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Hello everyone, I am Nightstar The Bright. I really enjoy reading Brandon Sanderson’s books, sometime after I read them all I began editing the Coppermind.
Hey everyone, I died as a normal man and returned as Nightstar The Bright! New Scholar and Arcanist.

Notable pages I reworked
But seriously, I write mostly Nalthian articles sprinkled with some Canticle pages.
* [[Court of Gods]]
* [[Iridescent Tones]]
* [[Listener]]
* [[Duladel]]
* [[Pahn Kahl]]
* [[Jah Keved]]
* [[Fjorden]]
* [[T'Telir]]
* [[Hallandren]]
* [[Idris]]
*[[Final Empire]]

! The following text is a collection of the information about Alethkar!
I’m currently fixing The Court of Gods.
Alethi is used widely throughout the eastern world to make the underscript of a book. Also, lots of Alethi epics, which are famous even outside Alethkar.{{book ref|sa3|i|2}} Curly dark hair is northern Alethkar.{{book ref|sa2|40}} Alethi women like to wear their hair in intricate braids.{{book ref|sa2|47}}

==== Slavery ====
Slavery is common in Alethkar, although there are many laws surrounding it. These laws binding slavers and slaves are Vorin in origin, and as such apply to all the major Vorin realms. Every slave receives a brand on their forehead, appropriately named a slaves's brand. These brands are made up of two glyphs, and they indicate, among other things, where a slave was branded. Only lighteyes can brand someone a slave.{{book ref|sa1|2}}

Every man has a slave debt, which he can theoretically pay off to earn back his freedom. It is suspected by some people to be a shum however, intended to keep the slaves docile. This is due to the amount of the slave debt being an enormous amount, far more then a slave is sold for. Additionally, it is common for masters to find ways to cheat a slave out of their wages, charging them for housing etc. A master can also always set a man free, or the man can try and escape.{{book ref|sa1|2}}
Slaves themselves...

The Court of Gods is the heart of [[Hallandren]] politics and home of the [[Returned]]. It contains the Returned, including the [[God King]], and the [[Lifeless]] army, it is also the home of the Priesthood.

A slaver must provide the reason someone was sold into slavery when he sells the slave, it is illegal to lie. Every man has a slave debt, but he can theoretically pay it off and earn back his freedom. It is suspected by some people to be a shum however, intended to keep the slaves docile because it is an enormous amount, far more then a slave is sold for. Many masters find ways to cheat a slave out of their wages, charging them for housing etc. A master can also always set a man free, or the man can try and escape. People don't like slavers, and so they often choose other slavers as company. According to Vorin rules, every slave has to be paid a small wage, half of what a non slave would receive. {{book ref|sa1|4}} Slave carts, roughly 10 men per. Masters are free to give beatings. Stealing may make someone a slave (Chulls). Although it could also be a death sentence (stealing horses) Many Alethi slaves are sold to the remote, small and independent cities on the coast of the unclaimed hills. The rules binding slavers and slaves are Vorin in origin, and as such apply to all the major Vorin realms. Brands are burned into the skin. Brands are made up of a glyphpair; the highlord's district where the person is originally branded.{{book ref|sa1|2}} Each slaver has a ledger containing information on the slaves, such as how much they've paid of their slave debt, it isn't uncommon to lie though. Prices range from roughly 1,5 emerald broams for a weak or bad slave{{book ref|sa1|6}} to three emerald browns for a good one, although the average is two broams.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
==Appearance ==
=== God king’s palace ===
The palace of the [[Susebron|God King]] is located at the far side of the Court of Gods,{{book ref|wb|4}} directly opposite to the court’s gates. It is large, far larger then the other palaces{{book ref|wb|4}} and is pyramidal in shape. The first few levels are formed of large square blocks, though the rest of the levels are steeper and closer to a traditional fortress.{{book ref|wb|54}}

