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Universe Cosmere
Featured In Mistborn: Secret History

The Beyond is an unknown location that the people of the cosmere are drawn to after they die.[1]


Almost nothing is known about the Beyond, as not even Harmony is able to reach it.[2]


When a person dies, their mind is transported to the Cognitive Realm temporarily before their "body" stretches toward a location that has been defined as: "toward an unseen, distant point that defies geometry", and has also been described as "nothingness" and "eternity." The transition takes longer for Allomancers and Feruchemists (and presumably anyone holding Investiture in life).

It is possible to infer that Mistborn last longer than Mistings, as they have more Investiture in life than the weaker Mistings. Additionally, it is also possible that people with a massive amount of Hemalurgic spikes (like Marsh) last longer than even Mistborn do. Those who have held a massive amount of Investiture in their life and have become Slivers are able to resist the pull into the Beyond, although they can go willingly if they so choose. People who have a Hemalurgic spike in themselves spends a longer time in the Cognitive Realm before being drawn to the Beyond. Inversely, those who have died as a result of having their power taken away by a spike spend a very short time before going.


Known Travelers


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