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=== Chapter 9 ===
=== Chapter 9 ===

Hrathen professes admiration for Sarene's rhetorical skills. Hrathen and Dilaf debate about converting Teod to Shu-Dereth once their work in Arelon is completed, with Dilaf predicting that Teod would be destroyed by Jaddeth due to their intrasigence.

Hrathen and Dilaf go to a meeting at an inn to form an alliance with some Arelish aristocrats, mostly minor nobles but also including the powerful Duke [[Telrii]], talking of recent conquests of the Fjordell Empire, and promising power in exchange for the nobles converting to Shu-Dereth. Hrathen explains that many Arelish believe that the Elantrians will return to power and that this belief undermines Iadon's and the nobles' authority. Hrathen speaks vaguely so that he can maintain plausible deniability in the event that one of the nobles accuses Hrathen of insurgence against the government. [[Waren]] muses that it will be a lengthy process to establish Shu-Dereth in Arelon, but Hrathen counters that the Jesker Mysteries were banished from the Duladel Republic in a very short time span and that the Elantrians fell from power suddenly as well, and that Shu-Korath has been in great decline and is now followed in only two nations, Arelon and Teod.

=== Chapter 10 ===
=== Chapter 10 ===

Revision as of 15:20, 10 March 2015

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Elantris. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.


The radiant, magically powerful city of Elantris and its inhabitants are described. It is revealed that Elantris fell from glory ten years previous.

Part One: The Shadow of Elantris

Chapter 1

Crown Prince Raoden of Arelon wakes up to find that he has been taken by the Shaod. His father, King Iadon, exiles him to Elantris with a small funeral offering of food and wine. Raoden meets a beggar and gives him a loaf of bread. He turns to walk away, only to hear the young beggar assaulted by five other Elantrians for the bread. He runs from the men, but finds his strength quickly fading and tosses the remainder of his basket to them. Raoden meets Galladon, a man from Duladel also taken by the Shaod. Galladon informs Raoden that his injuries will not heal because he is dead, and Raoden finds that indeed, he has no heartbeat. Raoden decides to trust Galladon and offers him a piece of dried meat from his basket in exchange for being his guide in Elantris for 30 days.

Chapter 2

Princess Sarene of Teod arrives in Arelon to find that she is now considered a widow to the presumed dead Raoden, despite the fact that they were only engaged and had never met. She discusses the relevant clause in the marriage contract with Ashe, her seon, who confirms that the contract is firm on this point. She asks a servant of King Iadon, Ketol, to take her to the prince's wake. At the wake, Sarene is not allowed to look in the casket (the excuse given is that the disease was disfiguring), and finds Iadon's absence from the funeral and the funeral's formality suspicious. She contemplates the loneliness of her life up to this point and the city of Kae. She discusses with Ashe the necessity of her marriage treaty and the alliance it brings to help ward off Fjorden invaders. She is taken to King Iadon, whom rudely dismisses her and hands her off to his wife, Queen Eshen, who proves to be a scatterbrained, frivolous woman. After settling in to her new rooms, she holds a conference with her father, King Eventeo, to inform him of the death of her husband. He offers to void the marriage contract for her; Sarene is tempted, but decides that it is best for Teod if she remains.

Chapter 3

Hrathen, Fjordell gyorn, arrives by ship in Arelon to convert the people to Shu-Dereth. He has a three month deadline to finish the conversion, or else his god Jaddeth will destroy the Arelish people. He surveys Elantris and the surrounding areas with a military eye, judging it to be too poorly organized to be defensible. Hrathen's presence and appearance, with the imposing plate armor of a Derethi high priest, causes a stir as he walks to the Derethi chapel. En route, he is met by Fjon, Kae's Derethi head arteth. Hrathen is displeased with Fjon, and with the lack of order he encounters at the chapel, and orders all the Derethi priests to be gathered. Hrathen orders Fjon to return to Fjordell to be remediated in his religious faith, stating that Fjon has been corrupted by being in Arelon for too long.

Hrathen replaces Fjon as head arteth. Hrathen organizes his new office, and ruminates about a holy scroll written by the Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth, containing his orders. Fjon confronts Hrathen, asking for another chance to serve in Kae, but when reading the scroll, realizes that he could not have carried out the orders held within, and takes his leave to return to Fjordell.