==== Vorin legal code of citizenship ====
Because the God king represents all colors, the rooms where the God King stays are each coloured differently.{{book ref|wb|6}} The stone walls are still black however, so coloring is achieved by filling the room with silks and tiles of a specific color.{{book ref|wb|6}} The palace is divided into two area’s, the inner part, where the God king resides, in this area the rooms are all coloured,{{book ref|wb|24}}and the outer part, this is the servants area, inside this area the rooms are all black.{{book ref|wb|24}} Some rooms have windows to the outside.{{book ref|wb|8}} Most rooms in the palace don’t have a dedicated purpose, instead the servants bring in furniture when it is needed.{{book ref|wb|8}} Because of this most things in the palace are portable, like for example bathtubs.{{book ref|wb|8}} There are lots of storage rooms in the palace.{{book ref|wb|8}} There is a way to get to the top of the palace.{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|56}} There is a large library.{{book ref|wb|27}}{{book ref|wb|24}}
Incredibly complex. People who provide an essential function to their settlement, as well as their apprentices, are given special privileges.{{book ref|sa1|37}}

A lighteyes of sufficient rank can arrest someone, but then they have to fight an inquest.{{book ref|sa1|37}} There are a small number of nahns, the lowest ones, where you don’t need to fight an inquest.{{book ref|sa2|44}} The tradition of the trial by sword was banned by Queen Jasnah Kholin.
There is always food available, so that when the [[God King]] asks for it, he doesn’t have to wait.{{book ref|wb|36}}

== Economy ==
{{image|Warbreaker Chapter 4 by CarloswkArt.jpg|side=left|width=300px}}
=== Currency ===
As with many other nations on Roshar, their economy was based upon [[Spheres|glass spheres with cut polestones in their center]], known simply as spheres. In the mint, they check sphere weights in order to see if they fell into the proper categories.{{book ref|sa4|16}} The value of polestones, and thus the worth of sphere denominations in their economy, is based around the value of the substances a polestone can transmute another substance into.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}}

=== State Income ===
The Palace was first created by the shipmates of Vo, as a residence for their Queen. Before the [[Manywar]] the fortress was stark,{{book ref|wb|51}} built with odd twists and turns to confuse an invading foe.{{book ref|wb|51}} After the Manywar, while the stonework remained the same, The open dining halls or garrison rooms were split into many, smaller rooms,{{book ref|wb|51}} colorfully decorated in the mode of the Hallandren upper class.
Taxation is levied upon darkeyes and landless lighteyes over rights to live on the territory of wealthier lighteyes.{{book ref|sa3|106}} If a citylord fails to pay his taxes to the highlord, people are sent to collect it from him, often violently.{{book ref|sa3|26}}{{book ref|sa3|106}} The highlord answers to the highprince;{{book ref|sa3|116}} and highprinces themselves are taxed by the king for the right to use soulcasters, which were an important resource in waging prolonged, large-scale conflicts. This is the primary form of taxation levied upon the highprinces by the king.{{book ref|sa1|15}}

=== Returned palaces ===
=== Labour and professions ===
Additionally all the [[Returned]] have their own palace in the Court.{{book ref|wb|3}} These palaces are arranged in a ring. While the palaces are the same color as the Returned who inhabits it, they are painted with many different hues, only visible for someone of the third [[heightening]].{{book ref|wb|14}} The palaces have two stories, although the second story is little more then a roof, with no walls.{{book ref|wb|47}} The palaces contain dozens of rooms. These rooms are filled with the finest decorations imaginable.{{book ref|wb|3}} While the palaces do have hallways, these are for the servants.{{book ref|wb|3}} At the center of a palace is a small room, in this room the residing Returned feasts on the breath of a child.{{book ref|wb|3}}

Slaves and parshmen. Most Alethi towns have no surgeon, they do the best with local men who learn most of what they know from superstition or working on the occasional wounded Chull.{{book ref|sa1|37}}

Each red was different, like notes on a musical scale. The walls were of pure red. The roof tiles, side columns, and other ornamentations were of slightly different shades, each distinct and intentional. The columns, for instance, formed stepping fifths of color, harmonizing with the base tint of the walls.
Akanny in the Sadeas Princedom served as a major source of agriculture throughout Alethkar, being the source of a signifigant portion of the nation's lavis and tallew.{{book ref|sa3|10}} Other towns and cities throughout Alethkar are important centures for the production of hog leather and meat, whilst others still harvested [[gumfrems]] for their gemhearts, which were used in the soulcasting of meat.{{book ref|sa3|10}} Merchants of 1 and 2st nahn. (Footnote-like in other Vorin kingdoms). Many people go to the tavern: a days work and then an evening at the tavern for fun.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
|Vivenna describing a Returned palace

=== The Market ===
Alethkar has some form of open market,{{book ref|sa4|18}} though the amount of openness in the economy, that is the amount of government regulation in the market, is unclear.

