Jax (Reckoners)

Revision as of 03:16, 27 August 2021 by Taln Fan (talk | contribs)

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Groups Reckoners
Homeworld Earth (Reckoners)

He doesn’t quit. He doesn’t slack. He doesn’t stop.

—Zeff describing Jax to Prof.[1]

Jax is a Reckoner. He trains at the Coop alongside Paige and under Zeff. He is determined to kill Wingflare.

After Dan dies, Jax takes his brother's class ring and his sword as mementos.[2]

Jax is a skilled mechanic. He routinely works on motivators[3], and when he was growing up, he put together antique muskets with Dan.[2] He is capable of repurposing a variety of electronic devices to suit his needs.[3]

Jax is a skilled swordsman. Often wielding Shiloh, Jax trained in sword combat with Zeff at the Coop. He had to block 100,000 times before he was allowed to strike once, ensuring that he has a very solid understanding of the basics.[4] After hours of training, Jax develops an instinctual understanding of where Zeff will strike while sparring.[3]

Jax is determined to be a hero: a person who helps others. He is determined to prevent others from feeling the loss he has felt.[2] He fights to protect nice things for others, realizing that not having those things for himself is the cost of being a hero.[5]


The Coop

Jax spends 14 hours every day training under Zeff to become an assassin. His exercises include flinch training (learning how to not flinch in various situations), combat training, strength training, and peaches training (strength training, but while wearing a backpack full of cans of peaches).[4] At night, Jax sneaks out to learn about and work on motivators.[3]



Jax's older brother.


Zeff trained Jax at the Coop. While the training sometimes felt like torture to Jax,[4] he eventually realizes it is all for a good purpose and comes to see Zeff as a friend and mentor.[citation needed]


Jax trains with Paige at the coop.[4] After a short while, they become extremely good friends. [3]


Jax's best subject in school was science.[5]


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