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Krell Interceptor.jpg
Leader Department of Protective Services
Headquarters KRELL space station
Type Police force
Universe Skyward Universe
This page or section contains spoilers for Starsight!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.

They kept us contained not out of spite, but because they were genuinely terrified of humankind.

Ketos redgor Earthen listro listrins (KRELL) is a paramilitary force within the Superiority's Department of Protective Services. The name translates to "Penitentiary maintenance and containment of Earthlings".[2] It's unknown whether their jurisdiction is limited to Detritus or if they're responsible for all human preserves.


KRELL's primary task is preventing the human population from leaving their planet.[2][3] They do so mostly by launching occassional attacks on the planet, both to keep them focused on defending themselves, leaving them no breathing room for researching means of escape or recovering any advanced technology. They are, however, forbidden from outright destroying humanity, as Superiority laws forbid a species from being completely wiped out.[4]

This being said, recently this rule appears to no longer be in effect, as KRELL began to more actively seek destruction of humanity, at least on Detritus. This could be motivated by human's improved fighting capacity, or political manouvering by their parent organization, the Department of Protective Services.[4][5]

With how small Superiority's military is, it's highly likely that KRELL represents their greatest fighting force.[6] As such, their drone pilots can sometimes be called on to perform other tasks, such as overseeing tests for the delver fighting force.[7]


Most of the people serving in KRELL are varvax.[3] They command a small fleet of ships, as well as as a space station positioned in the outer space in vicinity of Detritus.[2] The station serves as the KRELL command center, the hub for their fighters, and an observation post from which they monitor the planet.[8] Despite this, it's rather small; smaller than even KRELL capital ships.[9]

Vast majority of their forces are comprised of remotely-controlled drones, although they do possess a number of manned vessels, nicknamed "aces" by the DDF.[8] They also have a small number of lifebusters, special weapons designed to keep Detritus in check, or wipe its population out if necessary.[4] If necessary, they can also call on a small number of larger battleships, which are far more formidable than the fighters.[9] The KRELL vehicles can be recognized by the stenciled name of the force on the side, as well as a white coat of paint.[2][10]



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