=== Foreign Trade ===
Through trade treaties, they are able to trade with Jah Keved for cheap.{{book ref|sa3|66}} As of the True Desolation, Fen Rnamdi held administration over trade and supply, as one of the stipulations in the coalition of monarchs.{{book ref|sa3|96}}

== Architecture ==
Streets run east to west and doorways face away from the Origin bcs highstorms.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
=== Infrastructure ===
Alethkar has poor transport infrastructure, making travel and resource movement between distant cities slow and cumbersome.{{cite}} This increases the important of soulcasters to their economy and military.{{cite}}

The aquisition of Oathgates after the Battle of Narak greatly assisted in trade across the continent.{{book ref|sa3|96}} Many lighteyes have gardens in front of their mansions. During the year 1167 oil lamps were considered by many to be provincial.{{book ref|sa1|37}} Many mansions also have a crypt.{{book ref|sa1|41}} Every city has a little huddle of buildings for caravaneers and the likes. Also large stormbunkers to house armies or multiple caravans.{{book ref|sa3|45}} many small villages have a central cistern to catch rain water and filter out the crem. Buildings are built up against one another for protection. Also, rounded roofs repel te wind better. Some flats/large buildings as well that can hold a dozen families. Classical style: pillars in the front.{{book ref|sa2|40}}

==== Dining etiquette ====
Lighteyes meals generally have a cup of water for dipping one’s fingers and clean white napkins beside them.{{book ref|sa1|37}}

=== The True Desolation ({{rosharan date|1173}} - ) ===
{{for|True Desolation}}

Also, meeting with listeners. Urithiru and warcamps, highprinces appointed (Roion and Aladar as judge). Battles and retreat to Jah Keved and Herdaz There, he fought against the [[Voidbringers]] as they encroached northward into [[Alethkar]]. He attempted to rally the rest of the troops in the country, but they were forced back towards [[Herdaz]].{{book ref|sa3|58}} Alethi aid other countries (Aladar). a little more about the siege of Kholinar, with more emphasis on other cities and settlements. More about Jasnah’s crowning. He (Dalinar) instructed the officer to make it known that [[Ialai]] had killed herself and told him that they could begin a full occupation of the warcamps.{{book ref|sa4|10}} Planning before thaylen field. More on Karanak. Expedition to Emul: war and stripping Ruthar, trial by sword forbidden. Also more on the battle of Narak.

Dalinar Kholin, with the king’s authority, released a proclamation, first in private to the highprinces and then to the public,{{book ref|sa2|4}} stating that all gemhearts won in battle now belonged to the king and the wealth will be apportioned at the Crown's discretion. This proclamation was made to refocus the Highprinces' attention on the war and not on gaining wealth. Hatham was the only highprince to comment on this proclamation publicly, denouncing Elhokar's decision.{{book ref|sa2|5}}

Some time later king Elhokar suffers an assassination attempt in the form of a sabotaged railing, luckily his guards can pull him up before he falls. Another while later the [[Szeth|assassin in white]] returns, he ostensibly attempts to assassinate Elhokar, although he actually means to kill the king’s uncle, Dalinar. This attempt is thwarted however, and the king calls a meeting of Alethkar’s elite. [[Shallan Davar]], betrothed of Adolin Kholin, brings news to this meeting, telling the members of [[house Kholin]] about Jasnah Kholin’s death. A couple of weeks later Adolin meets with [[Eshonai]], the listener general, to discuss a listener surrender. She is cold to him however, and denies his every attempt at making peace.{{book ref|sa2|51}}

Troubled by the [[glyph]]s scratched on his walls and wanting to end the War of Reckoning Dalinar Kholin soon began to gather allies for an expedition onto the Plains.{{book ref|sa2|50}} Weeks, and much preparation, later he sets of, taking his entire army with him. Three of the highprinces join him [[Roion]], [[Sebarial]] and [[Aladar]].

