I started reading Brandon's works in 2015 and have been following the community on and off since then. Finally decided to start contributing here in 2019. I'm new to editing wikis, so I'm mostly going to be using this for figuring that out.

Current Projects

  • Queen Tsa: Finished writing article; I have an ebook of Oathbringer coming in a few weeks, and I'll search that to make sure I'm not missing anything when it comes in.
  • Gran-Gran (Becca Nightshade): Just started.

Becca Nightshade (Gran-Gran) is a resident of Igneous Cavern.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Becca is mostly blind and has milky white eyes, having lost her vision a few years ago. She has sticklike arms.[1]



This page or section deals with theories or speculation.
Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical.

As her mother, her son, and her granddaughter all have Cytonic abilities, it is likely that Becca does as well.


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