Lux (city)

Revision as of 19:39, 29 August 2021 by Taln Fan (talk | contribs)

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Ruler Lifeforce
World Earth (Reckoners)

Lux is a flying city presided over by the Epic Lifeforce. An Epic named Wingflare keeps it in the air, and an Epic named Cloudbreaker controls the weather in Lux, keeping it warm and livable despite the high altitude.[1] Its last known location is over Galveston, Texas.[2]

Lux flies over Texas, looting and pillaging towns. It has a well founded reputation as a floating paradise, and every few months it drops ladders over a city to allow new residents to climb into the city. Lux is filled with neighborhoods and parks, and when the Reckoners first climb into it there is a carnival going on.

Underneath the city lies a series of tunnels that act as the base for Lifeforce’s Ravens, as well as housing the power grid. A large portion of the power is provided by multiple windmills.[1][3]



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