As the four armies neared the center of the Shattered Plains they discovered that the listeners had changed forms. Close to the center they held a war council and decided to assault the listener forces. This battle, called the Battle of Narak, occured on {{Rosharan date|1173|10|10|3}} and saw the deaths of many Alethi, including highprince [[Roion]]. The Alethi forces were victorious, but ultimately unable to prevent the summoning of the Everstorm. During this same time there was an assassination attempt on the life of king Elhokar by the [[diagram]], but this plan was foiled when [[Kaladin]] swore the third [[Immortal words|ideal]]. The Everstorm caused the start of the True Desolation.{{article ref|Words of Radiance/Timeline|Words of Radiance timeline}}

The Everstorm caused the Parshmen to become whole again, and Parshmen across the world, including those in Alethkar, broke free, fleeing from their owners. These Parshmen, now singers, along with the unexpected Everstorm, wreaked havoc among the Alethi. Many buildings were damaged or destroyed by the storm, although the singers generally left their towns peacefully. The Alethi armies weathered the storm and the singers well, be it in Urithiru or the warcamps.
Another room is the offering room, this room is long and thin and is completely white,{{book ref|wb|3}} something very unusual in Hallandren. This room is used to show the offerings which were made to a Returned,{{book ref|wb|3}} these will in turn rate the paintings.{{book ref|wb|3}} Petitions are heard in the petition hall, this room is often open to the outside and contains a throne for the residing Returned.{{book ref|wb|12}} All the palaces are lit by torches and lanterns with the same colours as their gods.{{book ref|wb|47}}

A short time after the first Everstorm Dalinar issued a command, all highprinces were to abandon the warcamps and move to Urithiru, although many highprinces disobeyed this order, staying in the warcamps. After highprince Torol Sadeas arrived at the tower he was murdered by Adolin Kholin. Following his murder, rulership of the Sadeas Princedom was passed to Meridas Amaram by [[Ialai Sadeas]], as the heir to the position was too young to fill it.{{book ref|sa2|89}}{{book ref|sa3|26}} At the same time Dalinar appointed highprince Aladar as highprince of Information and [[Roion's son]] as the new Roion Highprince.{{book ref|sa3|2}}
Due to Hallandren’s climate the palaces don’t have actual walls, and are separated by little more then cloth. The Returned do employ guards, however these aren’t meant to actually protect the palaces, and are unarmed.{{book ref|wb|21}} The guards instead prevent people from entering the palaces without a reason.{{book ref|wb|21}}

=== Arena ===
Just outside of the ring of palaces, at the back of the Court, is an arena.{{book ref|wb|14}} This arena has a circular shape and is very ornate, although not to large.{{book ref|wb|14}} The Arena lacks a roof and its floor is made out of sand.{{book ref|wb|14}} There are four rows of benches for the common people to sit on, while the gods enjoy clefts carved into the building.{{book ref|wb|14}} These boxes are located at the tops of the arena, so everyone have to look up at them, they also have holes in them for the canopy of a [[Returned|God]].{{book ref|wb|14}} The [[God King]] also has a box, and on top of this box is a golden throne.{{book ref|wb|15}} this box is located at the very top of the arena.{{book ref|wb|15}}

The arena is a source of entertainment for the [[Returned]], but the priests debate here as well, informing the Returned about the current political situation.{{book ref|wb|15}} A lot of the larger events are held here.{{book ref|wb|14}} It also allows the common people to see the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}} The floor of the arena can be furnished as needed, in the case of a debate for example a number of pedestals would be put down.{{book ref|wb|15}}

Situation in Alethkar. Coalition. Kholinar. Thaylen field. Hearthstone. Karanak.
The Court’s arena is often used as a location for athletic individuals to engage in contests of physical prowess.{{book ref|wb|27}} Some arena competitions mentioned are shot put, javelin toss, archery, leaping contests, and races.{{book ref|wb|27}} The Returned often watch these events.{{book ref|wb|27}}

Meanwhile, the Alethkar homelands were besieged by the newly awakened [[singer]] forces led by the [[Fused]], culminating in the [[Siege of Kholinar|siege]] and eventual fall of [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|85}}
Common people can enter the arena through a couple of different ways. They can simply buy their way in, or possess enough breath to be let in without issue.{{book ref|wb|14}} They can also win a lottery and be allowed into the Court.{{book ref|wb|27}}

