
Revision as of 17:15, 23 September 2021 by Taln Fan (talk | contribs)

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Wade by Potato-sunrise.jpg
Groups Reckoners
Homeworld Earth (Reckoners)

Wade still wore his classic dopey grin, as if we were all playing cards instead of preparing for an assassination.


Wade is a Reckoner. He takes part in the invasion of Lux alongside Jax. He has primarily computer-focused skills, which he uses to hack into Lux’s security systems. He loves video games, and isn't very useful in a fight. Prior to being recruited into the Reckoners, he spent several years in his bunker.[2]

He has a peppy, cheerful attitude, and is easy going and lax.[3]


Before Joining the Reckoners

Prior to being invited to join the Reckoners, Wade stayed in his bunker for a few years, often passing the time by playing video games. He often petitioned the Reckoners, asking to join their ranks, but was always denied.[2]


  • Wade has an extreme fondness for both Twinkies and sherbet.


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