in university. As a reaction to the death of the bookkeeper, Wayne is unable to hold a gun without his hands shaking, preferring to use dueling canes instead. He also sends half of the money he makes to the man's widow to help pay for her kids, one of whom was able to go to university.

During his time with Wax and other lawmen, Wayne established a notoriously bad relationship with Ranette, who would shoot him on sight on most occasions. She seems to dislike his habit of 'trading' things without asking, and does not appreciate the attentions he gives her, such as calling her honey or darling. Wayne seems to ignore this, and is still eager to go out of his way to see her.

Powers & Abilities

Wayne is twinborn, a Bloodmaker and a Slider.

As a Bloodmaker, Wayne can store health at the price of being unwell, and tap in to the store later to heal wounds. As long as Wayne has an adequate storage of health, he can recover from any wounds that aren't immediately lethal, such as curing poison, regrowing fingers, and surviving bullet wounds. He prefers to fill his metal minds all at once by spending weeks sick in bed instead of traveling around while slightly sick.

As a Slider, Wayne can form a "speed bubble" around himself, speeding up[2] time for anyone inside it. Once the bubble is made it cannot be moved, and Wayne can move about freely inside it, but if he leaves it it will disappear. Anything moving from one side to the other, like a bullet, will be slightly thrown off course by the edge of the bubble. Using on nugget of bendalloy Wayne can compress two minutes of time into approximately fifteen external seconds. Wayne often used speed bubbles to converse in private, change in to a disguise or engage in a fight uninterrupted.

Wayne's preferred method of fighting is to move in close to one opponent, create a speed bubble, and use his dueling canes for a close quarters one on one. After beating his opponent he will drop the bubble and leap to the next one, starting the process over again. He seems adept at fighting, even against men with guns, though he does get shot on occasion, making his bloodmaker skill extremely effective in combat.

Wayne is talented at disguising himself using various costumes and voices, and has been able to pose as various races, ages and genders. He is a master at picking up accents, he considers it the only thing he is allowed to steal. Even when living in the roughs he made trips into the city for the purpose of picking up new accents. With the right hat and accent Wayne can easily disguise himself well enough to trick criminals or policemen into thinking he is one of them.


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