Hrathen meets with Fjon's former underlings and realizes how disordered and corrupted by Arelon the chapel's staff had become. He only encounters one arteth with the proper potential, Dilaf, who explained how while he was Arelish, he had learned to follow the Derethi faith. Dilaf states he went to Rain and gained a Derethi following, then returned to Kae when the chapel was built. Fjon raised Dilaf to arteth, though he didn't have the authority to do so. Hrathen is impressed with Dilaf's teaching ability, though he also feels caution at his ardor, and appoints him arteth and odiv, to both reward him and control him.

After Hrathen dismisses Dilaf by sending him to make sure that Fjon is boarding a ship for Fjordell, Hrathen rereads the scroll with his orders. The scroll states that all of the Arelish and Teoish people who fail to convert to Shu-Derethi within three months will be slain, and that Jaddeth will end his slumber within his tomb of rock, and ascend to rule. Hrathen wishes for the more peaceful resolution of conversion over annihilation.

Chapter 4

Raoden and Galladon watch the arrival of a new Elantrian, an older woman, who lingers for awhile in the courtyard, feeling pain and despair, before facing her fate. She then exits the courtyard to the left, getting robbed of her food offerings by Karata's gang, one of three predominant groups in Elantris, beside the gangs following Shaor and Aanden. Galladon explains to Raoden how physical pains eventually cause Elantrians to become catatonic from unending suffering since any received wounds don't heal.

Galladon also speaks of his unending hunger, which he has been able to persevere through during his months of living in the city, but which he thinks will eventually overwhelm him. Galladon educates Raoden on the geography and factions of Elantris, and different food sources that have been discovered. Raoden and Galladon traverse a great distance across the city to the market area to survey Shaor's domain, walking slowly and carefully to avoid any hurts, passing many hoed who act as constant reminders of the cost of carelessness. Raoden daydreams of his former life and friends and would-be wife, and speculates about the changes to Elantris since the Reod. Raoden and Galladon also tour the University and Palace areas, which are controlled by Karata and Aanden. Raoden spots a well that draws water from the underground Aredel River, which Galladon speculates was used for religious purposes, since wells were not required in Elantris due to the presence of plumbing. Raoden spies a seon wandering aimlessly, which is a common sight in Elantris since any seon bonded to an Elantrian loses its sanity, and he thinks about his own Ien. Raoden and Galladon take shelter from rain in Galladon's hidden lair, which to Raoden's delight contains a collection of books. Galladon reveals that he can draw Aons.

Chapter 5

As Sarene is observing court, Hrathen makes an unexpected appearance. Sarene explains to Ashe that there are only 20 gyorns in the entire Fjordell empire. Hrathen confronts King Iadon, requesting that he convert to Shu-Dereth, but Iadon counters that he believes in Shu-Korath, and thus worships the same god, though Hrathen disputes this. Iadon dismisses Hrathen and his warnings, stating that the time of Fjordell dominance is long past.

After Hrathen departs, Sarene and Ashe discuss Iadon's ignorance of the current state of affairs and Fjorden's growing power. Sarene decides that Hrathen will be a more worthy recipient of her scorn than the Arelish nobility. She realizes the danger that the gyorn poses and worries that he will successfully convert the citizens of Kae, and frets about how that would affect the alliance with Teod.

Iadon notices Sarene's presence in his throne room and berates her for being there without permission, but Sarene deflects his anger by feigning simplemindedness along with a mock emotional outburst. She then encounters her uncle Kiin, who she has not seen since she was a child. Sarene and Kiin reminisce, and Kiin invites Sarene to his home to meet his family.

At Kiin's castle-like home, they are greeted by Kiin's wife Daora, their children Kaise and Daorn, and Daora's children Lukel and Adien, and Lukel's wife Jalla. Over dinner, they discuss the Reod, the fall of the Arelish government, and the changes to Elantris, and how the servants revolted against the Elantrians. Sarene talks of her seon Ashe, and how Ashe had been passed down to her from her mother.

Chapter 6

Hrathen and Dilaf discuss Iadon's rejection of Jaddeth, and Hrathen ponders the violent revolution in the Duladel Republic and wishes to avoid a similar outcome in Arelon. Hrathen inquires about someone who doesn't seem to fit in with the court, and Dilaf explains that is Sarene, from Teod, the homeland of Shu-Koreth, a competing sect that descended from the same parent religion that Shu-Dereth is derived from. Hrathen explains that Sarene could pose a problem, since she represents an alliance between Teod and Arelon that could interfere with the pending Fjordell invasion.

