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Universe Skyward Universe
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The varvax are a race of aliens in the Milky Way.[1] They were ordered to capture and secure their surrender the Defiant Fleet after the Third Human War, however, the humans escaped to Detritus. The varvax now maintain the space station close to the planet and act as guards to prevent the humans escaping. They often send drones to attack the Defiants in order to prevent them gaining too much technology. [2] Before gaining information on the varvax, which was stolen by Spensa and M-Bot, the Defiants referred to the race as the Krell.

One of them was inhabiting the skin of Denise Carlson. Another was in Edmund.

Sonn was their foreign minister on Earth.


Varvax are actually small creatures that float in a nutrient bath. They are surrounded by a large, inorganic exoskeleton that contains quartz and granite. When speaking, they create clicks and snaps with their claws and use many hand gestures. They are described as wearing bright colors, having red eyes, and looking like crabs. They seem to have a living apparatus with open plates of the "head" portion for them to see out of as a kind of armor.[2]


By their own standards, they, like all species with Cytonics, are of Primary Intelligence. They are peaceful and try to avoid conflict, going so far as to shrug off one of their own being apparently murdered. However, not all Varvax agree with this philosophy. They subjugate their territories (including other races) using cytonic suppression to enforce peace in the galaxy. These discontents learned how to swap minds with humans to steal their superior technology and start a war.

The first jump they made using FTL transportation occurred before they invented the computer. As such, their technological development is much less advanced than that of humans. However, their Cytonics is the most developed in the galaxy.

Once discovering cytonics, the varvax will commonly use it to communication between themselves, but they will also use radios. Another form of cytonics used by the varvax is a sort of mind control.[2] They can take over the minds of some people and have them see things that are not there.

Containing the Human Scourge

The varvax live in a space station near the planet Detritus, outside the debris field. This space station is shaped like a spinning top, with lights on all sides, appearing as a star at first glance.[2] The varvax used some sort of mind distortion on Zeen Nightshade when he left the Detritus atmosphere and passed the protective shell to make him see his allies as varvax drones causing him to attack his own people.[2] They attempt to do this to Spensa Nightshade when they encounter her. The varvax are very frightened of humans, not wanting to go near them because of how dangerous they are.[2] They do want to study how the humans are building their ships, but when Spensa makes a face at them they flee from her, scared of what she will do.

During their time guarding the humans on Detritus, the varvax have two types of ships at their space station.[2] The first one is a ship of unclear purpose, but they might be couriers or tow ships. They look boxy, with large open windows in the front. On these ships is stenciled Ketos redgor Earthen listro listrins (creating the acronym KRELL), translating roughly to Penitentiary maintenance and containment of Earthlings.[2] The second type of this is the varvax drones that are usually remotely piloted. They are small, bulbous, with an unfinished look--with wires trailing behind like tails.[3] They have small, opaque black cockpits, and will usually explode completely when damaged or when they crash. Inside the interceptors is varvax armor, dark forms in armor with red eyes, but the ships themselves are unmanned fighter drones.[3][2]

The varvax are keeping the Humans on Detritus by order of the Superiority. The ship the Defiant refused to turn themselves in, thinking they were innocent. The varvax were sent to hunt down the humans, and cornered them on Detritus.[4] The Superiority keep them there for fear that if the humans escape they will try and conquer the universe. They do not see themselves as murderous, but as prison guards, trying to keep the humans from advancing too much.[4] The Lifebusters were designed for this, and they attack frequently to keep human minds on defending instead of advancing their technology. They have laws against wiping out the human race entirely, and consider Detritus a preserve for humans.[4] Due to galactic law, The varvax can only cause a certain amount of damage to the humans as they cannot legally cause the race to go extinct. This matter is contentious amongst the politicians in the superiority, and it appeared that Battle of Alta Second was meant to destroy humans, with one faction having gotten its way.[4]


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