After Elhokar was killed by [[Moash]] during the siege, and [[Adolin Kholin]] refused to take the throne after the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], [[Jasnah Kholin]] became Queen.{{book ref|sa3|84}}{{book ref|sa3|122}} The current heir to the throne is Elhokar's son, [[Gavinor]] -- however, he's still a child and a regency in his name was deemed too unstable and dangerous during the time of the [[True Desolation]].
=== Gardens and Walls ===
The Court is essentially a giant lawn.{{book ref|wb|14}} There are no true gardens in the Court, however the Returned may summon gardeners, these then bring out many different types of plants, going so far as to create temporary flower beds.{{book ref|wb|23}}

On {{Rosharan date|1174|2|10|5}}{{ref|name=timeline}}, the Alethi and Thaylen armies defended [[Thaylen City]] against the incursion of the [[Fused]] army.{{book ref|sa3|111}}{{book ref|sa3|112}} This battle was motivated by the Alethi wishing to protect their Thaylen allies, and in order to secure the Thaylen [[Oathgate]]; They wished to secure the Oathgate due to the strategic advantage it granted them.{{cite}}{{expand}}
The Court of Gods has two walls,{{book ref|wb|4}} although it’s unclear if this second wall runs around the entire court. The first wall is meant to stop people from wandering in,{{book ref|wb|4}} while the second one hides the Court from watching eyes on the outside of the first gate.{{book ref|wb|4}} The walls are hung by large tapestries,{{book ref|wb|47}} these tapestries are replaced often enough to not have a single scratch.{{book ref|wb|47}}

By the time of the Battle of Thaylen Field, most of Alethkar was under Fused hegemony.{{book ref|sa3|120}} One of the major military centers in the occupation was the capital city of the [[Vamah princedom]], [[Revolar]]. Between 40,000 and 50,000 Singers were stationed there.{{book ref|sa3|31}}
These walls are protected by human soldiers.{{book ref|wb|55}}

A year after the Battle of Thaylen Field, Dalinar had managed to retake the southwestern corner of Alethkar which touches the Tarat Sea. Dalinar considered launching a major offensive into Alethkar but was convinced by the [[Dieno|Mink]] that it would be wiser to attempt to retake Emul.{{book ref|sa4|17}}
Common people can enter the Court through a couple of different ways. They can simply buy their way in, or possess enough breath to be let in without issue.{{book ref|wb|14}} They can also win a lottery and be allowed into the Court.{{book ref|wb|27}}

In {{rosharan date|1175|3}}, an attempt was mounted by the coalition to evacuate the city of Hearthstone. After a battle with Fused occupiers, most notably [[Lezian]], all but fifteen occupants of Hearthstone were successfully evacuated via the ''[[Fourth Bridge]]'', and brought to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa4|6}} During the battle, Brightlord Roshone was killed by [[Vyre]], leading to the position of citylady eventually being passed on to Laral.{{book ref|sa4|6}}{{book ref|sa4|18}}
=== Lifeless Enclave ===
The [[lifeless]] barracks are located at the bottom of the Court.{{book ref|wb|47}} The building is gigantic{{book ref|wb|47}} and has a covered walkway leading to it.{{book ref|wb|47}} There are multiple guard posts on the walkway from the Court to the Enclave.{{book ref|wb|47}} This walkway also contains several twisting passages, designed to confuse and disorganise enemies trying to strike at the lifeless.{{book ref|wb|47}} The lifeless are kept in the dark.{{book ref|wb|47}}

The compound is made up of four warehouse like storage areas for the different groups of [[lifeless]]{{book ref|wb|47}} There is also a track for them to run around{{book ref|wb|47}} and a room with various stones and blocks of metal for them to lift.{{book ref|wb|47}} There is also a medical area where their [[ichor-alcohol is tested and refreshed.{{book ref|wb|47}} There is also a viewing platform, allowing a person to get a good overview of the lifeless.{{book ref|wb|47}}
==== Expedition to Emul ({{rosharan date|1175}}) ====

Latest revision as of 21:27, 1 July 2024

Hello everyone, I am Nightstar The Bright. I really enjoy reading Brandon Sanderson’s books, sometime after I read them all I began editing the Coppermind.