Hrathen and Dilaf visit the boundary wall of Elantris, then return to the Derethi chapel where Hrathen explains his strategy of using the fallen Elantrians as scapegoats by denouncing them as the evil Svrakiss, the souls of the dead who hate Jaddeth, and then unifying the Arelish in hatred of Elantris.

Chapter 7

Raoden, after some quick lessons from Galladon in Aondor, spends a day creating Aons that illuminate but have no magical effects. Raoden and Galladon discuss the connections between the Reod, the failure of Aondor and the changes to Elantris. Galladon reveals that he showed his library to Raoden so that they could together try to find out how to fix what befell the Elantrians.

It is Raoden's third day in Elantris. Raoden and Galladon go to the entry courtyard that connects Kae to Elantris to await new arrivals. They see Hrathen atop the boundary wall, and speculate about what his presence means. Raoden uses fear to guide a new Elantrian, a former jeweler named Mareshe, away from Shaor's gang into a building that was setup as a trap so that the gang could be eluded. Raoden explains to Mareshe about the circumstances of Elantrian life and asks him to become a shoe cobbler, since shoes can protect their unhealing feet from wear and tear.

Raoden adopts the alias of Spirit, which is the translation of the aon Rao. Mareshe recognizes Raoden but Raoden denies that Mareshe ever saw him previously.

Chapter 8

Sarene decides to live in the palace instead of her uncle's house. She sets up an easel in the throne room and paints copies of the art hanging on the walls, which aggravates the king, but when she is asked to relocate, she only moves a short distance and continues, and her presence is tolerated as the king has more pressing matters. Sarene and Ashe discuss the king's business acumen and poor prospects of staying in power, as well as Sarene's lack of artistic ability. Lukel, who as a successful businessman has a standing invitation to the court, joins them and they watch the king adjucate a dispute over the ownership of a peasant, though slavery is illegal for the time being. Lukel explains how the nation has become more oppressive since Iadon took power, and that individual landholding rights were eliminated, and wealth redistributed to merchants who supported the king's rise to the throne.

Lukel also discusses the past rivalry between the Merchant's Guild and the Elantrians who had provided free food and services to the population. Sarene speculates that the Arelish population will revolt over this poor treatment since they still remember freedom from not too long before, unlike the Fjordell who have been living under harsh conditions for centuries. Lukel compares Sarene to Raoden, and reminisces about the former prince, who was kind and outspoken, and stood up to the king's harsh laws, creating friction between father and son. Lukel also discusses Kiin's undermining of the king's authority by refusing to accept a noble title, and the line of succession which is endangered due to Raoden's 'passing' though the king may try to have another child. Lukel states that Raoden's friends will stop their subvertive meetings since the prince is not there anymore to provide protection, and Sarene asks to be invited to their last gathering.

Lukel and Sarene then go to lunch at Kiin's house. Over the midday meal, they discuss various schools of art, Sarene's novice ability, and other topics. Kaise, Daorn, and Sarene take a visit to the boundary wall of Elantris, where they encounter a large crowd. Hrathen preaches about how the Elantrians have reverted to baser animal instincts, turning their backs on religion, and Sarene takes the opportunity to start a theological debate with the gyorn, using misleading arguments to break the priest's thrall over the crowd. Hrathen concedes to Sarene graciously and departs, though Dilaf glares at Sarene.

Sarene then discusses the Elantrians who loiter in the courtyard, who Kaise states are neglected and who she describes as dead. Sarene notes two Elantrians that don't seem to have given into despair like the others that they observe, and by the descriptions they are Raoden and Galladon, but she doesn't realize their identities.

Chapter 9

Hrathen professes admiration for Sarene's rhetorical skills. Hrathen and Dilaf debate about converting Teod to Shu-Dereth once their work in Arelon is completed, with Dilaf predicting that Teod would be destroyed by Jaddeth due to their intrasigence.

