
Revision as of 14:03, 21 December 2016 by BeskarKomrk (talk | contribs) (+ nationality and ethnicity)

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This page or section contains spoilers for White Sand!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
Abilities Sand mastery
Titles Mastrell
Groups Sand masters
Ethnicity Daysider
Nationality Lossandin
Homeworld Taldain

Traiben is a Lossandin sand master on the Dayside of Taldain.

He and Kenton entered the Diem at the same time and remains Kenton's best friend, even though he is promoted to the highest rank of Mastrell while Kenton remains an Acolent. Traiben generally supports Kenton, although he is skeptical of Kenton's decision to undergo the Mastrell's Path. When Kenton succeeds, he encourages Kenton to attend the Advancement ceremony. During the ceremony, a large band of Kertzians launch a surprise attack. Traiben is killed while defending himself, mysteriously Overmastering within minutes, when he should be able to use his powers for much longer.


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