Notable pages I reworked

! The following text is a collection of the information about Alethkar! Alethi is used widely throughout the eastern world to make the underscript of a book. Also, lots of Alethi epics, which are famous even outside Alethkar.[1] Curly dark hair is northern Alethkar.[2] Alethi women like to wear their hair in intricate braids.[3]


Slavery is common in Alethkar, although there are many laws surrounding it. These laws binding slavers and slaves are Vorin in origin, and as such apply to all the major Vorin realms. Every slave receives a brand on their forehead, appropriately named a slaves's brand. These brands are made up of two glyphs, and they indicate, among other things, where a slave was branded. Only lighteyes can brand someone a slave.[4]

Every man has a slave debt, which he can theoretically pay off to earn back his freedom. It is suspected by some people to be a shum however, intended to keep the slaves docile. This is due to the amount of the slave debt being an enormous amount, far more then a slave is sold for. Additionally, it is common for masters to find ways to cheat a slave out of their wages, charging them for housing etc. A master can also always set a man free, or the man can try and escape.[4]

Slaves themselves...


A slaver must provide the reason someone was sold into slavery when he sells the slave, it is illegal to lie. Every man has a slave debt, but he can theoretically pay it off and earn back his freedom. It is suspected by some people to be a shum however, intended to keep the slaves docile because it is an enormous amount, far more then a slave is sold for. Many masters find ways to cheat a slave out of their wages, charging them for housing etc. A master can also always set a man free, or the man can try and escape. People don't like slavers, and so they often choose other slavers as company. According to Vorin rules, every slave has to be paid a small wage, half of what a non slave would receive. [5] Slave carts, roughly 10 men per. Masters are free to give beatings. Stealing may make someone a slave (Chulls). Although it could also be a death sentence (stealing horses) Many Alethi slaves are sold to the remote, small and independent cities on the coast of the unclaimed hills. The rules binding slavers and slaves are Vorin in origin, and as such apply to all the major Vorin realms. Brands are burned into the skin. Brands are made up of a glyphpair; the highlord's district where the person is originally branded.[4] Each slaver has a ledger containing information on the slaves, such as how much they've paid of their slave debt, it isn't uncommon to lie though. Prices range from roughly 1,5 emerald broams for a weak or bad slave[6] to three emerald browns for a good one, although the average is two broams.[7]

Vorin legal code of citizenship[edit]

Incredibly complex. People who provide an essential function to their settlement, as well as their apprentices, are given special privileges.[8]

A lighteyes of sufficient rank can arrest someone, but then they have to fight an inquest.[8] There are a small number of nahns, the lowest ones, where you don’t need to fight an inquest.[9] The tradition of the trial by sword was banned by Queen Jasnah Kholin.



As with many other nations on Roshar, their economy was based upon glass spheres with cut polestones in their center, known simply as spheres. In the mint, they check sphere weights in order to see if they fell into the proper categories.[10] The value of polestones, and thus the worth of sphere denominations in their economy, is based around the value of the substances a polestone can transmute another substance into.[11]

State Income[edit]

Taxation is levied upon darkeyes and landless lighteyes over rights to live on the territory of wealthier lighteyes.[12] If a citylord fails to pay his taxes to the highlord, people are sent to collect it from him, often violently.[13][12] The highlord answers to the highprince;[14] and highprinces themselves are taxed by the king for the right to use soulcasters, which were an important resource in waging prolonged, large-scale conflicts. This is the primary form of taxation levied upon the highprinces by the king.[15]

Labour and professions[edit]

Slaves and parshmen. Most Alethi towns have no surgeon, they do the best with local men who learn most of what they know from superstition or working on the occasional wounded Chull.[8]

Akanny in the Sadeas Princedom served as a major source of agriculture throughout Alethkar, being the source of a signifigant portion of the nation's lavis and tallew.[16] Other towns and cities throughout Alethkar are important centures for the production of hog leather and meat, whilst others still harvested gumfrems for their gemhearts, which were used in the soulcasting of meat.[16] Merchants of 1 and 2st nahn. (Footnote-like in other Vorin kingdoms). Many people go to the tavern: a days work and then an evening at the tavern for fun.[17]

The Market[edit]

Alethkar has some form of open market,[18] though the amount of openness in the economy, that is the amount of government regulation in the market, is unclear.