Hrathen and Dilaf go to a meeting at an inn to form an alliance with some Arelish aristocrats, mostly minor nobles but also including the powerful Duke Telrii, talking of recent conquests of the Fjordell Empire, and promising power in exchange for the nobles converting to Shu-Dereth. Hrathen explains that many Arelish believe that the Elantrians will return to power and that this belief undermines Iadon's and the nobles' authority. Hrathen speaks vaguely so that he can maintain plausible deniability in the event that one of the nobles accuses Hrathen of insurgence against the government. Waren muses that it will be a lengthy process to establish Shu-Dereth in Arelon, but Hrathen counters that the Jesker Mysteries were banished from the Duladel Republic in a very short time span and that the Elantrians fell from power suddenly as well, and that Shu-Korath has been in great decline and is now followed in only two nations, Arelon and Teod.

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

A discussion between Sarene and Eventeo. The Fjordell ambassador in Teod, Ashgress, returned to Fjorden.

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Part 2: The Call of Elantris

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Sarene finds a different version of the poem Wyrn the King in a book by Seor.

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

Part 3: The Spirit of Elantris

Chapter 55

Watching the aftermath from the top of Kiin's house, Raoden confides to Sarene that since he's still alive, then according to the terms of their contract their marriage is void, after she's exclaimed over her own shortcomings for not putting together his disappearance in the first place.

Raoden assures her that he has no intention of avoiding their marriage, and suggests they make it formal. Left to his own thoughts for a moment his concerns show in sending Galladon back to New Elantris earlier, to teach the people AonDor. He admits there won't be much time, but it's better than nothing.

Drawing Aon Nae they study the palace grounds together through the magnifying scope that particular Aon creates. Raoden is horrified to see to see the corpse of Eondel lying next to Telrii.

Chapter 56

Now on the roof with Raoden and Sarene, Ashe explains in the company of Kiin, Lukel, and Shuden of Eondel's foolish charge into the palace to avenge the death of Roial. Raoden is the first to call it foolish with Sarene agreeing, though only because she sees a leader's perspective, not a man's that would surely be mourning the loss of both Roial and Eondel.

Watching the funeral pyre, they notice fifty or so Elantris City Guards detach from the group and gallop towards Kiin's house. As the riders approach Kiin suggests barricading the entrance. Raoden orders him not to do so but he only acquiesces because he respects Raoden, showing that he doesn't take orders.

However, that proves unnecessary as the soldiers announce they have heard a rumour that the former prince has returned to the city and they are in desperate need of a king. Relieved at the reason Raoden orders out messengers to every noble in the city; within the hour his coronation will commence, concern over Hrathen's plots expediting the event.

Addressing a large crowd of nobles not much later in the palace throne room, Raoden only manages to begin his speech before he's interrupted by a feeling of someone manipulating the Dor. Someone he suspected is a Derethi priest but stunned reactions from the crowd bring his attention to what had been altered.

Though they see his Elantrian appearance the crowd is more dumbfounded than shocked. After so long of expecting the worst the noblility can't bring itself to feel appalled. Before he can think, Sarene comes to his defense, reminding the people that Raoden is still the man who cared about them before his exile, despite what he's become.

A few random cheers excite the rest of the audience into an upbeat support for Raoden's kingship. Dilaf, the Derethi priest that had used the Dor to remove Raoden's mask, stalks angrily out of the throne room in the wake of the reaction he'd not expected from his manipulating.

Sarene explains to Raoden that the people of Arelon are ready to accept a man because he will lead them well. But even so he admits it might not have turned out the same had she not intervened. Questioning who Dilaf is, Raoden first lays suspicion on the Derethi priest about being the one who manipulated his Aon. Asking to borrow Ashe he sends the Seon into New Elantris to warn Galladon to be prepared.

Chapter 57

Hrathen observed the entire series of events in the throne room, contemplating over his own feelings for Sarene and why he hates this man she looks at that he calls an imposter that looks like Raoden.

Seeing Dilaf leave, Hrathen follows, noting that his plans have been ruined again by "Sarene's plot" and admits that Dilaf was right; if Hrathen had concentrated more on Elantris the people would have been too disgusted to grant "Raoden" kingship.

He's suspicious when Dilaf turns not towards the chapel but towards the centre of the city. Leading him to the market district Hrathen has time to pause before witnessing, with horror, the monks of Dakhor bursting out of the merchants tents in their twisted warrior forms.

Chapter 58

Raoden awakens to strange sounds in Roial's mansion. Immediately upon investigating the disturbance he meets with the Dakhor monks. One of them is Dilaf, who disables Raoden in his attempt to arm himself.

