
Revision as of 04:48, 15 December 2019 by King of Herdaz (talk | contribs) (finished page)

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Ethnicity Kerztian
Nationality Lossandin
Homeworld Taldain
Universe Cosmere

Grelin is the Lord Merchant Vey's secretary.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Grelin has shoulder length blond hair and a blond goatee. He is seen wearing a white jacket over a purple shirt and is wearing a white top hat with a purple band.


When Kenton comes to speak with Vey five days before the final vote on the Diem Grelin tells him that he will see that Vey gets his message. When Kenton realizes that Grelin doesn't intend to let him in, he bluffs his way into a meeting with Vey, loudly implying that he knows the secret that causes Vey to continue paying tribute to the Diem, and when Vey hears this he invites Kenton in for a private conversation.


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