Foreign Trade[edit]

Through trade treaties, they are able to trade with Jah Keved for cheap.[19] As of the True Desolation, Fen Rnamdi held administration over trade and supply, as one of the stipulations in the coalition of monarchs.[20]


Streets run east to west and doorways face away from the Origin bcs highstorms.[17]


Alethkar has poor transport infrastructure, making travel and resource movement between distant cities slow and cumbersome.[citation needed] This increases the important of soulcasters to their economy and military.[citation needed]

The aquisition of Oathgates after the Battle of Narak greatly assisted in trade across the continent.[20] Many lighteyes have gardens in front of their mansions. During the year 1167 oil lamps were considered by many to be provincial.[8] Many mansions also have a crypt.[21] Every city has a little huddle of buildings for caravaneers and the likes. Also large stormbunkers to house armies or multiple caravans.[22] many small villages have a central cistern to catch rain water and filter out the crem. Buildings are built up against one another for protection. Also, rounded roofs repel te wind better. Some flats/large buildings as well that can hold a dozen families. Classical style: pillars in the front.[2]

Dining etiquette[edit]

Lighteyes meals generally have a cup of water for dipping one’s fingers and clean white napkins beside them.[8]

The True Desolation (1173 - )[edit]

Also, meeting with listeners. Urithiru and warcamps, highprinces appointed (Roion and Aladar as judge). Battles and retreat to Jah Keved and Herdaz There, he fought against the Voidbringers as they encroached northward into Alethkar. He attempted to rally the rest of the troops in the country, but they were forced back towards Herdaz.[23] Alethi aid other countries (Aladar). a little more about the siege of Kholinar, with more emphasis on other cities and settlements. More about Jasnah’s crowning. He (Dalinar) instructed the officer to make it known that Ialai had killed herself and told him that they could begin a full occupation of the warcamps.[24] Planning before thaylen field. More on Karanak. Expedition to Emul: war and stripping Ruthar, trial by sword forbidden. Also more on the battle of Narak.

Dalinar Kholin, with the king’s authority, released a proclamation, first in private to the highprinces and then to the public,[25] stating that all gemhearts won in battle now belonged to the king and the wealth will be apportioned at the Crown's discretion. This proclamation was made to refocus the Highprinces' attention on the war and not on gaining wealth. Hatham was the only highprince to comment on this proclamation publicly, denouncing Elhokar's decision.[26]

Some time later king Elhokar suffers an assassination attempt in the form of a sabotaged railing, luckily his guards can pull him up before he falls. Another while later the assassin in white returns, he ostensibly attempts to assassinate Elhokar, although he actually means to kill the king’s uncle, Dalinar. This attempt is thwarted however, and the king calls a meeting of Alethkar’s elite. Shallan Davar, betrothed of Adolin Kholin, brings news to this meeting, telling the members of house Kholin about Jasnah Kholin’s death. A couple of weeks later Adolin meets with Eshonai, the listener general, to discuss a listener surrender. She is cold to him however, and denies his every attempt at making peace.[27]

Troubled by the glyphs scratched on his walls and wanting to end the War of Reckoning Dalinar Kholin soon began to gather allies for an expedition onto the Plains.[28] Weeks, and much preparation, later he sets of, taking his entire army with him. Three of the highprinces join him Roion, Sebarial and Aladar.

As the four armies neared the center of the Shattered Plains they discovered that the listeners had changed forms. Close to the center they held a war council and decided to assault the listener forces. This battle, called the Battle of Narak, occured on Ishishach 1173 and saw the deaths of many Alethi, including highprince Roion. The Alethi forces were victorious, but ultimately unable to prevent the summoning of the Everstorm. During this same time there was an assassination attempt on the life of king Elhokar by the diagram, but this plan was foiled when Kaladin swore the third ideal. The Everstorm caused the start of the True Desolation.[29]

The Everstorm caused the Parshmen to become whole again, and Parshmen across the world, including those in Alethkar, broke free, fleeing from their owners. These Parshmen, now singers, along with the unexpected Everstorm, wreaked havoc among the Alethi. Many buildings were damaged or destroyed by the storm, although the singers generally left their towns peacefully. The Alethi armies weathered the storm and the singers well, be it in Urithiru or the warcamps.