At the walls of Elantris, Sarene orders Hoid to deliver a box of supplies to Galladon and Karata, revealing to no-one but herself their contents: swords and bows. As she rides back in her coach the invasion catches up to her. Escaping from her coach she is saved from a Dakhor monk by Kiin and Lukel. Safely back at the mansion, Kiin reveals, after Sarene notices Aon Reo engraved on his axe, his true past as the pirate Dreok "Crushthroat," correcting it to "Crushedthroat" in his characteristic raspy voice, and again correcting Sarene that it was Eventeo stole the throne from Dreok.

Hrathen confronts Dilaf about the massacre, angry that Dilaf's agenda is the annihilation of an entire nation he was set on teaching of Jaddeth and converting them. Dilaf asserts his authority as a gragdet - the leaders of the monasteries - and Hrathen recalls his own brief initiation into the Dakhor monastery.

Chapter 59

Raoden awakens as a hostage but the blow to his head has left him dizzy that no Elantrian would recover from. Noticing Dilaf has besieged Kiin's house he vainly tries to scream.

Sarene is distraught to see Raoden captive but accepts the inevitable fate she's convinced awaits him. She will not trade the lives of anyone in Kiin's household for what she surmises Dilaf will demand of in exchange for Raoden, even if she offered herself up.

Although too late to realise it as she steps out onto the balcony, the Dakhor monks ambush her and Kiin, taking them captive. Dilaf demands Hrathen's Seon to communicate with Eventeo and inform him of the terms of surrender. Though Dilaf has no intention of accepting it. He just wants to murder the king and spread the chaos. Hrathen is conflicted, openly revolted with Dilaf's campaign.

Almost as an after thought, Dilaf impales Raoden on his sword and leaves him muttering a Hoed mantra. Dilaf orders that the Elantrians be rounded up and burnt.

Chapter 60

Watching Hrathen and is companions leave the mansion, Galladon quickly creeps up to Raoden's body, finding him Hoed. Karata urges him on but Galladon has a promise he made with Raoden to fulfill. After which he insinuates on giving himself the same release to which Karata silently accepts the same fate.

Lukel watches his uncle, Kiin, fight off three Dakhor monks at once before being subdued. They, and the rest of the captives, are herded off to Elantris.

The Dakhor monks with Dilaf and Hrathen teleport to Teod, using one of the monks as the fuel to power the transportation. Leaping to a nearby rooftop, Dilaf watches a fleet of ships pulling into Teod's bay, exclaiming they will wait. In the meantime, Dilaf reveals the origin of his hatred of Elantris to Hrathen.

Noticing Shuden presumably preparing to fight his way free, Lukel steels himself to provide back up.

While venturing up the mountain Galladon considers the hope Raoden instilled within him, the hope he still clings on to, while Raoden himself floats behind the void of his own consciousness. Averted by the pain of his physical form. Reaching the pool, Galladon and Karata lay Raoden down for a moment of rest before they wade into the pool.

Nearing the built pyres in Elantris, Adien saunters away from the crowd. A Derethi soldier orders him back into line before slashing his sword across Adien's chest when he doesn't obey. No blood, Adien continues walking to the shock of the soldier, and lays upon the pyre, his secret finally revealed.

Dilaf reveals he was the one who convinced Hrathen to leave the Dakhor monastery a moment before making his move. Approaching Eventeo, Hrathen's thoughts rebel against what Dilaf has started and he overhears Dilaf whispering to Sarene that she is a disease for allowing the Arelenes to forget their hatred of Elantrians, and muses about killing her in front of her father instead.

Raoden's mind is assaulted by the vision of Aon Rao. Trying to suppress it another image forms, that of Elantris and the outer cities, and both images superimpose perfectly. His surprise awakens him as he struggles to regain control of his body, surprising Galladon and Karata with a sudden scream. Dropping him, Raoden staggers into the pool.

Chapter 61

One square, four circles. Aon Rao. The Spirit of Elantris.

—On the form of Aon Rao

To Eventeo's horror, Dilaf begins cutting Sarene's throat. Hrathen, finally deciding to act, hits Dilaf. Regaining balance, Dilaf jabs the knife at Hrathen's chest, the blade sliding off his armor. Armor that was supposedly for show. Hrathen is satisfied in telling Dilaf nothing he does is for show shortly before smashing his steel forearm into Dilaf's face. Warning Eventeo of Fjordell's coming invasion, Hrathen shoves Sarene down an alleyway and blocks it with his own body.

