God Beyond

Revision as of 12:21, 31 May 2020 by Supersammy82 (talk | contribs) (added more citation)

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God Beyond
World of Origin Sel, Scadrial, Threnody
Universe Cosmere

She was a woman. Good at lying, they are. The God Beyond made'm that way.

The God Beyond or the Unknown God is a god that is worshipped on multiple Shardworlds.[1][2][3] It is a belief on a greater God of the universe beyond entities like Shards.[4] It is unknown what relationship the God Beyond has to Adonalsium or to the Beyond.[5]

Mentions of the religion

  • On Roshar, Hoid refers to the God Beyond in a parable while talking with Shallan.[8]
  • On Sel, it is referred to as the Unknown God by the MaiPon, although this is indeed the same as the God Beyond.[2] Wan ShaiLu prays to the unknown god[9], and her people relate it to the rocks that fell from the sky.[10] Additionally, in a scene from the perspective of Hoid at the back of the Elantris Tenth Anniversary Edition, Hoid refers to the Unknown God in passing.[11]


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