
Summary pages have spoilers through the end of the book they summarize. However, they also have links to the rest of the Coppermind, which has full spoilers. To safely browse non-summary pages, consider using the Time Machine.

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Lux. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.


Part 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Part 2

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

brigand is in his new fancy house on lux, but he feels guilty about betraying them. He cooks a steak - a rarity in the world of the reckoners - but fails to fully enjoy it due to visions of the past, and of the friends that he lost. He repeats the phrase "you made your choice". Ultimately, he vomits up the steak, and realizes that he is worse than lifeforce: while lifeforce is building something good, brigand is only looking out for himself.

Chapter 29

The gang finds a house to occupy.

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The city starts to fall after Wingflare's powers are dampened. Jax tries to convince Languish to stop using his powers, before stopping him with physical force. Jax and paige decide to chase after wingflare, following her to her house, which consists of a group of floating state capitol buildings. They decide to try to enter despite the danger of falling.

Chapter 36

Paige and Jax traverse the floating stones that lead to Wingflare's residence, making it over treacherous slanted stones. Despite the danger, they both succeed.

Chapter 37


Paige and Jax enter the Arkansas capitol building. They admire the ostentatious space while thinking of a way to cross to the White House, which does not have any natural means to cross to. Though they decide on a crazy plan involving jumping off the edge and throwing a grappling hook, the building shifts, and they find that the stones that once formed bridges between the other state capitol buildings have moved and become a bridge to the white house. They cross the bridge, and enter the White House.

Chapter 38


Paige and Jax enter the White House. Wingflare greets them and speaks of the thrill of coming very close to death, then invites them further into the house. Paige and Jax try to escape, but the path to the white house has disappeared, so they follow. They follow Wingflare through the labyrinth that is the white house, getting separated in the process. Jax gets trapped in a series of rooms that appear to repeat infinitely, being so quickly rearranged by Wingflare. Wingflare continues to toy with Jax, using her powers to force him and Paige to play her game. Wingflare presents a death game in which three platters are presented, one with poison that would kill either reckoner, one with no poison, and one with poison that would kill only Wingflare. Each person must eat from one plate. Jax initially refuses to play the game - trying to break her bones with his sonic gun - but it fails. Jax comes to the realization that Wingflare's weakness is actually people who refuse to play games with her, and they use this to their advantage to successfully shoot her.

Chapter 39


Paige and Jax try to save Wingflare from death even after having just shot her. They fail, and Wingflare dies. The white house, and Lux, begins to fall.

Part 3

Chapter 40


Lifeforce admires the wealth of his home, mentally comparing Lux to Rome: a perfect city. He mentally compares the Reckoners to a colony of beetles, chewing away at his achievement. Lifeforce feels the tremors and calls his guard, who watch him up on the fight between Languish and Wingflare. In his anger, he destroys his own art.

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43


Hershel and Wade feel the effects of Lux beginning to fall. Hershel begins to tell the story of how he lost his leg, but then lux stops falling. Not knowing what is going on, Wade decides that the two will follow Jax and Paige towards Wingflare's residence. They come across Jax and Paige lying near the edge, and exchange information about the Wingflare Motivator. Jax realizes that Lifeforce has gained Wingflare's Epic powers. The team decides that Languish is their only chance to defeat Lifeforce, and go looking for him at his second house.

Chapter 44


Lifeforce visits Veera in her gilded prison. He thinks about how he is punishing her: torture by constant starvation. He receives a call telling him that Cloudbreaker wants to speak with him. Lifeforce's anger about being disturbed, in addition to his frustration about Veera's change into a near-emotionless husk, interrupts his concentration, and Lux drops slightly.

Chapter 45


Languish is in his lakeside house, preparing to flee. He no longer trusts any of the people or groups on the island, and determines that he would be safest away from Lux. Right as Languish is about to leave, the reckoners appear and stop him. Languish tells the reckoners that Lifeforce killed Brigand.

Chapter 46


The reckoners go to Brigand's old house in order to regroup and shelter from raven patrols. The gang decides to rest for the night. The next morning, Languish asks about Hershel's missing leg, unofficially inducting himself into the gang.

Chapter 47

Thirteen years ago

Hershel talks about his time in the special forces. He receives last-minute orders to go to Siberia shortly after returning from Egypt. He travels to Russia by plane, thinking about the thrill of combat; being shot at, and surviving by the skin of his teeth. Hershel and his team drop 40 klicks from their objective - a satellite station - and begin walking there. While en route, Calamity becomes brighter, and starts to pulse. Specialist Jackson convulses and falls into a coma, stalling the mission. When Jackson wakes up, he has a flippant attitude. Hershel's team continues their mission, walking to the objective. They botch the job, but Specialist Jackson uses his new powers to kill the soldiers that come to defend the station. He destroys the station the process. Jackson attacks a member of the squad, and in retaliation the entire squad fires back. He kills them all except Hershel, then destroys what remained of the station. Hershel gets trapped in the debris created by the explosion, which is inexplicably turned into steel. His leg was now encased in steel, and in the end, he was forced to cut it off.

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54


The gang, riding Martha, approach Lifeforce's palace. Languish offers his help in exchange for the promise that the gang help him rescue Veera in return. The gang decides that Martha isn't suitable for the task of storming the palace - there are too many defenders - but Languish reveals that there is an unguarded entrance. The gang splits up, with Hershel and Wade staying behind to assault the front gates and hack, respectively, and Paige, Jax, and Languish going in to save Veera and kill Lifeforce.

Chapter 55


Jax, Paige and Languish enter the undefended entrance in search of Veera. Paige and Jax confess their feelings to one another, then Languish finds Veera's cell. Jax recognises Veera as Lovestruck. Paige manages to talk him out of killing her. Lifeforce makes an appearance, and he and Languish engage in a battle of powers: Languish dampening Lifeforce's healing abilities while simultaneously dampening the healing that Lifeforce gifted him. Ravens come and assist Lifeforce, and Page and Jax fight them off. Languish dies to an old injury and Lifeforce regains control of the city. Jax manages to use Boomerang and Shiloh to stab Lifeforce, but Lifeforce still has access to his healing. Lifeforce transfers his wounds to Paige as Jax is trapped beneath a previously thrown steel door. Jax realizes that Lifeforce's weakness is silver, preventing him from using either of his powers on Jax. Paige realizes that the hilt of Shiloh contains a motivator with a silver conduit, and stabs the blade the rest of the way into Lifeforce's chest. Paige suddenly suffers from a wound which seems to come from the Raven initiation ceremony. Before dying, Lifeforce stabs a syringe into Paige.

Chapter 56


Lux falls slowly into the Gulf of Mexico. Paige does not die from her injury, theorizing that Lifeforce died before the injury could fully return. Hershel and Wade survive, and the whole gang visits a surviving ice cream store. Paige faints, and the gang brings her to Doc Slush, a reckoner based in Louisiana. Many of the Lux inhabitants decide to stay in Lux, not having many good alternatives. After several weeks, Paige has still not awakened, and Calamity vanishes from the sky.



Paige wakes up to Jax by her bedside. She feels wrong in some way that is alien, though she feels otherwise in perfect health. She has vicious, mean thoughts about Jax and other reckoners, and hears a voice in her head similar to the voice Lifeforce has been hearing in his. The voice calls her a blank canvas and promises to make a masterpiece out of her. The voice identifies itself as the demon who was living in Lifeforce: something other than man.


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