
Revision as of 22:14, 8 December 2016 by Windrunner (talk | contribs)

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This page or section contains spoilers for Arcanum Unbounded!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
Vessel Unknown
Slivers None
Splinters Potentially the Evil
Status Splintered
Residence Unknown
Universe Cosmere

Ambition is a Shard of Adonalsium.[1] Its holder is unknown, but it was killed shortly after the Shattering, but it at one point visited the Threnodite system.

Ambition is believed to have once had a system of Investiture associated with it, but this Investiture no longer exists.[1]


The Shard Ambition was created when Adonalsium was Shattered by a group of people on Yolen.[2] One of the people that had helped Shatter Adonalsium took up Ambition and Ascended, later making its way to the Threnodite system, where it is uncertain whether or not it Invested itself in the system.[1] Ambition may have settled on the planet Threnody for some time, where some measure of Investiture was in existence. Shortly after the Shattering, the Shard Odium arrived in the system. Ambition and Odium fought one another in the space between the planets, struggling in all three Realms. Odium gained the upper hand, mortally wounding Ambition and tearing off chunks of its power, which altered the people of Threnody, as well as the planets in the system. Ambition managed to escape the system, but it was killed and Splintered in another location, likely finished off by Odium.


The Shard Ambition may have had a local manifestation of Investiture at one point in its past.[1] Nazh gave Khriss records from the Homeland, which indicate that there used to be some sort of Investiture present on the planet prior to Ambition and Odium's fight. On the other hand, this Investiture may have existed prior to the arrival of both Shards. It is unknown if this Investiture is still in existence or not after Ambition fled the system.

There are several other notable sources of Investiture on Threnody that may be associated wholly or in part with Ambition.[1] There appears to be excess Investiture in general, which infuses the spirits of some humans. The spirit of these people imprints upon this power, and when the person dies, the power remains behind in the form of a shade, a Cognitive shadow with a low level of consciousness. In addition to the shades, the Evil is also present on Threnody. This force of darkness destroyed an entire continent, sending people fleeing from the Homeland and other regions of the Fallen World to the Forests of Hell for safety. Khriss indicates that she believes that this may be the product of a chunk of Ambition's power, twisting the people and the planet itself. There is no stable perpendicularity on Threnody, although there are some unpredictable and unstable perpendicularities that are of morbid but unknown origin.

It is unknown what, if any, impact Ambition's power may have had on the planets Monody and Elegy.[1]


This page is complete!
This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Windrunner (talk) 15:14, 8 December 2016 (MST)