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Profession Arms dealer
Homeworld Earth (Reckoners)

Diamond is a weapons dealer active in the Fractured States. He sold to Epics, like Steelheart and anti-Epic groups, like the Reckoners, alike.[1] He did however have a strict policy of not discussing his clients.[2]

He is described as having long, white hair that is beginning to recede and a beard.[3]


Diamond set up shop in the catacombs beneath Newcago not long after the death of the Epic Fortuity.[1]

He was part of the Reckoners plan to ensure they received credit for the death of Steelheart.

He was placed in "protective custody" by the Reckoners following an encounter between them and the Epic Nightwielder that occurred in his shop.


  1. a b Broken reference - Book shorthand incorrect: reck1
  2. Broken reference - Book shorthand incorrect: reck1
  3. Broken reference - Book shorthand incorrect: reck1
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