The pool beckons for Raoden to give himself up. He rejects it. Bursting from its embrace to a surprised Galladon and Karata they all race down the mountain back to Kae. Shuden finally retaliates and Lukel joins the fray but they are ultimately overwhelmed.

Hrathen holds his own against the Dakhor monks admirably. Just barely. There is a commotion beyond the monks as Eventeo's honor guard joins the battle. Sarene indicates an open door they both duck into. They find a cellar to hide in while the Dakhor monks follow and leave again. Emerging from the cellar, Hrathen removes his armor, calling it a burden of his calling he no longer deserves. Sarene questions why he did it and Hrathen simply says Dilaf is evil and a massacre does not serve Jaddeth.

At the foot of the mountain, Raoden dashes on, picking up a stick and drawing a long line out behind him. Seeing a group of Fjordell guards, Galladon is empowered in protecting Raoden and whatever he is doing. In their efforts Galladon is lanced in the body and Karata beheaded, but Raoden finishes the line. Light explodes from the ground. The power of the Dor washes away his pain. The city complex of Elantris and its outer cities is one big Aon that needed the chasm line to complete it. Raoden walks from the light anew, ordering the Fjordell soldiers to leave Arelon. All around Elantris the effects are felt as Elantrians stride from the pyres, unharmed. Raoden arrives, destroying one Dakhor monk and demanding that the other leave.

Chapter 62

Hrathen makes plans to smuggle Sarene out of Teod on a merchant's ship, under the impression that Dilaf will follow her and spare Teod, unlike Duladel; Hrathen exposes himself to the guilt of his own past atrocities before he is murdered by Fjon. Trying to revive Hrathen, Sarene is interrupted by a group of Dakhor monks and Dilaf, drawn by the commotion of the surrounding crowd.

Raoden finishes healing Lukel as Ashe comes to inform Raoden that Teod is under attack, and that Sarene is there. Hurrying up Elantris' wall Ashe shows Raoden which direction Teod is in. He begins to draw Aon Tia, the transportation Aon, when he reluctantly agrees with Galladon's urgent reasoning on its dangers. Without knowing the exact distance Aon Tia could kill the user. Fortunately, Adien appears - of sound mind now - and quotes the exact distance in steps to Teod. Using Adien's stride as his measurement, Raoden modifies Aon Tia and teleports himself to Teod.

Moments later a spray of light collides with one of the Dakhor monks. Raoden dashes for Sarene. He disables Dilaf and grabs a hold of Sarene, transporting them fifty feet away from the monks, forgetting that Aons grow weaker away from Elantris. Attempting to escape, Raoden and Sarene flee down the docks until they spot King Eventeo, but little too late as they are unable to outrun the abnormally fast monks. Raoden readies himself to attack but Dilaf is content on allowing backup to arrive.

With a small army of monks, Dilaf begins his offense. Raoden will be unable to draw his Aons fast enough to combat all of the monks at once. Suddenly, the Elantrians led by Galladon teleport onto the docks and launch a barrage of power against the monks.

Knowing he has little options remaining Dilaf scrambles down an alleyway, away from the battle to hunt down the one leverage he knows will draw Sarene to him - King Eventeo. Sarene notices this and urges Raoden to pursue. Though not far into the alleyway, Dilaf ambushes Raoden. Disarming Raoden, Dilaf kicks the wounded Elantrian to his knees. Forgotten, Sarene surprises Dilaf, attacking him with a sword she'd found. Unable to keep up with the monk's superior physical abilities she suffers a wound to the shoulder. As both lay defeated, Hrathen surprises all of them by first appearing and then blocking Dilaf's attack with a Dakhor enhanced arm. The same arm he uses in proceeding to choke Dilaf to death with before succumbing to his own wounds.

Galladon arrives to report that the Teoish armada is holding out against the Fjordell.

Chapter 63

Sarene is insistent on not letting Raoden out of her sight until they are married. At the ceremony, Raoden's mind wanders during Father Omin's extensive speech. The possibility that Wyrn had attained access to the Dor in some way is strengthened by Raoden's suspicions of Shuden being able to defeat a Dakhor monk with his eyes closed.

The ceremony closes with Sarene hinting she's looking forward to the wedding night. Cheeky.


Funeral of the victims/heroes of the invasion of Arelon and following battles of Elantris and Teoin.
