
Revision as of 00:53, 29 April 2020 by LadyLameness (talk | contribs) (Small addendum - the Superiority may be lying about where the tanyix come from, I suspect we'll find out in the next book whether or not this is true.)

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Abilities Cytonics
World of Origin Cambri
Universe Skyward Universe

The taynix are a species of slugs with cytonic abilities.[1]

Appearance and Anatomy

Taynix are somewhat blobby, and about the size of a loaf of bread, but flatter.[2] They have bright yellow skin and small, blue, somewhat stiff spines along their backs, though there may be coloration differences between individuals.[3] They are not slimy to the touch, feeling tough like leather, but with a soft, springy consistency.[4][5] While they do not have eyes or any components of a face, they can still perceive their environment, probably through sound and scent.[6]


Taynix are able to make fluting noises with their spines,[7] and can do so in different tones or with different emotions.[4][8] They seem capable of recreating any sound, as they often parrot things said to them.[7] They are of above animal intelligence,[9] and Doomslug occasionally corrects Spensa's grammar.[8]

Taynix can move by crawling.[2] They can also move quickly when they care to, though never do so on camera.[10][11] Taynix are able to handle heavy gravitational forces, responding by going rigid and hunkering down, though they do not seem to enjoy the experience.[4]


According to the Superiority, the Taynix are originally from the planet Cambri,[12] though they have since migrated to other planets. They have been found on Detritus and the kitsen homeworld.[13][14] Little is known about their natural living conditions, except that their diet consists mostly of fungi. Consequently, they are often found near such organisms.[1][6]


Taynix have an innate cytonic ability to travel through the dimension of the delvers, and are used by the Superiority as hyperdrives that do not risk drawing the delvers into the universe.[1]. To do so, Superiority hyperdrives use them during a hyperjump to produce a cytonic "scream," which distracts the delvers from the passing ships.[15] This scream is apparently only perceptible for beings with cytonic abilities.[16]


In order to cover up their role in cytonic hyperdrives and maintain control over the rest of the galaxy, the Superiority claims they are highly venomous invasive species.[12][1]


Prior to the rise of the Superiority, humans were likely aware of the cytonic powers of the taynix; Commander Spears' order to M-Bot to look for mushrooms was likely because he was trying to find a taynix to power his cytonic hyperdrive.[1]

At an unknown point in the past, the Superiority began sending teams out to "exterminate" taynix to hide their abilities from other species. In reality they were likely collecting the taynix in order to power their hyperdrives.[14]

During her exploration of the Detritus caves, Spensa finds a taynix which she nicknames Doomslug.[2]

Immediately before the invasion of Detritus, Jorgen finds a colony of several hundred taynix deep in the caves of Detritus.[13]

Notable Taynix


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