A short time after the first Everstorm Dalinar issued a command, all highprinces were to abandon the warcamps and move to Urithiru, although many highprinces disobeyed this order, staying in the warcamps. After highprince Torol Sadeas arrived at the tower he was murdered by Adolin Kholin. Following his murder, rulership of the Sadeas Princedom was passed to Meridas Amaram by Ialai Sadeas, as the heir to the position was too young to fill it.[30][13] At the same time Dalinar appointed highprince Aladar as highprince of Information and Roion's son as the new Roion Highprince.[31]

Situation in Alethkar. Coalition. Kholinar. Thaylen field. Hearthstone. Karanak.

Meanwhile, the Alethkar homelands were besieged by the newly awakened singer forces led by the Fused, culminating in the siege and eventual fall of Kholinar.[32]

After Elhokar was killed by Moash during the siege, and Adolin Kholin refused to take the throne after the Battle of Thaylen Field, Jasnah Kholin became Queen.[33][34] The current heir to the throne is Elhokar's son, Gavinor -- however, he's still a child and a regency in his name was deemed too unstable and dangerous during the time of the True Desolation.

On Nanishah 1174[35], the Alethi and Thaylen armies defended Thaylen City against the incursion of the Fused army.[36][37] This battle was motivated by the Alethi wishing to protect their Thaylen allies, and in order to secure the Thaylen Oathgate; They wished to secure the Oathgate due to the strategic advantage it granted them.[citation needed][expand]

By the time of the Battle of Thaylen Field, most of Alethkar was under Fused hegemony.[38] One of the major military centers in the occupation was the capital city of the Vamah princedom, Revolar. Between 40,000 and 50,000 Singers were stationed there.[39]

A year after the Battle of Thaylen Field, Dalinar had managed to retake the southwestern corner of Alethkar which touches the Tarat Sea. Dalinar considered launching a major offensive into Alethkar but was convinced by the Mink that it would be wiser to attempt to retake Emul.[40]

In Chach 1175, an attempt was mounted by the coalition to evacuate the city of Hearthstone. After a battle with Fused occupiers, most notably Lezian, all but fifteen occupants of Hearthstone were successfully evacuated via the Fourth Bridge, and brought to Urithiru.[41] During the battle, Brightlord Roshone was killed by Vyre, leading to the position of citylady eventually being passed on to Laral.[41][18]

  1. Oathbringer interlude I-2#
  2. a b Words of Radiance chapter 40#
  3. Words of Radiance chapter 47#
  4. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 2#
  5. The Way of Kings chapter 4#
  6. The Way of Kings chapter 6#
  7. The Way of Kings chapter 69#
  8. a b c d e The Way of Kings chapter 37#
  9. Words of Radiance chapter 44#
  10. Rhythm of War chapter 16#
  11. Oathbringer Ars Arcanum#
  12. a b Oathbringer chapter 106#
  13. a b Oathbringer chapter 26#
  14. Oathbringer chapter 116#
  15. The Way of Kings chapter 15#
  16. a b Oathbringer chapter 10#
  17. a b Words of Radiance chapter 46#
  18. a b Rhythm of War chapter 18#
  19. Oathbringer chapter 66#
  20. a b Oathbringer chapter 96#
  21. The Way of Kings chapter 41#
  22. Oathbringer chapter 45#
  23. Oathbringer chapter 58#
  24. Rhythm of War chapter 10#
  25. Words of Radiance chapter 4#
  26. Words of Radiance chapter 5#
  27. Words of Radiance chapter 51#
  28. Words of Radiance chapter 50#
  29. Words of Radiance timeline#
  30. Words of Radiance chapter 89#
  31. Oathbringer chapter 2#
  32. Oathbringer chapter 85#
  33. Oathbringer chapter 84#
  34. Oathbringer chapter 122#
  35. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named timeline
  36. Oathbringer chapter 111#
  37. Oathbringer chapter 112#
  38. Oathbringer chapter 120#
  39. Oathbringer chapter 31#
  40. Rhythm of War chapter 17#
  41. a b Rhythm of War chapter 6#